I didn't say "grads" pertaining to that, but rather, "students."
- 57% in the last year of the school were eligible for free lunch with an additional 9% being eligible for reduced lunch. Add those together, and you get 66%. Both of those count as low-income households:
- 70% (with a high margin of error) of children below 18 live in poverty:
- 47% of Williamson residents live in poverty:
- 39% poverty rate of Williamson:
It shouldn't be hard to ask both of them if they graduated.
But, hey, one of those links also shows that the last year of the school had a math and reading proficiency rate significantly below the average rate in West Virginia, one of the worst producing states in education (and just about every other category). So if your school is below the average in a state with poor education, it's hard to imagine that nearly half of your class graduated from college.
I've shut down every single one of your accusations against except the Grammy nominated one. Keep hiding though, coward.