Gain of function round 2

I love when the morons who can't think for themselves jump on these wild conspiracy theory bandwagons yet have no idea how to explain basic illogical parts of it.

Let's keep track of some of them:
1) Dems released Covid near the end of Trump's term to cause fear and get him out of office
2) Now, Dems (or whomever) is releasing bird flu and/or causing bogus fear to keep the current president in office, even though that directly contradicts the strategy of #1 above.
3) China released it to destroy the American economy
4) Bill Gates pushed for its release because he wants to greatly reduce the world population
5) Bill Gates pushed for its release because he wanted to make hundreds of millions of more dollars from the vaccine that he was invested in
6) Some group of powerful world leaders pushed for it as a test to see how easily they could gain control of citizens, so they can be assured that they have power in the future
7) Mark Zuckerberg: Not sure what, but he is a favorite target of conspiracy theorists and always finds his name involved
Dumb azz rifle, your 1 and 2 above are not contradictory. The goal is increased, unverifiable, mail in ballots which help the dems regardless of incumbency.
How does promoting fear over bird-flu result in an increase in mail-in ballots?
Dims are in trouble. You're going to see their cheating go to a different level this year. I doubt the minority people will stand for it this time. I know both of my minority friends won't.
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Dumb azz rifle, your 1 and 2 above are not contradictory. The goal is increased, unverifiable, mail in ballots which help the dems regardless of incumbency.
Then you and some more idiots should prove once and for all how mail in ballots are fraudulent.
Then you and some more idiots should prove once and for all how mail in ballots are fraudulent.
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A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news.

  • Overall, we rate the Heartland Institute Right Biased and Questionable based on promoting anti-science propaganda, lack of transparency with funding, and more than five failed fact checks by IFCN fact-checkers.
How does promoting fear over bird-flu result in an increase in mail-in ballots?
How does promoting fear over bird-flu result in an increase in mail-in ballots?

It manufacturers a (non-existent) emergency because it puts fear in people’s minds about going out into public and getting in crowded spaces. The answer to that, of course, is mail-in ballots. Still allows “you” to vote while not forcing you to go out in public and potentially contract bird flu. Were you not alive in 2020, or is your CTE kicking in?
It manufacturers a (non-existent) emergency because it puts fear in people’s minds about going out into public and getting in crowded spaces. The answer to that, of course, is mail-in ballots. Still allows “you” to vote while not forcing you to go out in public and potentially contract bird flu. Were you not alive in 2020, or is your CTE kicking in?
And the problem with that is?...
Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin all don’t verify that sigs on absentee ballot match signatures in voter rolls only that the envelope is signed.
It manufacturers a (non-existent) emergency because it puts fear in people’s minds about going out into public and getting in crowded spaces. The answer to that, of course, is mail-in ballots. Still allows “you” to vote while not forcing you to go out in public and potentially contract bird flu. Were you not alive in 2020, or is your CTE kicking in?
So again, how does that help Democrats over Republicans? Do Dem voters have greater access to the postal service to mail in ballots?
Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin all don’t verify that sigs on absentee ballot match signatures in voter rolls only that the envelope is signed.
And how many total votes in those 3 states have been proven to be fraudulent??

And why are you only interested in states that you lose? But not the states you win?
You simply don’t want to know the truth, extra, because it doesn’t personally benefit you.

If I posted the same survey results from Fox you would have said Fox was untrustworthy, so I posted a Yahoo link, which is definitely not right wing. Yahoo published the survey because it was newsworthy. Are you saying leftist sites like Yahoo purposely report on false or misleading data?

Lying to yourself retards personal growth.
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So again, how does that help Democrats over Republicans? Do Dem voters have greater access to the postal service to mail in ballots?

Ballot harvesting is much easier when you can go to an apartment in downtown Philadelphia and collect 500 ballots from likely Democrat voters as opposed to going to a rural area and having to travel 20 miles and take a much longer time getting 500 ballots from likely Republican voters. This really isn’t that difficult to understand, but you already know that.

That, and the fact the Democrats are simply more inclined to cheat in elections. That’s a tale as old as time.
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Ballot harvesting is much easier when you can go to an apartment in downtown Philadelphia and collect 500 ballots from likely Democrat voters as opposed to going to a rural area and having to travel 20 miles and take take a much longer time getting 500 ballots from likely Republican voters. This really isn’t that difficult to understand, but you already know that.

So your attempt at logic goes like this:

  • Dems, like with what they did with Covid, are manufacturing a bogus illness to increase mail-in ballots and thus ballot harvesting.
  • The Dems were responsible for Covid and were able to get the entire world to play along just to impact the American election.
  • The Dems are now planning on the same strategy with bird-flu.
  • Ballot harvesting is easier in cities than rural areas due to time/geography.
  • Even though numerous studies have shown no advantage to either party with ballot harvesting, you'll argue otherwise without any data.
  • Even though absentee balloting has been Republican more than Democrat, you'll still argue otherwise.
So again, how does that help Democrats over Republicans? Do Dem voters have greater access to the postal service to mail in ballots?
They go to the bigf citiesand other Dem controlled areas and fill out the ballots for people. Maybe multiple times in some cases. Sometimes for dead people or people who have moved.

That is the problem with it as it opens it up to fraud.

One person could quickly fill out ballots for 100 people. They don't even mail them in sometimes. Hence, ballot harversting.
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So your attempt at logic goes like this:

  • Dems, like with what they did with Covid, are manufacturing a bogus illness to increase mail-in ballots and thus ballot harvesting.
  • The Dems were responsible for Covid and were able to get the entire world to play along just to impact the American election.
  • The Dems are now planning on the same strategy with bird-flu.
  • Ballot harvesting is easier in cities than rural areas due to time/geography.
  • Even though numerous studies have shown no advantage to either party with ballot harvesting, you'll argue otherwise without any data.
  • Even though absentee balloting has been Republican more than Democrat, you'll still argue otherwise.
Dems absolutely used Covid as a manipulation of the 2020 election.
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You simply don’t want to know the truth, extra, because it doesn’t personally benefit you.

If I posted the same survey results from Fox you would have said Fox was untrustworthy, so I posted a Yahoo link, which is definitely not right wing. Yahoo published the survey because it was newsworthy. Are you saying leftist sites like Yahoo purposely report on false or misleading data?

Lying to yourself retards personal growth.



A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news.

  • Overall, we rate the Heartland Institute Right Biased and Questionable based on promoting anti-science propaganda, lack of transparency with funding, and more than five failed fact checks by IFCN fact-checkers.
They go to the bigf citiesand other Dem controlled areas and fill out the ballots for people. Maybe multiple times in some cases. Sometimes for dead people or people who have moved.

That is the problem with it as it opens it up to fraud.

One person could quickly fill out ballots for 100 people. They don't even mail them in sometimes. Hence, ballot harversting.
Then surely you idiots can prove mail in ballots are the source of fraud. Surely you idiots can do that...
So your attempt at logic goes like this:

  • Dems, like with what they did with Covid, are manufacturing a bogus illness to increase mail-in ballots and thus ballot harvesting.
  • The Dems were responsible for Covid and were able to get the entire world to play along just to impact the American election.
  • The Dems are now planning on the same strategy with bird-flu.
  • Ballot harvesting is easier in cities than rural areas due to time/geography.
  • Even though numerous studies have shown no advantage to either party with ballot harvesting, you'll argue otherwise without any data.
  • Even though absentee balloting has been Republican more than Democrat, you'll still argue otherwise.

I never said Democrats manufactured Covid. But I am saying they found an opportunity, in their never-ending efforts to exploit a tragedy, to make obtaining power easier for their side.

And, no, there are no credible studies that show ballot harvesting has a neutral impact. It’s well-known that it favors Democrats by a wide margin, which is why they want to do it so badly.
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I never said Democrats manufactured Covid.
Many, many of you deplorables on this board originally said that Dems were responsible for Covid as a way to get Trump out of office.

And, no, there are no credible studies that show ballot harvesting has a neutral impact. It’s well-known that it favors Democrats by a wide margin, which is why they want to do it so badly.
You really should avoid things you have no clue about, which frankly, limits you to WWF topics. The only advantage Dems have with it is due to them simply being better at it and mobilizing their voters to participate more than Republicans who are years behind:

Increased turnout but no party advantage:

Stanford: No advantage to either party (mail-in ballots) but higher voter turnout:

Georgia: Mail-in ballots more likely to be rejected from minorites, women, and new voters:

Republican leaders: Ballot harvesting would help capture votes from "lazy Republicans:

Many, many of you deplorables on this board originally said that Dems were responsible for Covid as a way to get Trump out of office.

“Many, many” aren’t me.

WWF topics

WWE. They haven’t been WWF for more than 20 years.

The only advantage Dems have with it is due to them …mobilizing their voters…

Which is exactly what I said earlier in this thread. And there’s a reason for it. It’s much easier when your voter base is bunched into a highly populated area, as opposed to spread out over many miles.

Everyone with a single brain cell knows mail in balloting favors democrats (by your own admission, now) or they wouldn’t be pushing it so hard.
Australia is in cahoots with dems plans to cheat in the election. WW3. Civil war.
Rifle doesn’t seem to know the difference between absentee voting and mail in voting. Absentee voting is fine. You have to request a ballot and those reasons are strictly limited. Mass mail in ballots sent to every one with no request for one is just a recipe for cheating. You know that, but go ahead and play “stupid like extra” and act like you don’t.
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Rifle doesn’t seem to know the difference between absentee voting and mail in voting. Absentee voting is fine. You have to request a ballot and those reasons are strictly limited. Mass mail in ballots sent to every one with no request for one is just a recipe for cheating. You know that, but go ahead and play “stupid like extra” and act like you don’t.
Here is what they do. Pick a city. Ok Detroit. They print up all the ballots for the area. They then get teams and fill them out for the residents in that area. He do it by precent, block, square area, quadrants, etc. whatever. Hey John Doe you don't even have to do anything, we do it for you.

Look at the voter turnout or vote in some areas. It is outlandish. you can pass $100 bills and that turnout wouldn't happen. Last time, there were lots of ballots with President Only voted on.

In GA, before it was changed, Dems were using ballots with dead people on them(using above) and people who had moved years and sometimes decades prior.

Notice, where they have ballot dumps and issues at 2am. Same places or same types of places.

They cheated their ass off last time and Covid was used as a catalyst to do it.
Rifle doesn’t seem to know the difference between absentee voting and mail in voting. Absentee voting is fine. You have to request a ballot and those reasons are strictly limited. Mass mail in ballots sent to every one with no request for one is just a recipe for cheating. You know that, but go ahead and play “stupid like extra” and act like you don’t.
He doesn't. What he lacks in knowledge he makes up for with confidence.
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