Get ready for the mental collapse . Trump is going to announce soon. Maybe tonight.

Trump is one of the best presidents in our country’s history, and I mean that. He accomplished more in 4 years (really 3 due to COVID) than most other Presidents do in 8 years. It was a great run. But he’s done nationally. So I hope the GOP selects the right candidate, which we’ve shown multiple times to be incapable of. We’ll see.
but but but ORANGE MAN BAD! DERP! and and and MUH FEELINGS!
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fify. yore liberal inner self won't allow you to see what good he was doing while yore kind continuously attacked him. it's too easy for yore ilk to cry about not getting their way and focus their attention solely on the negative versus objectively seeing the positive. not surprised you were blinded with your feelings like the rest of your liberal whatever genders.
Forget it FAN, Raoul's man-pvssy got absolutely wreckt by Trump. As such, just like his man-pvssy, Raoul can never properly heal emotionally to the point he can acknowledge Trump's obvious accomplishments. Poor RD, Trump even signed his initials on it, saying "property of..."
frankly, this is (at least, should be) exactly what the dems want. trump running will split the GOP. there's his staunch supporters and those who are done with him. if desantis, who is polling higher than trump, wins the primary, it wouldn't surprise me if trump didn't run in the general as an independent, assuming that's possible/allowable to flip . . . i'm no elections scholar. at any rate, that would put the dems even more solidly in the driver seat for the foreseeable future.
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frankly, this is (at least, should be) exactly what the dems want. trump running will split the GOP. there's his staunch supporters and those who are done with him. if desantis, who is polling higher than trump, wins the primary, it wouldn't surprise me if trump didn't run in the general as an independent, assuming that's possible/allowable to flip . . . i'm no elections scholar. at any rate, that would put the dems even more solidly in the driver seat for the foreseeable future.
I don't think Trump would do that. He may try to work with DeSantis to pair up as POTUS/VP combo, but that's only if Trump wins the primaries.
In your own words...
Also in my own words:
so that won't set him apart now.
That's the important part.

Also, one good thing does not outweigh the bad. All modern Presidents do something good, even Herbert Hoover. This does not make the successful executives. And it sure doesn't make them successful politically.

frankly, this is (at least, should be) exactly what the dems want.
Well there's your proof I am not a Dem, I don't want that son of a bitch running again. Hell, I might send DeSantis a contribution.
If you think Trump was a bad president, where do you rank Joe Biden in comparison?
Well there's your proof I am not a Dem, I don't want that son of a bitch running again. Hell, I might send DeSantis a contribution.
if you don't want the son of a bitch as yore president, you should hope he and desantis both run in the primaries. he'll tear desantis down like he does all of his opponents, pissing off more cons than he makes happy, and it'll split the party. dems would win the general electorate in a landslide.

personally, i hope he pulls desantis as his VP and you have to cry four more years with him as yore president then another 8 years with deathsantis as yore president. got damn, yore liberal meltdown would be glorious.
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Settle down , boys.

DESANTIS has not even declared.

Two, Trump is still the front runner for the GOP. Get over it. If DESANTIS doesn't declare your choice is Mush Brain or some other lib limp wrists maybe with a half of a brain.

So check your egos and your heartstrings at the door. You either get Trump, maybe DESANTIS or a Mush Brain limp wrist.

Your choice. I would still vote for Trump over any Democrat.

You decide.
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I don’t believe Biden can last two more years. Can you even imagine President Kamala?
Says the guy who is so right about politics he lost a ban bet on the election results.
well, let's go with another bet since yore so damn sure you know everything. i'll throw a grand down that says what you claimed will not happen. if yore step daddy deathsantis calls yore real daddy trump a cacksucker during a debate, i'll wire you a grand. if he doesn't, you send me $500.

c'mon mr. know everyfvckinthing, put yore money where your hawgjaws are. hell, you'd have million $$$ if you filled yore jaws up with $1 bills.
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if yore step daddy deathsantis calls yore real daddy trump a cacksucker during a debate,
I think you are the only one that pronounces it "cack", so that's an automatic loser bet.

Look dipshit, it's hyperbole. He's not going to say the actual word COCKSUCKER like he's on Deadwood (though he absolutely should). But he's not going to stand up there and look like a fvcking pussy with a shmuck look on his face when Trump starts his shit, he'll fire right back...and it will likely actually be stinging, because DeSantis really is an actual asshole...a really smart asshole.

So are we betting DeSantis will be an actual asshole right back? Because I'd bet the farm on that one.

yore step daddy deathsantis
I don't even like the fvcking guy...but you should.
I think you are the only one that pronounces it "cack", so that's an automatic loser bet.

Look dipshit, it's hyperbole. He's not going to say the actual word COCKSUCKER like he's on Deadwood (though he absolutely should). But he's not going to stand up there and look like a fvcking pussy with a shmuck look on his face when Trump starts his shit, he'll fire right back...and it will likely actually be stinging, because DeSantis really is an actual asshole...a really smart asshole.

So are we betting DeSantis will be an actual asshole right back? Because I'd bet the farm on that one.

I don't even like the fvcking guy...but you should.
yore entire existence is based on hyperbole.

and, yeah, no surprise you wouldn't like a highly educated and decorated american hero. no surprise at all. likely has something to do with feelings. amirite? yeah, i'm right.
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yore entire existence is based on hyperbole
Hyperbole is kinda the point of my screen ever notice I am really different on social media vs here?

likely has something to do with feelings.
I'm prejudiced against Guineas.

In all honesty, I started not liking the guy in 2016 over a bill he sponsored and have not liked him since. I do appreciate his political ability to smash the shit out of his election.
I don't think Trump would do that. He may try to work with DeSantis to pair up as POTUS/VP combo, but that's only if Trump wins the primaries.
Hell yes he would. He doesn’t give two shits about the country all he cares about is his fragile ego
As recently as last week I was on the desantis bandwagon and cursing trump for picking a fight with him after winning re-election. I have since come to my senses and am fully in Trump's corner. Here are the facts:

-Republicans can no longer win the presidency due to ballot harvesting and mail-in voting. Mathematically impossible now, so running someone who is "electable" doesn't help.

-Trump is more likely to disrupt the system (possibly leading to its inevitable collapse).

-Trump will name names and will be 1000x more entertaining.

-All the people who wanted me to die because I was unvaccinated will be psychologically abused by trump for at least 2 years (if VAIDS doesn't get 'em first).

-Desantis will still have 8 years (and 6 years to become more right wing) and will be able to distance himself from all establishment GOP, which is cancer.

TRUMP 2024. Cry more, pussies.
As recently as last week I was on the desantis bandwagon and cursing trump for picking a fight with him after winning re-election. I have since come to my senses and am fully in Trump's corner. Here are the facts:

-Republicans can no longer win the presidency due to ballot harvesting and mail-in voting. Mathematically impossible now, so running someone who is "electable" doesn't help.

-Trump is more likely to disrupt the system (possibly leading to its inevitable collapse).

-Trump will name names and will be 1000x more entertaining.

-All the people who wanted me to die because I was unvaccinated will be psychologically abused by trump for at least 2 years (if VAIDS doesn't get 'em first).

-Desantis will still have 8 years (and 6 years to become more right wing) and will be able to distance himself from all establishment GOP, which is cancer.

TRUMP 2024. Cry more, pussies.
That is one hell of a convincing argument.

Followed up with cry more, pussies. Great point. Take that, pussies.
As recently as last week I was on the desantis bandwagon and cursing trump for picking a fight with him after winning re-election. I have since come to my senses and am fully in Trump's corner. Here are the facts:

-Republicans can no longer win the presidency due to ballot harvesting and mail-in voting. Mathematically impossible now, so running someone who is "electable" doesn't help.

-Trump is more likely to disrupt the system (possibly leading to its inevitable collapse).

-Trump will name names and will be 1000x more entertaining.

-All the people who wanted me to die because I was unvaccinated will be psychologically abused by trump for at least 2 years (if VAIDS doesn't get 'em first).

-Desantis will still have 8 years (and 6 years to become more right wing) and will be able to distance himself from all establishment GOP, which is cancer.

TRUMP 2024. Cry more, pussies.
Trump has promised to name drop from the beginning and has yet to deliver. He’s done nothing to show he would do that this go round
Trump has promised to name drop from the beginning and has yet to deliver. He’s done nothing to show he would do that this go round
Agree. He has left a lot on the table. Letting his retard son in law run things for 4 years was his biggest mistake. Then falling for covid hoax. appointing fauci, pushing the vax, not pardoning snowden and assange . . . he has lots of disappointments.

But Ivanka has already been told she's sitting this one out, which means Jared has been told as well. He's old with nothing to lose and I genuinely believe he is trying to save the country from these globalist, corporatist scum.
Agree. He has left a lot on the table. Letting his retard son in law run things for 4 years was his biggest mistake. Then falling for covid hoax. appointing fauci, pushing the vax, not pardoning snowden and assange . . . he has lots of disappointments.

But Ivanka has already been told she's sitting this one out, which means Jared has been told as well. He's old with nothing to lose and I genuinely believe he is trying to save the country from these globalist, corporatist scum.
I believe he really, really loves America and is doing his best to save it. I think he really is.

Biden is a **** stick pawn. And, there are many more like him.
Agree. He has left a lot on the table. Letting his retard son in law run things for 4 years was his biggest mistake. Then falling for covid hoax. appointing fauci, pushing the vax, not pardoning snowden and assange . . . he has lots of disappointments.

But Ivanka has already been told she's sitting this one out, which means Jared has been told as well. He's old with nothing to lose and I genuinely believe he is trying to save the country from these globalist, corporatist scum.
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