greengeezer, checking in after two weeks


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
bet your arms are toned as hell by now, after getting all that advice from the forum lifters.

I took some of the advice as well, and I'm expecting to be able to go way up in ability to lift heavier weights this May. thinking I need to find 24 ounce glasses for the porch. lifting 50% additional weight should be no issue, and I'm thankful to rifle for the tips.
I did go to the sporting section in Walmart and tried the different single piece rubber coated weights. The purple 1lb weights were the most attractive, but I didn’t think 1 lb would show much of a commitment.

I kept going higher and finally settled on the 5lb ones. I could do three curls without exhaustion. Only problem was that they were PINK. I can’t have pink weights. I already lost my relationship job because I have a half dead cat.

I went up to the 6 pounders. They were a little beyond my capabilities, but were a nice manly green. I didn’t end up buying them. All the workouts in the aisle of the store wore me out and I had to hurry home and take a nap.
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