BREAKING Former Clinton Staffer Gives $50K to Clintons While "Reporting" at ABC

The right is really trying to pull all stops in shutting down the Clinton Machine. The power greed of todays politicians and the right especially is killing america
who cares how they make their money. Every politician takes money that influences their decision
First it was her emails which turned up nothing so now they moved on to how much money they make and where it comes from
That's because she destroyed the emails, you dolt.

It's a serious problem running the state affairs when you do favorites to foreign governments for cash donations, particular foreign governments deemed enemies of the state.

Now it's revealed that a leading figure on a 'Big 3' news cast is donating money to the Clintons, but you don't see that as a problem?
Nope because they all do it. No Politician is any different then the next. They are all do backdoor shit to please the person, family, corporation, or country who puts money in their pocket. This is the America we live in now. If you have enough money to corrupt a politician, you have a voice now to push your agenda.
Liberals have most of the TV channels. Why? They're selling the most appealing product.

Conservatives apparently don't believe in their product. They sure suck at selling it. I vote for the GOP myself, but the message is that it's only for rich people who gamble correctly and run successful businesses.

Conservatives don't sell their idea to the masses. That working for your keep, even if you can only be a worker bee, is the way to go. That's not their message. I'm thinking that's because in their perfect world, worker bees would all be robots or illegal immigrants.
Liberals have most of the TV channels. Why? They're selling the most appealing product.

Conservatives apparently don't believe in their product. They sure suck at selling it. I vote for the GOP myself, but the message is that it's only for rich people who gamble correctly and run successful businesses.

Conservatives don't sell their idea to the masses. That working for your keep, even if you can only be a worker bee, is the way to go. That's not their message. I'm thinking that's because in their perfect world, worker bees would all be robots or illegal immigrants.

Atleast these Illegal immigrants come here to work and make money unlike these Welfare leeches who are citizens and use and abuse the government
Atleast these Illegal immigrants come here to work and make money

Only until they find out they can get welfare. Democrats only want them here to bolster their welfare vote. If it wasn't for that, they would probably only have the rich business sector of the GOP in their corner. Libs wouldn't even want them here.
Wait, so you all are ok with the corporate megadonations to politics but this bothers you?

It looks bad on the reporter who's neutrality (as if he ever had any) is wrecked but I don't see how this looks any worse on Clinton than politics in general does.
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Only until they find out they can get welfare. Democrats only want them here to bolster their welfare vote. If it wasn't for that, they would probably only have the rich business sector of the GOP in their corner. Libs wouldn't even want them here.

You need a SS number and a Drivers license number to get Welfare, if your illegal you have no rights so that means no SS#, no drivers license, no bank account, no credit cards. That is why they carry so much cash around on them. You cant even vote if you are illegal or even a resident. You need full citizenship to be able to vote. So what the hell are you talking about. Also if your illegal, you have to get sponsorship from your place of work to be able to start to process of acquiring a green card. Plus once you get your green card you have to pay back all the taxes you haven't paid while your working or face Federal and State Tax evasion charges.
You need a SS number and a Drivers license number to get Welfare

Why do you think the libs want to grant them amnesty?

They're gonna get it. Libs want the free votes. Rich GOP business people want the cheap labor. They're willing to sell our country off to a flood of Mexican future welfare recipients as long as they can bus in more cheap workers every week.
Walden is correct that the primary reason Democrats want to legalize people here illegally and give them a path to citizenship is for their votes. Thinking otherwise is pretty naive.

Edit: That isn't to say it's a bad idea. They're the only ones making babies. Be nice if they'd learn English though.
Walden is correct that the primary reason Democrats want to legalize people here illegally and give them a path to citizenship is for their votes. Thinking otherwise is pretty naive.

Edit: That isn't to say it's a bad idea. They're the only ones making babies. Be nice if they'd learn English though.

I don't disagree with that statement. But this is where the republicans have failed and the democrats have filled that void. But as someone who is dating someone to former illegal immigrants, they generally despise people who go on welfare and look down on people that look for the government for a handout. That is why most Latin Americans that come to country don't like poor Americans. They rather be poor and work a million jobs then be poor and living off the government
Yeah, so what if this place just becomes North Mexico? Won't happen in our lifetime so we might as well throw them some free burritos. This will guarantee the continued election of Democrat presidents and expansion of our elaborate giveaway plan.

The giveaway plan is the cheap necessities of life to buy the recipients' refusal to get in our way as we run the show. As long as they stay in their free war zone housing communities, it's all good.

Yeah, so what if this place just becomes North Mexico? Won't happen in our lifetime so we might as well throw them some free burritos. This will guarantee the continued election of Democrat presidents and expansion of our elaborate giveaway plan.

The giveaway plan is the cheap necessities of life to buy the recipients' refusal to get in our way as we run the show. As long as they stay in their free war zone housing communities, it's all good.


This made no sense at all
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We be burrito country.

We give dee free checks to dee dummies.

We write all dee rules.

Ooga booga.
Actually, Stephaluffagus donated $75k - three $25k donations. Nobody should be shocked by this - George was a key figure in the Clinton White House. What is shocking is that the GOP agreed to let him moderate one of their debates. After Candy Crowley idiotically went after Romney - but later admitted Romney was right, why would they even consider this?
It has nothing to do with the GOP. It is basic ethics.

Should a "journalist" be giving money to a candidate's personal slush fund and then interviewing the author of a book exposing that slush fund?
No, but I don't see what it has to do with Clinton. It's bad on George but, again, could your opinion of him really get any lower anyway as a journalist?
It has nothing to do with the GOP. It is basic ethics.

Should a "journalist" be giving money to a candidate's personal slush fund and then interviewing the author of a book exposing that slush fund?

The GOP part is agreeing to let him moderate a debate. You think the Dems would let Hannity do a debate?

I don't consider him a journalist. He is more of a pundit turned talking head as far as I think.
The concern here is not you or me but the low information voter who actually listens to George Snuphulopogous and is unduly prejudiced against the GOP candidate because of his bias.
What is shocking is that the GOP agreed to let him moderate one of their debates. After Candy Crowley idiotically went after Romney - but later admitted Romney was right, why would they even consider this?

They're probably really liberals. How many of these GOP candidates really want to be the president? George W. Bush was the last one. He wasn't that good in there, but he ran a good campaign. McCain, Romney and all of these guys now are horrendous. No chance in hell of winning. That's why Hillary doesn't even care about all this shady stuff that's coming out.
The concern here is not you or me but the low information voter who actually listens to George Snuphulopogous and is unduly prejudiced against the GOP candidate because of his bias.

If the fact that people rely on George Stephananogholgua for political opinions doesn't turn you off to the idea of democracy I can't help you.
The concern here is not you or me but the low information voter who actually listens to George Snuphulopogous and is unduly prejudiced against the GOP candidate because of his bias.

The concern should be he even has that position. I mean, if a low information voter doesn't realize a senior adviser to Bill Clinton (and floor man for the Dem majority leader before that) might be severely biased, there is no helping them.

It is just more proof our major broadcast "journalism" is a joke.
So Steph giving money to the Clinton slush fund (make no mistake, that's what it is) is a red flag but not the notable number of media members who have actually taken a job in this administration? Or those that currently work under Obama with a spouse in the media?

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