FBI Takes Possession of Hillary's Home Server

CBS is saying the firm she hired most likely has a backup server with all her emails on it. Plus, apparently Clinton's former deputy assistant secretary pissed off an editor for Gawker who filed a FOIA request that just produced a ton of emails they initially denied even existed - almost 18,000. The revelations about Lois Lerner that are still continuing to come out are continuing to paint key figures from this administration in a troubling light.
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I'm a mind reader (not really. Extra has confirmed all this in the past):

No, he does not pay his employees a living wage. He even toyed with making his two production workers commission based even though they have no control over sales volume.

No, he does not encourage them to unionize. He only thinks unions are beneficial to workers at companies other than his own.

No, he does not provide good health insurance, or any health insurance for that matter.

Things I have asked that he has never answered:

Did he start the company himself, or did he take over from daddy, or did a family member stake him. I don't really see any way he did it himself even though it is a small little company.
Things I have asked that he has never answered:

Did he start the company himself, or did he take over from daddy, or did a family member stake him. I don't really see any way he did it himself even though it is a small little company.

Public records should give a good indication...
Well, he's just a utopian. Dreaming of free lunch for all. Head in the clouds.

I still don't think anything will come of all this Hillary e-mail stuff. The only way she loses is if she does something real stupid on TV. Being an old bitchy woman, it's possible.
But I have a certificate.
Well, he's just a utopian. Dreaming of free lunch for all. Head in the clouds.

I still don't think anything will come of all this Hillary e-mail stuff. The only way she loses is if she does something real stupid on TV. Being an old bitchy woman, it's possible.
Hell, you voted for her.
Yep. I think she would be a better president than John McCain. He's a wimpy old loser. I would have written in myself before I'd vote for him.
Things I have asked that he has never answered:

Did he start the company himself, or did he take over from daddy, or did a family member stake him. I don't really see any way he did it himself even though it is a small little company

I suggested this long ago. He claims I lied or made it up and has pretty much ignored me ever since. My guess is that it was started by a family member or his wife's family and he walked into it. No one that actually starts a business from scratch, risks their own capital to start something like this ends up being a hypocrite like this. Then again his hypocritical outlook may explain his inability to grow the business.

Every time you turn around he also claims he would "never sell or do business with my ilk". He is such an envious, jealous, spiteful person he would risk taking $$$ out of the pockets of the employees that put food on his table through productivity and sales. Weird.
It's a sad story of a hick seeing gold on TV, driving to big cities to see it in person, continuing to want it, but never going and getting it.

Goes to those big church meetings in Columbus, Cincinnati, etc. Sees the money. Wants it. Afraid to go get it. Should either open up a business in Columbus or Cincinnati and shoot for the moon or break out a banjo and start up some good pickin' and grinnin' out on a 1984 Lowe pontoon at Beech Fork every evening.

To me, the latter sounds a hell of a lot more fun. I still like looking at money too much to give it up though.
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At this point, if she said Sandy Berger gave her tips on how to handle classified documents it wouldn't surprise me.
I was thinking about Sandy Berger earlier today. He got off with a fine instead of jail time and a felony, surely Clinton's penance will be much less.