Duhon Arrested Again

Are you joking? A suspended license, assuming it is not expired, is still a valid form of identification. You don't have to be able to drive to check into a hotel or board a plane. Jiminy Christmas.

Not sure about WV but here in South Carolina , when the license is suspended it is returned to the DMV , once the suspension is lifted you then apply for and receive a new and current license , that is why here people have to obtain the state ID card ( looks much like a DL) for identification purposes.

It may be different in WV , do not know as my state level law enforcement was limited to South Carolina only , state that is.
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Not sure about WV but here in South Carolina , when the license is suspended it is returned to the DMV , once the suspension is lifted you then apply for and receive a new and current license , that is why here people have to obtain the state ID card ( looks much like a DL) for identification purposes.

It may be different in WV , do not know as my state level law enforcement was limited to South Carolina only , state that is.
You sure do know A LOT about having your license suspended in SC
Not sure about WV but here in South Carolina , when the license is suspended it is returned to the DMV , once the suspension is lifted you then apply for and receive a new and current license , that is why here people have to obtain the state ID card ( looks much like a DL) for identification purposes.

It may be different in WV , do not know as my state level law enforcement was limited to South Carolina only , state that is.

Can you work on getting some alumni in SC to get us a Marshall license plate? I figure there are enough of us in SC to get it done.
Maybe he shouldn't have been in the initial situation to begin with , the DUI , then the entire thread and discussion wouldn't be taking place. Consider that. No DUI , no Suspended license ,so no arrest for driving on a suspended license. So it all rolls back to the original violation , good judgement and he would not have been , what, found passed out behind the wheel , vehicle parked with the engine running?

Good people make mistakes buddy, happens all the time. Who are we to judge him?? I'm not defending him or excusing his behavior, but there is no need for me or anyone else to throw stones. Who knows what he may be going thru personally that led to him making some Bad choices. You just come across as real high and mighty. Good people make bad decisions every day. Doesn't make me or you any better than them, and doesn't mean they can't face there problems head on, overcome the obstacles they created for themselves, and continue on being great people. The world would be a lot better off if people spent more time lifting each other up when they fall, offering a helping hand so to say, instead of kicking them while they are down. I've met some cops that realize people often times just need a helping hand and deserve a second chance, and I've met many who set on there perch only looking for the worst in people, and kicking them while they are down. Hope no one you care about or your own children never go thru a rough patch or battle depression that leads to them making some stupid choices, but if it does happen, I hope no one judges them and someone is there to lend them a helping hand and the encouragement to get back on the right track.
Can you work on getting some alumni in SC to get us a Marshall license plate? I figure there are enough of us in SC to get it done.

Wondering how many understand the initial fee as well as the number of plates that must be reserved ahead of the point where the plate is actually manufactured.
Good people make mistakes buddy, happens all the time. Who are we to judge him?? I'm not defending him or excusing his behavior, but there is no need for me or anyone else to throw stones. Who knows what he may be going thru personally that led to him making some Bad choices. You just come across as real high and mighty. Good people make bad decisions every day. Doesn't make me or you any better than them, and doesn't mean they can't face there problems head on, overcome the obstacles they created for themselves, and continue on being great people. The world would be a lot better off if people spent more time lifting each other up when they fall, offering a helping hand so to say, instead of kicking them while they are down. I've met some cops that realize people often times just need a helping hand and deserve a second chance, and I've met many who set on there perch only looking for the worst in people, and kicking them while they are down. Hope no one you care about or your own children never go thru a rough patch or battle depression that leads to them making some stupid choices, but if it does happen, I hope no one judges them and someone is there to lend them a helping hand and the encouragement to get back on the right track.

Just sated the facts as they are with regards to the DUI as well as the stupidity of driving when you drivers permit is suspended.

If one of my children was ever pulled for DUI or suspicion of DUI , I would hope the officer making the stop would treat them no differently than any other citizen of the State of South Carolina , have witnessed the absolute horrors and devastation , loss of life caused by an impaired operator slamming head on or broadside into a vehicle killing one or more or maiming someone for life too many times over the years. To top that off if the violator manages to survive (as they somehow do more times than not) then has their permit suspended or depending on the case revoked for good and is that stupid to drive that is where the line is drawn , no excuse at all.

I will leave it with this , I doubt very seriously you have ever had someone die in your arms as I have or have had to make a face to face notification to a mother or father , husband or wife that their loved one is now that and then see if you do not have the same mindset law enforcement does regarding someone driving on a revoked or suspended license...when it relates to the initial charge being DUI there is no sympathy at all or second chance.

Anyway Duhon has resigned , will move somewhere else and 10 to 1 will drive again , give you better than 75% on the chance he is involved in another DUI situation or is stopped for a violation while his license is still suspended , just pray the guy does not kill someone one of these days , and pray that he finds it within himself to get professional help for his obvious issue with alcohol.
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And how well do you know him?
I talk to him nearly everyday and be believe me, he is not stupid. Maybe we should wait for the facts to be unearthed before convicting him.
I don't need to know him. Getting a DUI, and then, on top of that, driving on a suspended license. It doesn't take much common sense to do neither of those things.
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Ok 77 I understand. Can't imagine the horror involved in those aspects of the job that us commoners tend to overlook. As far as your 75% prediction, I would say you are absolutely right, and unfortunately even a number as high as 75% may be low balling it. I guess my thinking I just know there are good people out there who truly do make mistakes and learn from them, but after thinking on it, and taking into consideration the awful things you have had to see and deal with, I'd say it is safe to assume that those good people who make mistakes and learn from them are, unfortunately, the exception & not the rule.
And how well do you know him?
I talk to him nearly everyday and be believe me, he is not stupid. Maybe we should wait for the facts to be unearthed before convicting him.
Don't ever question Herdmeister (in case you haven't heard, he goes to every practice) (and every game) (and is great friends with Danny) (and did I mention, he goes to every practice)...............
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I was just asking as I have never had my license suspended or revoked. I do know a few people who did have their license suspended and it was very hard to do their jobs since there was travel involved with it.

I doubt your friends are worth millions of dollars. He has the money for Uber or Taxi to wherever he has to go