Doing some research

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Not sure I believe this one but it was

Heard a political poll analyst guy say he wouldn't be surprised if in a few weeks if the DN started pulling funds from Harris. According to him they may want to use the money for down ballot races.
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Not sure I believe this one but it waa interesting.

Heard a political poll analyst guy say he wouldn't be surprised if in a few weeks if the DNac started pulling funds from Harris. According to him they may want to use the money for down ballot races.

The presidential campaign will normally do this and the Harris campaign already has.

You do eventually hit a point of diminishing returns on running ads and the like, and then it’s worthwhile to send the money down. Also, spending on down ballot races in swing states has positive knock on effects at the top of the ballot.

FWIW it’s something a campaign is much more likely to do if they feel good about their chances than bad.
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The presidential campaign will normally do this and the Harris campaign already has.

You do eventually hit a point of diminishing returns on running ads and the like, and then it’s worthwhile to send the money down. Also, spending on down ballot races in swing states has positive knock on effects at the top of the ballot.

FWIW it’s something a campaign is much more likely to do if they feel good about their chances than bad.
H&H you all in on Kamala? You seem to think you are really smart so I assume you are.
The presidential campaign will normally do this and the Harris campaign already has.

You do eventually hit a point of diminishing returns on running ads and the like, and then it’s worthwhile to send the money down. Also, spending on down ballot races in swing states has positive knock on effects at the top of the ballot.

FWIW it’s something a campaign is much more likely to do if they feel good about their chances than bad.
Thata not what he said at all. It was opposite.
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H&H you all in on Kamala? You seem to think you are really smart so I assume you are.
Thata not what he said at all. It was opposite.
I mean if the Harris campaign themselves and shoveling $25M downballot it would make sense for the DNC to reroute money that way.

H&H you all in on Kamala? You seem to think you are really smart so I assume you are.
Define all-in? I like her better than Trump or Biden now. In a primary I likely wouldn’t have voted for her. I think she is doing about as well as anyone could in her situation politically right now. My expectations may just be low after 8 years of HRC, Trump and Biden though.
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understatement of the century for all non-hardcore trumpers across america . . . well, with exception of the far lefties who believe whatever corpse the DNC trots out there is the 2nd coming of christ/brahman/allah/zeus/hubbard.
You're a liar. Want proof?? You're here.
I mean if the Harris campaign themselves and shoveling $25M downballot it would make sense for the DNC to reroute money that way.

Define all-in? I like her better than Trump or Biden now. In a primary I likely wouldn’t have voted for her. I think she is doing about as well as anyone could in her situation politically right now. My expectations may just be low after 8 years of HRC, Trump and Biden though.
That's what I thought.
Yeah, if these clowns are the best we can do, we are fvxked.
Reality is the President is more the manager of day to day operations now. They ain't running the show. The machine is which is really led by the CIA and military industrial complex. Throw in large donors(which are the big boys like big tech) and that who is running the show.

That is why they hate Trump. Because he can **** them up and/or at least slow it down. He is from outside.
Reality is the President is more the manager of day to day operations now. They ain't running the show. The machine is which is really led by the CIA and military industrial complex. Throw in large donors(which are the big boys like big tech) and that who is running the show.

That is why they hate Trump. Because he can **** them up and/or at least slow it down. He is from outside.
He had 4 years to get that^^^done. His biggest attempt at it included engaging in insurrection and attempting to illegally overturn the results of a free and fair election. The world will be a little better place when he leaves it.
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That is why they hate Trump. Because he can **** them up and/or at least slow it down. He is from outside.
this actually make sense. why else would they want biden/harris in over trump? dems tout they are going to raise taxes on the wealthy and trump has wrongly been accused of giving only the wealthy tax breaks (wrongly because everybody top to bottom received the benefit). so, dems want to raise taxes on the wealthy, trump reduced the wealthy's taxes, yet the overwhelming majority of the wealthy support the dems. makes zero sense other than the wealthy know they can pull the dem's puppet strings and they have little to no influence on trump.
this actually make sense. why else would they want biden/harris in over trump? dems tout they are going to raise taxes on the wealthy and trump has wrongly been accused of giving only the wealthy tax breaks (wrongly because everybody top to bottom received the benefit). so, dems want to raise taxes on the wealthy, trump reduced the wealthy's taxes, yet the overwhelming majority of the wealthy support the dems. makes zero sense other than the wealthy know they can pull the dem's puppet strings and they have little to no influence on trump.
You're a liar. Want proof?? You're here.
this actually make sense. why else would they want biden/harris in over trump? dems tout they are going to raise taxes on the wealthy and trump has wrongly been accused of giving only the wealthy tax breaks (wrongly because everybody top to bottom received the benefit). so, dems want to raise taxes on the wealthy, trump reduced the wealthy's taxes, yet the overwhelming majority of the wealthy support the dems. makes zero sense other than the wealthy know they can pull the dem's puppet strings and they have little to no influence on trump.
The real answer as to why the business world soured on Trump is tariffs
The reality is the two parties are not much different and thar is be design. They both play within the framework on what the big world order wants. They won't deviate too much. The side issues like abortion, guys, tax rates, they don't give a **** about and those are side issues. What they care about is nobody disrupting the system. Typical Republicans or Democrats don't do that.

Trimpis different. He is not from thar system. They don't know what he will do. He really didn't owe anybody political favors. That's why he is a threat. The system doesn't give flip about abortion or trannies or nominal tax rates or what the admission is into Yosemite. They want a predictable system.
The reality is the two parties are not much different and thar is be design.
I think we mainly disagree on the why of this. I think it’s an inevitable outcome of our electoral system.

We have a system where there are only ever really two choices. Since it’s a zero-sum game, not voting or voting for someone other than the top 2 is giving a half vote to whoever you least want to win.

This means both candidates have to not appeal to the wings, but to the middle, because that is who could possibly flip. No socialist is voting for Trump. No Ayn Rand or whatever adherent is voting for Harris.

Thats why all our elections come down to a razor thin margin. Both parties have a pretty good idea of what is going to appeal to that middle, and they campaign on that. Why do you think Harris gushed about fracking?

So, to not cede the middle which is necessary to win to the other side, both parties end up very samey to try to appeal to them. They pick their pet issues (phrasing) to try and rile the base up, but at the end of the day you’re never going to see a huge difference between the parties in a two party system. And if you do it’ll be a blowout.
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The business world wants stability and predictability. Trying to throw the Constitution into the trash over losing an election is neither of those things.
Oh the business world would probably supply the gasoline to light the constitution on fire (one time they almost did!) if you paid them enough, but they really hate tariffs.
I think we mainly disagree on the why of this. I think it’s an inevitable outcome of our electoral system.

We have a system where there are only ever really two choices. Since it’s a zero-sum game, not voting or voting for someone other than the top 2 is giving a half vote to whoever you least want to win.

This means both candidates have to not appeal to the wings, but to the middle, because that is who could possibly flip. No socialist is voting for Trump. No Ayn Rand or whatever adherent is voting for Harris.

Thats why all our elections come down to a razor thin margin. Both parties have a pretty good idea of what is going to appeal to that middle, and they campaign on that. Why do you think Harris gushed about fracking?

So, to not cede the middle which is necessary to win to the other side, both parties end up very samey to try to appeal to them. They pick their pet issues (phrasing) to try and rile the base up, but at the end of the day you’re never going to see a huge difference between the parties in a two party system. And if you do it’ll be a blowout.
I think it is by design. If you are the DNC or RNC you don't want competition. If you are the big govt you don't want that either. Let's face it. Let's say the DNC wins. The Republicans are still going to get their pike of money for the most part. Yes, they get a bigger cut or more power if they win but, at worst they are #2. Same for the DNC. I think they both got together and crushed competition.

I do think behind the scenes there is a world or order or world power. They don't want disrupted. Money, power, wars etc. The USA and its powerful and govt are certainly part of that. I believe even US presidents are bound by that. There is a machine that continues on without them.

I think both parties are bound by major contributors and donors. We have never had major extremes from one party to the other. It is not like we have Jimmy Cart vs Pole Pot.

I think we have a few major problems. Our national debt. At some point it is going to cripple us. I think our politicians are compromised by big money. I think the middle class and working class are getting crushed. I really believe it is leading to major dissent, trouble, and potential upheaval.
It's not the tariffs specifically, but the globalist "free" traders having their apple cart turned over. I assume that's your point.
Yes, that. And I’m not even saying that’s a bad thing but that’s what he did that pissed off big business. They really like making their cheap shit in third world countries and barging it over here to sell.