Gain of function round 2

Rifle doesn’t seem to know the difference between absentee voting and mail in voting.
Your lifelong WV education has failed your reading comprehension again. In two of the links, I clearly and purposely noted they were mostly about "mail-in ballots." In the third, I clearly and purposely noted it was more about ballot harvesting. Nothing the difference shows that not only was I aware but also that I knew morons with reading comprehension would have difficulty distinguishing between the two. Even though I give lifelong WV educated people little credit, I didn't think one of you would actually make the claim you did considering I purposely noted in the underline summaries what each was about.

Why did I include absentee voting? Because each state has such different regulations regarding absentee/mail-in that they start to intertwine depending on the state. You may want to ask Big Dummy to explain the two, as he went from "ballot harvesting" and no legitimate studies to then claiming "mail-in ballots" not being neutral.
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Your lifelong WV education has failed your reading comprehension again. In two of the links, I clearly and purposely noted they were mostly about "mail-in ballots." In the third, I clearly and purposely noted it was more about ballot harvesting. Nothing the difference shows that not only was I aware but also that I knew morons with reading comprehension would have difficulty distinguishing between the two. Even though I give lifelong WV educated people little credit, I didn't think one of you would actually make the claim you did considering I purposely noted in the underline summaries what each was about.

Why did I include absentee voting? Because each state has such different regulations regarding absentee/mail-in that they start to intertwine depending on the state.
^^received his education in wv^^
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Here is what they do. Pick a city. Ok Detroit. They print up all the ballots for the area. They then get teams and fill them out for the residents in that area. He do it by precent, block, square area, quadrants, etc. whatever. Hey John Doe you don't even have to do anything, we do it for you.

Look at the voter turnout or vote in some areas. It is outlandish. you can pass $100 bills and that turnout wouldn't
And if they do that and get the person's signature to agree to who they wanted to vote for, it shouldn't matter.

Everyone with a single brain cell knows mail in balloting favors democrats (by your own admission, now) or they wouldn’t be pushing it so hard.
I just showed you multiple legitimate studies that show main-in balloting being neutral, yet you know more than those researchers from Stanford, etc. Brilliant.
And if they do that and get the person's signature to agree to who they wanted to vote for, it shouldn't matter.

I just showed you multiple legitimate studies that show main-in balloting being neutral, yet you know more than those researchers from Stanford, etc. Brilliant.
I am sure 90% of people agreed to have that done and only vote for President(as an example).
^^received his education in wv^^
Moron, I use "lifelong" for a reason: A person who grew up going to great schools (which don't exist in WV) has a huge advantage over a lifelong educated WV kid. Not only did I grow up going to great schools through 18 years old, but I also have a year of credits from out-of-state colleges (far better than anything WV offers) as well as a higher degree (Master's) from an institution out of the state.

I am sure 90% of people agreed to have that done and only vote for President(as an example).
He doesn't. What he lacks in knowledge he makes up for with confidence.
At least try to be creative with your attempts. You bring absolutely nothing to this board. Hell, even your fellow deplorables have called you out for being a moron. This is what you said to another poster today, moron:

You are a complete idiot.

get a load of this guy. Confident and stupid.
Rifle doesn’t seem to know the difference between absentee voting and mail in voting. Absentee voting is fine. You have to request a ballot and those reasons are strictly limited. Mass mail in ballots sent to every one with no request for one is just a recipe for cheating. You know that, but go ahead and play “stupid like extra” and act like you don’t.
Prove the fraud. Moron.
Here is what they do. Pick a city. Ok Detroit. They print up all the ballots for the area. They then get teams and fill them out for the residents in that area. He do it by precent, block, square area, quadrants, etc. whatever. Hey John Doe you don't even have to do anything, we do it for you.

Look at the voter turnout or vote in some areas. It is outlandish. you can pass $100 bills and that turnout wouldn't happen. Last time, there were lots of ballots with President Only voted on.

In GA, before it was changed, Dems were using ballots with dead people on them(using above) and people who had moved years and sometimes decades prior.

Notice, where they have ballot dumps and issues at 2am. Same places or same types of places.

They cheated their ass off last time and Covid was used as a catalyst to do it.
You and you're ilk are barefaced Godless lying trumptard idiots.
He's NOT saying the same thing you're lying about. You and you're ilk are barefaced Godless lying trumptard idiots.
That's what they did. Here is are the 2000 ballots for x neighborhood in x city. They filled out the ballots for people. They did it in countless places.

Don't sit here and act like an American election can't be gamed. Covid worked perfectly for it.
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That's what they did. Here is are the 2000 ballots for x neighborhood in x city. They filled out the ballots for people. They did it in countless places.

Don't sit here and act like an American election can't be gamed. Covid worked perfectly for it.
What was done was not illegal. The GOP and RNC know this. They plan on doing more of it themselves and have openly said so. Now they have the problem of getting idiots like you to trust it. A problem of their own making.

You and you're ilk are barefaced Godless lying trumptard idiots.
What was done was not illegal. The GOP and RNC know this. They plan on doing more of it themselves and have openly said so. Now they have the problem of getting idiots like you to trust it. A problem of their own making.

You and you're ilk are barefaced Godless lying trumptard idiots.
If I fill a ballot form you and sign it . That's illegal. If ballots go in late they should not be counted. Mysterious ballot dumps are questionable.

90 percent voter participation in the hood is nearly statically and logically impossible. Thrown in just a check for for president. It doesn't add up. Hell getting the people located to properly fill out the ballot request and then fill out the ballot legally doesn't add up.

You will sit here and tell us the govt lied about Vietnam, wmd, Afghanistan but you don't think they can game an election? It is clear as day what they did.
If I fill a ballot form you and sign it . That's illegal. If ballots go in late they should not be counted. Mysterious ballot dumps are questionable.

90 percent voter participation in the hood is nearly statically and logically impossible. Thrown in just a check for for president. It doesn't add up. Hell getting the people located to properly fill out the ballot request and then fill out the ballot legally doesn't add up.

You will sit here and tell us the govt lied about Vietnam, wmd, Afghanistan but you don't think they can game an election? It is clear as day what they did.
Then prove it. You stupid lying trumptard loser.
At least try to be creative with your attempts. You bring absolutely nothing to this board. Hell, even your fellow deplorables have called you out for being a moron. This is what you said to another poster today, moron:
You try too hard. That's why you look like a fool here.

Let me ask you this, how do you decide between the cash back incentive or the low promotional rate when you finance your cars?
You're a lying idiot claiming stuff that only a lying idiot would claim. You Godless lying trumptard oath breaker.
Sheep Eating GIF
At least try to be creative with your attempts. You bring absolutely nothing to this board. Hell, even your fellow deplorables have called you out for being a moron. This is what you said to another poster today, moron:
I'll try and add more value...let's see like .....multiple paragraph posts no one reads, BS brags and boasts so others mock me, start counting likes and responses, whine to moderators, sprinkle in a few lies and other than that I'll wait until I start losing my hair and then I'll provide a few photos for the group. Presto value (as you see it) added

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