Man o man, the Dem Party is really trying to take her out. How long before bat shit crazy Uncle Joe declares his candidacy and the most victimized woman in politics get kicked to the curb by her own party again???
Since you think Joe Biden is bat shit crazy, which republican do you think would do a better job??
Extra - that was posted back in April. The new news is implying more wrongdoing, but I'm not well read on this so maybe your link still holds up. I'm not sure, though.
From the article you linked:
"At a news conference last month, she cited "convenience" as the reason. She said she did not want to carry around two mobile devices, though she acknowledged it "might have been smarter" to have done so."
This is the worst excuse ever. If she and her handlers/IT team can't figure out how to put two email accounts on one smart phone, then they can't run the country. Period.
I don't believe they're that dumb.
Do I think she intentionally used her private server for nefarious means? No. Do I think she just did whatever she wanted because she's a Clinton and she didn't care about protocol or security? Yes. There are rules for regular people. There are rules for politicians. And then there are rules for the Clinton family.
Your point is now wrong since 4 of the 40 emails selected by the IG were shown to be classified, 2 of which were top secretThis was the only point I was offering...............
"The bottom line is this: No one will likely ever know what was deleted from Clinton's server. Barring one of the 30,000 emails Clinton turned over to the State Department being deemed "classified," it's also unlikely she will ever be found to have violated the letter of the law."
Since you think Joe Biden is bat shit crazy, which republican do you think would do a better job??
Since you think Joe Biden is bat shit crazy, which republican do you think would do a better job??
The question really is... When where the emails "marked" as classified. Before or after the former Secretary of State sent them...
You know better than that.
429... I don't disagree with what you are saying at all.. I imagine there is a crap ton of classified info being discussed by any Sec of State... Now as to was that info being passed over the internet via an open source email... While that is a whole different question... I imagine there are very secure networks that the US Government passes encrypted data over... And I imagine that the Sec of State and more so her staff had access to those secure encrypted data netowrks. And there is the key... encrypted data network that requires an encryption device. Not open source data sharing. Believe it or not there are very professional people who work for the Federal Governtment that get paid well to ensure electronic data security protocols are followed and enforced... Time will tell that this is once again another GOP witch hunt...Pj from reports I've read yes I'm fairly certain what I typed is correct. And come on guys don't be so naive to think hat the freakingg sec of state NEVER ever discussed anything that was classified. Just about everything she would discuss would have some sort of national security interest
"In Clinton’s defense, we should note that it was only after Clinton left the State Department, that the National Archives issued a recommendation that government employees should avoid conducting official business on personal emails (though they noted there might be extenuating circumstances such as an emergency that require it). Additionally, in 2014, President Barack Obama signed changes to the Federal Records Act that explicitly said federal officials can only use personal email addresses if they also copy or send the emails to their official account.
Because these rules weren’t in effect when Clinton was in office, "she was in compliance with the laws and regulations at the time," said Gary Bass, founder and former director of OMB Watch, a government accountability organization"
Did Colin Powell have his own home server and delete God knows how many emails? Do you have proof that Colin Powell transmitted classified info on speedo all email account?Then why isn't Colin Powell already in Ft. Leavenworth?
I have worked for nearly that amount and was going to say the same thing. We had our annual security training yesterday in which it was reiterated that mishandling (using personal email on state issued phone or state email on private phone) would be immediate termination and likely prosecution.I have worked for the government for 10 years. Since the day I started, I was told we cannot use our home computers or email to conduct ANY official business. Doing so could subject you to termination and/or prosecution. You would also be required to turn over the equipment to the government.