Guess libs can shut up about Trump and his wife. Harris Husband has some stories.

Just another case of dim-ocrats being everything they accuse normal people (conservatives) of being.

Remember last week the liberal calling card was calling Maga Nation folks weird? These people are insane. Wouldn't surprise me if greed and raoul don't dress up like women. Remember the old saying, if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.

Oink oink MFers
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No doubt this is Greed behind closed doors

the silence of the lambs GIF
He had an affair before he was even married to Harris?

Who gives a ****?
Amen. DC is full of hypocritical scoundrels that have done & continue to do scoundrel stuff. Unless he was involved in a relationship with a spy, the focus needs to stay on Kamala.

Harris’s past is enough to sink her if the right could actually run an effective political campaign. Which they can’t.

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