Do You Leftists Really Agree with This?

that's what really gets me. how many of these liberal faggits are willing to open their home for a few of the illegals that come here with nothing? zero, that's how many. as long as the illegals don't tread on their property and they don't have to deal with the illegals, all is good, open the gates. the second they have to personally deal with them, i guaran-fvcking-tee there'll be some minds a changing regarding open borders.

I adopted a dog, and that is good enough.

But I do deal with these "illegals". I eat in their restaurants, visit their shops, went to a farm last week where the employees looked a little dark for native Hoosiers.

I'd rather have them than Muslims. How about you?
Just stop already. Your analogy made no sense whatsoever. It was another attempt to spin your abortion argument, but was completely flawed in logic.

This is why I advised you to leave the thread. You aren't even to the level of the average moron on here.

There was no analogy presented. It wasn't an analogy at all. It was a hypothetical situation. It wasn't an analogy about saving a woman's life vs. saving a baby's life. It was a hypothetical showing that almost every person, pro-life or pro-choice, would save the young child instead of 100x more embryos. It was to show that your side of life/human isn't even really believed by your side, because you'd choose 1 over 100.

Now, move on to another thread where you can exhibit your stupidity. And learn what an analogy is, stupid.
Again, not hiding. I think maybe the disconnect is I read about half of what you write and move on with my life, whereas you spent your whole weekend on here.

Oh, it's the "My life is better than yours" argument because I posted more on Saturday than you did.

Hell, you posted three times more than I did on Friday. I guess you spent your whole day on here. You've posted a half-dozen more times today than before I even woke up. I guess my Sunday night/Monday morning was better than yours . . . Murox the Moron. Aren't you the fool who claimed you only have 15 minutes/day to spend on here? I think you've surpassed that limit just about every day.

1) Now, I have asked you this numerous times: In a recent thread, you claimed that my first post in it was wrong. You have ran away from explaining how it was wrong numerous times in that and other threads.

2) You've also cowardly ran from this allegation (we will move on to the next ones after you admit you're wrong and a moron regarding this one): You claimed that I don't have "a single credit in the entire music industry." I have now shown a royalty statement/check that is paid to me by the largest performance rights organization whose sole purpose is to pay those with credits in the music industry. I have shown a screenshot of that same organization's registration for my works for this year alone. And now, just yesterday, here is the email I received about them having confirmed yet another credit of mine, which makes 11 or 12 production/writing credits for me just this year alone:



Now, those are two very simple things you can respond to. Try not to be so cowardly when your allegations blow up in your face.

If there's anyone out there who believes any of "coach's" claims, speak up. Just want one person to say they believe you.

Marine already did in another thread, one in which you responded to. Reading is getting tougher for you. Is dementia kicking in early?

The best part is that you contradict your own lies. For weeks, you claimed I was coaching at a D3 or high school, that I had a head coach who was my boss, etc. Now, you put "coach" in quotes as if I am not coaching somewhere and am not a coach. Truly, your pathetic attempts of trying to claim I am lying have only shown your pathetic character after you continue to run away from proof.

Respond to the two situations above, admit you're wrong, and we can move on to the next allegations you've made against me, coward.
Oh, it's the "My life is better than yours" argument because I posted more on Saturday than you did.

Hell, you posted three times more than I did on Friday. I guess you spent your whole day on here. You've posted a half-dozen more times today than before I even woke up. I guess my Sunday night/Monday morning was better than yours . . . Murox the Moron. Aren't you the fool who claimed you only have 15 minutes/day to spend on here? I think you've surpassed that limit just about every day.

1) Now, I have asked you this numerous times: In a recent thread, you claimed that my first post in it was wrong. You have ran away from explaining how it was wrong numerous times in that and other threads.

2) You've also cowardly ran from this allegation (we will move on to the next ones after you admit you're wrong and a moron regarding this one): You claimed that I don't have "a single credit in the entire music industry." I have now shown a royalty statement/check that is paid to me by the largest performance rights organization whose sole purpose is to pay those with credits in the music industry. I have shown a screenshot of that same organization's registration for my works for this year alone. And now, just yesterday, here is the email I received about them having confirmed yet another credit of mine, which makes 11 or 12 production/writing credits for me just this year alone:



Now, those are two very simple things you can respond to. Try not to be so cowardly when your allegations blow up in your face.

Marine already did in another thread, one in which you responded to. Reading is getting tougher for you. Is dementia kicking in early?

The best part is that you contradict your own lies. For weeks, you claimed I was coaching at a D3 or high school, that I had a head coach who was my boss, etc. Now, you put "coach" in quotes as if I am not coaching somewhere and am not a coach. Truly, your pathetic attempts of trying to claim I am lying have only shown your pathetic character after you continue to run away from proof.

Respond to the two situations above, admit you're wrong, and we can move on to the next allegations you've made against me, coward.

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I adopted a dog, and that is good enough.

But I do deal with these "illegals". I eat in their restaurants, visit their shops, went to a farm last week where the employees looked a little dark for native Hoosiers.

I'd rather have them than Muslims. How about you?
how about neither . . . and, no, you don't deal with them to where they personally affect you on the reg. but, seriously, why are you okay with just opening the borders and letting all hell and creation enter? it scares the shit out of me. frankly, at the end of the day, as bad as this may be to say, i hope all the liberal pansy cacksuckers who are for opening the borders and allowing any juan, reggie, or ahkmed in are the ones that are personally affected by every murder, rape, or robbery committed by them.

as for farm hands, just because someone has dark skin doesn't mean they're illegal. could they be? sure. but to judge them illegal just because they're a bit dark, which would more than likely occur because they're in the sun all day more so than they're nationality, lol, is racist as fvck. hell, my grandpap looked damn near like an alabama blue gum the day he died and it wasn't because there was a reggie in the woodpile, it was because he worked the farm all of his life from the time he was a young boy until the day he died. being out in the sun all the time has that affect on a person's skin.
It was a hypothetical showing that almost every person, pro-life or pro-choice, would save the young child instead of 100x more embryos. It was to show that your side of life/human isn't even really believed by your side, because you'd choose 1 over 100.

I know in your warped mind this makes perfect sense to you, but that in no way, shape or form proves the ridiculous point you're trying to make.

Sadly, arguing with you about this can go on for weeks, and you will declare yourself as the winner after each post. You have a mental disorder and it is time to seek treatment. I think you are actually transitioning at this point from Greed2 to Dtard2, or perhaps a combination of the two?
Does anyone have a link that shows that this is not a grass root movement and that it is backed by some liberal group? I’ve seen the accusations, but can’t find any names being mentioned. I could honestly see it both ways. Neither would surprise me.

If it’s a grass root movement, I can’t blame people for trying to find a better opportunity for their family. If it’s a calculated move by some organization sympathetic to the immigrants, it’s a pretty good stunt if they arrive just prior to Election Day. Trump’s promise for a military response against a group that includes a large amount of women and children could be looked upon unfavorably. Any separation of children from parents has already proved unpopular. But it will also energize the Trump base as well.

The Mexican people have been extremely supportive of the Hondurans as they march across their country, donating food, money, and clothing. What this presidency is doing is further driving a wedge into the widening gap in this country as well as across the world.

It will be interesting when they reach the border.

Just throwing this out there. Of course Mexico is being extremely supportive. They are doing that because these people aren't going to be staying there...they are moving along. I know a little bit about the Mexican government and can promise you that the Southern border of Mexico is much harder to cross than the Southern border of the US. And when those from Central America cross illegally, they certainly get more than a slap on the wrist like people do here. Make no mistake, Mexico is being supportive because these folks are headed to the US..not planning to set up shop there.
Honest question but if these people reach the us and claim asylum don’t they have to claim asylum in the first country they step foot in. So in this case depending on where they’re from either Guatemala or Mexico.
I know in your warped mind this makes perfect sense to you, but that in no way, shape or form proves the ridiculous point you're trying to make.

Sadly, arguing with you about this can go on for weeks, and you will declare yourself as the winner after each post. You have a mental disorder and it is time to seek treatment. I think you are actually transitioning at this point from Greed2 to Dtard2, or perhaps a combination of the two?

Stay on topic, moron. How was my post an analogy? If you don't know the meaning of four syllable words, you should probably avoid them.

fvck you and yore dragging down of this bored with your grammatical bullshit and diatribes. frankly, it sucks.

I'm hoping that if people take the time to learn basic grammar, they will also take the time to learn basic knowledge on what they are discussing.

Hell, within the last couple of days, we have one guy who claims the U.S. isn't one of the world's biggest polluters, another guy who doesn't know what an analogy is, and another who claims that since the Founding Fathers didn't discuss healthcare and medical insurance in the Constitution, then they clearly were against it being provided or assisted by the government.

I hate to repeatedly bring it up, but the education West Virginia provides (as a whole) is of drastically poor quality, and many posters on this board are living proof of it.
Stay on topic, moron. How was my post an analogy? If you don't know the meaning of four syllable words, you should probably avoid them.

Look everyone, it's Professor Dickweed.

You were comparing the life of a 4-year old child to that of a cooler full of embryos. Were you not? Yes, you were, therefore you made an analogy. That may not have been your attempt in creating your "hypothetical," but I assure you, that's what you did.

Go read another Yahoo article and then lecture someone as if you're the expert in that field. That's what you seem to do best, Coach.
It is absolutely fair. Mingo County has been a hotbed of corruption and drugs from the 80s on. That's our lifetimes. Bloody Mingo. It's been a backwater forever. It's a place where it was perfectly normal for the homecoming queen to be running around with crack dealers.

I once read a quote that summed it all up: "Mingo County is where JFK invented poverty". Invent it because the rest of America had no idea white people lived that poor....and hillbillies had no idea the rest of America was different than where they lived.

Your post is very typical for something Appalachian folks think: if a few people are doing well times must be good. That shit isn't the real world. I was starting to believe that way myself before I moved. Murox thinks it was Happy Days because he grew up with money.
I have been to nearly literally hundreds and hundreds of hollers in those parts along with Eastern KY and VA. Yes it is poor and has areas that were poor, but Williamson was like may other small towns. Honestly, it was not a bad town. Went all over those places.

Oh people from NY and Boston didn't know people live that way? Have they seen their own slums?
Just throwing this out there. Of course Mexico is being extremely supportive. They are doing that because these people aren't going to be staying there...they are moving along. I know a little bit about the Mexican government and can promise you that the Southern border of Mexico is much harder to cross than the Southern border of the US. And when those from Central America cross illegally, they certainly get more than a slap on the wrist like people do here. Make no mistake, Mexico is being supportive because these folks are headed to the US..not planning to set up shop there.

Good point. I'm not sure this group coming through now met much resistance though. This is the opening line of the link article from the op...

"TAPACHULA, Mexico (AP) — A growing caravan of Honduran migrants streamed through southern Mexico on Sunday heading toward the United States, after making an end-run around Mexican agents who briefly blocked them at the Guatemalan border."

"Streaming across the border" and being "briefly blocked" doesn't sound too restrictive. That might not always be the case. I believe that the good treatment along the way has to do with the hard line rhetoric of Trump. He can't be too popular in Mexico. Supporting the Hondurans seems the natural thing to do.
Good point. I'm not sure this group coming through now met much resistance though. This is the opening line of the link article from the op...

"TAPACHULA, Mexico (AP) — A growing caravan of Honduran migrants streamed through southern Mexico on Sunday heading toward the United States, after making an end-run around Mexican agents who briefly blocked them at the Guatemalan border."

"Streaming across the border" and being "briefly blocked" doesn't sound too restrictive. That might not always be the case. I believe that the good treatment along the way has to do with the hard line rhetoric of Trump. He can't be too popular in Mexico. Supporting the Hondurans seems the natural thing to do.
Of course it does because they aren’t taking up shop in Mexico. They are just passing through
Just throwing this out there. Of course Mexico is being extremely supportive. They are doing that because these people aren't going to be staying there...they are moving along. I know a little bit about the Mexican government and can promise you that the Southern border of Mexico is much harder to cross than the Southern border of the US. And when those from Central America cross illegally, they certainly get more than a slap on the wrist like people do here. Make no mistake, Mexico is being supportive because these folks are headed to the US..not planning to set up shop there.

This makes no sense.

First, you claim that the Mexican government doesn't fvck around and is strict on illegals in their country. Now, you claim that they are being hospitable to illegals in their country due to the belief they won't be trying to live in Mexico.

I don't know about you, but if I am poor and people treat me well and are hospitable, I have an inclination to want to be there. Why wouldn't Mexico simply kick their ass out of their country right now instead of taking the risk they all disperse and try staying there or get turned away at the U.S. border and are stuck in Mexico?
This makes no sense.

First, you claim that the Mexican government doesn't fvck around and is strict on illegals in their country. Now, you claim that they are being hospitable to illegals in their country due to the belief they won't be trying to live in Mexico.

I don't know about you, but if I am poor and people treat me well and are hospitable, I have an inclination to want to be there. Why wouldn't Mexico simply kick their ass out of their country right now instead of taking the risk they all disperse and try staying there or get turned away at the U.S. border and are stuck in Mexico?
Because they want to get at the USA? Trying to set us up to deal with it.
Because they want to get at the USA? Trying to set us up to deal with it.

So Mexico, knowing there is a good chance that cheeto stops them before getting to an access point, is being hospitable to them knowing they may get stuck with the headache and PR of dealing with 10,000 people just to get back at the U.S.?

Go back to the drawing board on that one.
It would be interesting to look at the per capita income of an illegal in the U.S. after they have been here as adults for ten years compared to the average Williamson High graduate.
Rather compare them with street people or folks from the projects in new York city
Look everyone, it's Professor Dickweed.

You were comparing the life of a 4-year old child to that of a cooler full of embryos. Were you not? Yes, you were, therefore you made an analogy. That may not have been your attempt in creating your "hypothetical," but I assure you, that's what you did.

Go read another Yahoo article and then lecture someone as if you're the expert in that field. That's what you seem to do best, Coach.

An analogy is not just a comparison, moron. If I compare two colors of paint, is that an analogy? An analogy is comparing things for the purpose of clarifying or explaining something.

Comparing the 4 year old with the cooler of embryos wasn't clarifying or explaining anything. In no way was what I posted an analogy, stupid.
So Mexico, knowing there is a good chance that cheeto stops them before getting to an access point, is being hospitable to them knowing they may get stuck with the headache and PR of dealing with 10,000 people just to get back at the U.S.?

Go back to the drawing board on that one.
Sure. Mexico lets them go north and then what do we do? Shoot them? Let them in? Stop them. We become the bad guy.
This is why I advised you to leave the thread. You aren't even to the level of the average moron on here.

There was no analogy presented. It wasn't an analogy at all. It was a hypothetical situation. It wasn't an analogy about saving a woman's life vs. saving a baby's life. It was a hypothetical showing that almost every person, pro-life or pro-choice, would save the young child instead of 100x more embryos. It was to show that your side of life/human isn't even really believed by your side, because you'd choose 1 over 100.

Now, move on to another thread where you can exhibit your stupidity. And learn what an analogy is, stupid.

And you are being disingenuous because 100 embryos in a cooler is a horrible comparison to abortion. Only 26% of abortions are performed in the first six weeks of pregnancy. Only 44% before the 8th week. At 8 weeks the baby's arms and legs are formed. An embryo in a cooler is not a viable life until it is put into a woman.

So if you had an 18 year old girl who was 6 weeks pregnant and a 4 year old boy and could only save one, which would you chose, is a more valid argument. In your world that would be the decision between one life or another, in mine it would be 2 lives or one. Still a very hard choice, and I would probably save the kid instead of the pregnant adult.
And you are being disingenuous because 100 embryos in a cooler is a horrible comparison to abortion. Only 26% of abortions are performed in the first six weeks of pregnancy. Only 44% before the 8th week. At 8 weeks the baby's arms and legs are formed.

You should avoid all attempts at logic and just stick to num . . . wait. Never mind.

I'm not being disingenuous. It's a fvcking hypothetical. Everything you said about the percentage of abortions at different stages has no relevance. The point is that you're stuck choosing between fertilized eggs, which according to your side is a human and should not be aborted, and a four year old.

An embryo in a cooler is not a viable life until it is put into a woman.

Jesus Christ. Do you know what the fvcking word "viable" means? It means "feasible." Do you know how in-vitro (see that, Tier Three?) works? They take the MOST viable fertilized egg and jam it back inside the cvnt (though I'm not sure that is the medical term they use).

So, read my sentence again with "feasible" instead of "viable": grab the small cooler that is labeled with "100 FEASIBLE human embryos" at the other end of the room.

Do you know what a human embryo is? It means the sperm has already fertilized the egg. That's conception. Your argument is that a human embryo - a fertilized egg - isn't a human life until it is back inside of the woman? In that case, if an embryo (an egg that has already been fertilized by a sperm, thus conception) is removed from a woman, it is no longer a human life?

Congratulations on just blowing your entire argument for why abortion is wrong. You have agreed that a human embryo (which is AFTER conception) isn't a human life.
Good point. I'm not sure this group coming through now met much resistance though. This is the opening line of the link article from the op...

"TAPACHULA, Mexico (AP) — A growing caravan of Honduran migrants streamed through southern Mexico on Sunday heading toward the United States, after making an end-run around Mexican agents who briefly blocked them at the Guatemalan border."

"Streaming across the border" and being "briefly blocked" doesn't sound too restrictive. That might not always be the case. I believe that the good treatment along the way has to do with the hard line rhetoric of Trump. He can't be too popular in Mexico. Supporting the Hondurans seems the natural thing to do.

You're spot on with your comment about Trump. They hate him and rightfully so. I don't actually think he's doing an awful job at governing but he certainly is awful at being "presidential." In the case of Mexico, obviously he has stirred the pot quite a bit. So, I'm sure they didn't meet much resistance at all when they were like "Oh, we're just passin through to the US."

If this was normal circumstances though, every one of them would go to a Mexican prison and probably be treated like animals. Thats the hypocrisy of dealing with Mexico on immigration. They want the US to open those borders but Mexico's southern border is one of the toughest borders to cross in the world.
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This makes no sense.

First, you claim that the Mexican government doesn't fvck around and is strict on illegals in their country. Now, you claim that they are being hospitable to illegals in their country due to the belief they won't be trying to live in Mexico.

I don't know about you, but if I am poor and people treat me well and are hospitable, I have an inclination to want to be there. Why wouldn't Mexico simply kick their ass out of their country right now instead of taking the risk they all disperse and try staying there or get turned away at the U.S. border and are stuck in Mexico?

Of course it doesn't make sense to you because you don't know anything about the situation and that's obvious in this thread. These folks are being USHERED through Mexico. Just like GK said in his response to me, they are assisting in creating this media circus because they know eventually Trump is going to have to deal with it.
Of course it doesn't make sense to you because you don't know anything about the situation and that's obvious in this thread. These folks are being USHERED through Mexico. Just like GK said in his response to me, they are assisting in creating this media circus because they know eventually Trump is going to have to deal with it.
That was my point. They want to make Trump deal with it.
Oh...and what happens if Trump doesn't let them in? Trust me, they will have to be very clever to stay in Mexico and not be in prison. More than likely they will be bused back to the southern border and deported. It's not that hard to follow.
how about neither . . . and, no, you don't deal with them to where they personally affect you on the reg. but, seriously, why are you okay with just opening the borders and letting all hell and creation enter? it scares the shit out of me. frankly, at the end of the day, as bad as this may be to say, i hope all the liberal pansy cacksuckers who are for opening the borders and allowing any juan, reggie, or ahkmed in are the ones that are personally affected by every murder, rape, or robbery committed by them.

as for farm hands, just because someone has dark skin doesn't mean they're illegal. could they be? sure. but to judge them illegal just because they're a bit dark, which would more than likely occur because they're in the sun all day more so than they're nationality, lol, is racist as fvck. hell, my grandpap looked damn near like an alabama blue gum the day he died and it wasn't because there was a reggie in the woodpile, it was because he worked the farm all of his life from the time he was a young boy until the day he died. being out in the sun all the time has that affect on a person's skin.

I know we white people are not having enough kids to keep the USA rolling. Given a choice, I'll take the Asians and the Christian Hispanics.

Did grandpap speak Spanish?

Here's the thing with farms....if someone is just picking the harvest, there's a decent chance they are here on a temporary farm visa. If they actually work at the farm, no way they are here legally. You could hire a legal worker for, say, $20 an hour, but the guy down the road will hire illegals for $12 an hour. So every farm just hires illegals. All of whom have paperwork, mind you. It's not malicious identity theft, it is so the "wink and nod" system works and everyone knows it is going on. So shit, they even pay taxes.

And these farms will not be raided. Large farmers are politically connected.
I know we white people are not having enough kids to keep the USA rolling. Given a choice, I'll take the Asians and the Christian Hispanics.

Did grandpap speak Spanish?

Here's the thing with farms....if someone is just picking the harvest, there's a decent chance they are here on a temporary farm visa. If they actually work at the farm, no way they are here legally. You could hire a legal worker for, say, $20 an hour, but the guy down the road will hire illegals for $12 an hour. So every farm just hires illegals. All of whom have paperwork, mind you. It's not malicious identity theft, it is so the "wink and nod" system works and everyone knows it is going on. So shit, they even pay taxes.

And these farms will not be raided. Large farmers are politically connected.

As you should. I'm admittedly biased as I married a beautiful Mexican woman from a middle class Mexican family. Because of that though, I have spent more than my share of time in several regions of Mexico the past few years. When people were threatening to move to Canada if Trump was elected, I was thinking "these people are crazy, I'd rather go to Mexico." Obviously they have their problems but for the most part the people are warm, friendly, family-oriented and they genuinely care for one another. As long as they come legally, I love having a good Hispanic population around.
saw this on my FB feed today and thought it was funny.

If 10,00 Russians were marching toward our border to vote for Trump would liberals support that?
Of course it doesn't make sense to you because you don't know anything about the situation and that's obvious in this thread. These folks are being USHERED through Mexico. Just like GK said in his response to me, they are assisting in creating this media circus because they know eventually Trump is going to have to deal with it.

Marrying a Mexican two years ago doesn't suddenly make you an expert on foreign relations of that country.

Your claim is that Mexico is rolling out the red carpet for these people simply to make cheeto potentially look bad. Do you not think that Mexico realizes all/most/some of these people may not get to the U.S.? In that case, they have no problem "looking bad" as a result?

You claim that Mexico is rolling out the red carpet for them. In that case, why was Mexico using tear gas and riot police against them? Was that all an act?

Do you really think 4000-6000 people will all stay together during a 1500 mile trek? Do you not think a good number will splinter off and end up wanting to stay in Mexico instead? Suddenly, Mexico is cool with that?

Your argument is that Mexico is allowing this simply to make cheeto look bad by not letting them into the U.S. However, if that is the case, wouldn't Mexico look just as bad by imprisoning/kicking those same people out of Mexico? Do you really think Mexico has that obviously hypocritical of a mindset and isn't smart enough to realize that?
I know we white people are not having enough kids to keep the USA rolling. Given a choice, I'll take the Asians and the Christian Hispanics.

Did grandpap speak Spanish?

Here's the thing with farms....if someone is just picking the harvest, there's a decent chance they are here on a temporary farm visa. If they actually work at the farm, no way they are here legally. You could hire a legal worker for, say, $20 an hour, but the guy down the road will hire illegals for $12 an hour. So every farm just hires illegals. All of whom have paperwork, mind you. It's not malicious identity theft, it is so the "wink and nod" system works and everyone knows it is going on. So shit, they even pay taxes.

And these farms will not be raided. Large farmers are politically connected.

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