Economy Contracted in 1st Quarter

well this comes as no surprise to me. All of the money the govt threw into the economy has not only increased inflation but now that it is drying up. all the numbers that were propped up by it arbitrarily has now begun to contract. Guess Biden can blame Trump or maybe Putin for this as well.
Good point.

"By intentionally selling less....they can charge more."---Greedtard 😂
Yehhh, I told my bosses that and we called the CFO and said, hey we have a way to make more $$$.

How's that. We are going to hold orders and backorder everything on purpose?


Yehh, by selling less and sitting on inventory, we can charge more. Sorry about the invoices you have to pay but, we are going to make more!

Are you guys smoking crack!

No, learned from Jethro from Wayne.
The Dems should be celebrating. They’ve been able to take an economy from +6% growth to almost -2% growth in well under a year.
Not even Greed’s commission pay scale scheme for hourly production workers cratered his operation that quickly.
There would be only one thing left for Greed to do. Since the value of the dollar is down, he would have to open a company store and pay them in company scrip. It would be for their own good.
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There would be only one thing left for Greed to do. Since the value of the dollar is down, he would have to open a company store and pay them in company scrip. It would be for their own good.
That actually sounds pretty good. Wonder if he has any 6 foot decking boards? I'd weed eat around his house for an hour, if I could get 7 of those 6 foot boards. They want damn near $10 a piece at Lowes last night.
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That actually sounds pretty good. Wonder if he has any 6 foot decking boards? I'd weed eat around his house for an hour, if I could get 7 of those 6 foot boards. They want damn near $10 a piece at Lowes last night.
I bet he does. Since you two have a good relationship and he owes you a favor or two, I am sure something could be worked out.
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That's true. As you know, I went to bat for him when raoul was making him sit in the corner. With our help, we were able to get him back into the main dining room.
Putting him in a corner is a reward for the Ignored User.
There would be only one thing left for Greed to do. Since the value of the dollar is down, he would have to open a company store and pay them in company scrip. It would be for their own good.

^^^failed business guy^^^

And a lying idiot trumptard OATH BREAKER
Another fantastic day for the Dem party. The appreciate all things related to wealth destruction. We haven’t even seen the biggest move down yet IMO.

The media is largely avoiding what’s happening in Japan and the yen collapse that seems to be accelerating. That poses some other major events likely coming our way.

Buckle up gentlemen. It’s going to be a very bumpy few years.