Hank Fitler

Do you just randomly post shit in threads without reading other posts? This was all discussed earlier in the thread. Those pictures aren't posted anywhere. They are ones he took just for the purpose of the twitter discussions he was having. Plus, all of the other things that matched up.

Oh, so you were asking for a fully exhaustive list of all black societies that functioned? That's a pretty absurd request . . . not quite as absurd as attempting to defend Middle Class Murox's bigoted comments against blacks, gays, Jews, and women, but still pretty damn absurd.

And "failed kingdoms"? All societies eventually "fail." So I guess that means all societies are failures, huh?

I bet hundreds upon hundreds of years of colonization and slavery have absolutely nothing to do with that, huh?

Let me dumb it down for you on a smaller scale with an example I have used previously: The best and most frequent way to establish family wealth is through property inheritance. Due to redlining, a high number of blacks weren't able to do that for a significant period. That greatly impacted the ability to grow family wealth. We all know that wealth has a direct impact on education, crime, etc., which also have a direct impact on wealth. So it's a vicious circle starting with wealth, and if the ability to establish that is shut off, it has a major negative impact.

Imagine what taking away that wealth on a national scale due to colonization and slavery would do to countries. There's your answer.

Nice job running away from his use of "blacks" when you said he didn't refer to them. Nice job of avoiding the other screenshots I posted. Nice job of running from his anti-semitic, homophobic, and sexist tweets.
Let’s clear up your strawman. Are you trying to say that redlining exists in Africa or is your argument that the US, a country already built by white Europeans, wasn’t built by blacks because of redlining? Both are equally stupid, just curious what you thought you were getting with that train of thought.

Second, Africans have always been so fractured, backward and broken they have been abused by smarter, more advanced cultures, both white and brown. They have always been too busy killing each other to unite against common enemies.

Third, as the “birthplace of man” Africa has had more time to advance, but have been blown past by every other continent. That’s why their last “great empire” died off centuries ago and nothing ever emerged to replace it. They have the most natural resources on earth, gold, diamonds, rare earth minerals, and could never muster the ability to exploit that to their benefit. Instead they still walk around barefoot hunting hyenas or dressed like Castro shooting each other with AK-47s or chopping off hands with machetes.

Since we are talking about avoiding things, why did you ignore the link I provided showing that Africa is basically a collection of the countries with the least advancement of humans on the planet? Easier question, how was South Africa able to flourish when every surrounding country couldn’t?
That's not how libel works. To succeed in a libel claim, you usually have to prove three things. He'd have no chance with at least two of them.

It is solid proof. Morons like you refuse to use common sense, which is why you're a trumper.

"I could walk down Fifth Ave. and shoot somebody . . . "
You are not attorney. I am saying some of these people are exposing themselves to legal issues.
Let’s clear up your strawman. Are you trying to say that redlining exists in Africa or is your argument that the US, a country already built by white Europeans, wasn’t built by blacks because of redlining? Both are equally stupid, just curious what you thought you were getting with that train of thought.
It's not a straw man. First - and this has been a repeat issue on here with you deplorables - is that you don't appear to understand what a straw man is (oh, and it is "straw man," not "strawman"). A straw man is misrepresenting somebody else's argument, essentially creating and attributing an argument to somebody else, and arguing against that fabricated argument.

My analogy, regardless of you misunderstanding it, was not a straw man.

Your argument was that Middle Class Murox's racist comments towards blacks were accurate, because few African nations are categorized in the highest two human development classifications. My argument was that it isn't a hereditary issue; it is an environmental issue. And that environmental issue is completely justifiable considering the hundreds of years that whites colonized and enslaved the people in those countries.

I then, in an attempt to dumb it down for people who don't understand what a straw man is (and whom spell it "strawman"), used an analogy with redlining. By doing so, I showed that when you eliminate the ability for a group of people to prosper financially, especially for generation-after-generation, it will have a major and long-term impact on that group of people. And as we all know, without wealth comes lack of education, lack of healthcare, crime, etc.

Regardless of if it is redlining, forced slavery, or colonization, stunting the ability for a certain group to prosper financially had a profound impact for generations of those people to follow.

So neither of what you asked is what I was arguing. And I read my initial post again, and I still don't understand how you could jump to that incorrect conclusion.

Second, Africans have always been so fractured, backward and broken they have been abused by smarter, more advanced cultures, both white and brown. They have always been too busy killing each other to unite against common enemies.
That's not only incorrect but also aligns with much of Middle Class Murox's racist comments. European slavery of Africans was not due to Africans being "too busy killing each other." That's a racist's attempt to dismiss the atrocities committed by their own kind and blame the victim instead of the perpetrator.

Robert, I suggest being a little wiser with your attempts. Considering the amount of effort and cleverness the people who exposed Nick Goff used to identify him, I wouldn't put it past them that they have already read his (and thus your) posts on here over time. Making racist comments like you just did, and defending the clearly racist, anti-semitic, sexist, and homophobic comments from Nick, really is not a good idea. Worse, the fact that you're doing it under Rocky Young's Twitter (X) handle and considering they used Twitter to help expose Nick could incorrectly implicate Rocky with your deplorable defense, and that isn't fair to him.

Instead they still walk around barefoot hunting hyenas or dressed like Castro shooting each other with AK-47s or chopping off hands with machetes.
More racist and inaccurate diatribe.

Since we are talking about avoiding things, why did you ignore the link I provided showing that Africa is basically a collection of the countries with the least advancement of humans on the planet? Easier question, how was South Africa able to flourish when every surrounding country couldn’t?
Ignored it? Do you need Sisters to come back and read my posts to you? I not only didn't ignore it, I directly responded to it by discussing why and how Africa has been held down for century over century.

You've monumentally failed in an attempt to defend Middle Class Murox's plethora of racist comments. You originally tried defending him by arguing that he wasn't talking about blacks, yet I proved you wrong on that. You've avoided many of his other racist comments which I have mentioned more than once.

So now, would you like to attempt to defend his anti-semitic remarks, or has your work in banking scared you away from making publicly bigoted comments about Jews?
Just because your parents named you “Richard” doesn’t mean you have to be a dick. His comments are undeniably racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and sexist.

Why would he threaten to sue, otherwise, if somebody attributed his own comments to him? Common sense, remember? We are trying to get you deplorables to use it.
Just because your parents named you “Richard” doesn’t mean you have to be a dick. His comments are undeniably racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and sexist.

Why would he threaten to sue, otherwise, if somebody attributed his own comments to him? Common sense, remember? We are trying to get you deplorables to use it.
No problem RK. People need to have proof and going after people like stalkers is setting someone up for trouble including legal trouble.

Now when in doubt throw thr race card out.
No problem RK. People need to have proof and going after people like stalkers is setting someone up for trouble including legal trouble.

Now when in doubt throw thr race card out.
You act like I give a shit if you post my name. I don’t. Why? 1) I’m the one in the right here. I’m not making racist, anti-Semitic, or homophobic comments like Goff, I’m simply reporting on an uproar that involves others. 2) I’m already wealthy enough to not give a fvck what others think of me. I don’t need a job, tenants, anymore money, etc. to survive and maintain my current lifestyle. On the other hand, Middle Class Murox does, hence his threats of litigation to the people who outed him.

Why is your initial reaction always to defend the deplorable? If you read the posts, you’ll see that Nick Goff was doing the stalking of those other people first. He was mentioning their wives and their jobs. Then, those people decided to do their own investigating after his racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and sexist comments persisted for a long time.

Shockingly to you, people don’t take kindly to somebody in their neighborhood being that type of person, especially when they are hosting political fundraisers. Those people should be exposed to the full extreme.

How do you think I found out about it considering I don’t have Twitter? It’s because others are not welcoming of his actions and words and want him exposed.
The topic is about building civilization, contributions to the advancement of mankind, and you bring up redlining, a completely irrelevant topic that has absolutely nothing to do with the ability of predominantly black areas of the planet being able to build and sustain their own civilizations. If that is not a straw man - trying to develop a sub topic that has nothing to do with the item being discussed - I don’t know what is.

culture african tribes - Google images and then question my “hunting hyenas” comment.

European enslavement - Europeans didn’t venture from the coast to get their slaves, didn’t have to. They were conveniently brought to the coast and sold by other Africans that rounded them up and sold them. Again, fractured and unable to unite.
The topic is about building civilization, contributions to the advancement of mankind, and you bring up redlining, a completely irrelevant topic that has absolutely nothing to do with the ability of predominantly black areas of the planet being able to build and sustain their own civilizations. If that is not a straw man - trying to develop a sub topic that has nothing to do with the item being discussed - I don’t know what is.
Even if that is what happened - which is not the case - me bringing up a "sub topic" wouldn't be a straw man (nice job learning from me and changing your error). Somebody bringing up an item that has nothing to do with what is being discussed is not a straw man. Again, why do you deplorables have so much trouble understanding what a straw man is? It's like you morons just throw that out there since I have called many of you out for it over the years.

More, my introduction of redlining was an analogy (I've already explained this). Redlining was a way that prevented a group of people (blacks) the ability to build intergenerational wealth. Likewise, things like colonization and slavery did the same thing to that same group. Again, it's an analogy where all of those listed practices resulted in the same thing for blacks: inability to build intergenerational wealth. It wasn't even remotely close to a straw man and was a very valid analogy.

culture african tribes - Google images and then question my “hunting hyenas” comment.
How many Africans do you think "walk around barefoot hunting hyenas"? Your comment is no different than calling Africans and/or African-Americans "spear chuckers" or those from the Middle East "camel jockeys" or "carpet pilots."
European enslavement - Europeans didn’t venture from the coast to get their slaves, didn’t have to. They were conveniently brought to the coast and sold by other Africans that rounded them up and sold them. Again, fractured and unable to unite.
Again, trying to blame the victims. Not just in Africa, but in all regions, people have sold out their own. That phenomenon wasn't exclusive to Africa, slavery related or not, over history. Yet you are attempting to singularize Africa regarding that as a defense to your racist comments.

Still running from defending Nick Goff's anti-semitic comments and only want to fail at defending his racist comments?
You act like I give a shit if you post my name. I don’t. Why? 1) I’m the one in the right here. I’m not making racist, anti-Semitic, or homophobic comments like Goff, I’m simply reporting on an uproar that involves others. 2) I’m already wealthy enough to not give a fvck what others think of me. I don’t need a job, tenants, anymore money, etc. to survive and maintain my current lifestyle. On the other hand, Middle Class Murox does, hence his threats of litigation to the people who outed him.

Why is your initial reaction always to defend the deplorable? If you read the posts, you’ll see that Nick Goff was doing the stalking of those other people first. He was mentioning their wives and their jobs. Then, those people decided to do their own investigating after his racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and sexist comments persisted for a long time.

Shockingly to you, people don’t take kindly to somebody in their neighborhood being that type of person, especially when they are hosting political fundraisers. Those people should be exposed to the full extreme.

How do you think I found out about it considering I don’t have Twitter? It’s because others are not welcoming of his actions and words and want him exposed.
I didn't post your name. I am not into doing that kind of thing here.

As for the other stuff it is not part of my daily life other that seeing it in this message board. I don't live in Huntington ans am not part of that election.

What I think about is outing people on this message board and it getting shut down or crossing limits withe personal privacy.
What I think about is outing people on this message board and it getting shut down or crossing limits withe personal privacy.
Nobody is doing that. Nick Goff's name is being discussed due to the issue that was posted on other sites. Those other sites aren't talking about his HN screen name. They are talking about his real name and his Twitter name. It is relevant to this board since it is Huntington and politically related. It is even more relevant to this board because of his 25 years of activity on this site.
Nobody is doing that. Nick Goff's name is being discussed due to the issue that was posted on other sites. Those other sites aren't talking about his HN screen name. They are talking about his real name and his Twitter name. It is relevant to this board since it is Huntington and politically related. It is even more relevant to this board because of his 25 years of activity on this site.
Do you have some kind of personal beef with thr guy?
Rifle, when did you decide to quit being a man and just become such a little drama bitch? It really is pathetic.
Do you have some kind of personal beef with thr guy?
Odd that you didn't ask that question of him when he was going around for years asking numerous people about me. When I have multiple people telling me over years that he was randomly asking them if they knew me and then asking them questions trying to fish for anything dirty about me, it seems that question would be better suited for him.

Rifle, when did you decide to quit being a man and just become such a little drama bitch? It really is pathetic.
Let me make sure I understand you: It is being "a little drama bitch" and not a man to stand up for groups that have historically been disenfranchised, bullied, had rights not granted to them, etc.? I get absolutely no benefit from defending any of those groups. In fact, I would probably personally benefit by those groups not having the same rights I do and being discriminated against like Nick Goff fights to do while hosting political fundraisers. So if going against my own self-interests and sticking up for those types of groups, all while exposing bigots who fight against rights for those groups makes me "a little drama bitch," then sign me up.

Are you still cowardly running away from all of my questions after your attempt to defend blatant racism went down the drain?
Odd that you didn't ask that question of him when he was going around for years asking numerous people about me. When I have multiple people telling me over years that he was randomly asking them if they knew me and then asking them questions trying to fish for anything dirty about me, it seems that question would be better suited for him.

Let me make sure I understand you: It is being "a little drama bitch" and not a man to stand up for groups that have historically been disenfranchised, bullied, had rights not granted to them, etc.? I get absolutely no benefit from defending any of those groups. In fact, I would probably personally benefit by those groups not having the same rights I do and being discriminated against like Nick Goff fights to do while hosting political fundraisers. So if going against my own self-interests and sticking up for those types of groups, all while exposing bigots who fight against rights for those groups makes me "a little drama bitch," then sign me up.

Are you still cowardly running away from all of my questions after your attempt to defend blatant racism went down the drain?
Dude, I don't know rox. I know of him. Met him one time aT a Marshall game years ago AND IT was in the stands at a game. I don't live in Huntington and haven't for 21 years. How would I know he was fishing for info on you. This is a message board and supposed to be fun. NOT this crap.
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Dude, I don't know rox. I know of him. Met him one time aT a Marshall game years ago AND IT was in the stands at a game. I don't live in Huntington and haven't for 21 years. How would I know he was fishing for info on you. This is a message board and supposed to be fun. NOT this crap.
Again, you live in a confirmation bias world.

I have posted about exactly that numerous times on here for years. Hell, I have frequently mocked him on here for doing that for years. Hell, he has been on here admitting to talking about me with other people many times. Hell, he and 1988, after I had mocked him many times for doing that, came on here last year saying they asked somebody about me. If I was told about it by three people, and if he admitted to doing it to two others, how many people do you think he weirdly and randomly asked about me? It is all very bizarre.

This situation has nothing to do with the board. It is Huntington and politically related. It just so happens that the moron posted on here for 20+ years.
Rifle, you aren’t standing up for anyone because you really don’t care about anyone. We all know that your empathy ends with virtue signaling.

So yes, you are just being a little drama bitch. If you have a problem with someone go find them and settle it. Don’t be a Karen soccer mom on the internet.
Rifle, you aren’t standing up for anyone because you really don’t care about anyone. We all know that your empathy ends with virtue signaling.

So yes, you are just being a little drama bitch. If you have a problem with someone go find them and settle it. Don’t be a Karen soccer mom on the internet.
^^^trumptard and roxtard.
Hey, @Rock98Dog . Are you still cowardly hiding from very basic questions? Are you still hiding from doing the right thing? Banker, what do you think of Jews? How about savages criminals urbanites those who smell like weed blacks? Gays?
Rifle, you aren’t standing up for anyone because you really don’t care about anyone. We all know that your empathy ends with virtue signaling.
I haven't had Chick-fil-A in at least 12 years due to their support in fighting against gay rights. I frequently do the same for other organizations while supporting businesses that support what I do. As a white male, those things have no direct impact other than me, but it's the right thing to do, even if it hurts me personally. That's the complete opposite of "virtue signaling." But since you're a deplorable, you have no idea about having principle, morals, and taking a stand.

Want to see my interaction with the owner of Joe's Restaurant, the best local Italian place here, due to his stance on issues? It hurts me, personally, to not buy food from there, but it is the right thing to do.

. If you have a problem with someone go find them and settle it. Don’t be a Karen soccer mom on the internet.
That makes no sense, moron. Nick Goff's frequent racist, anti-semitic, homophobic, and sexist comments don't impact me at all. Further, I don't live in Huntington, so his support of a wanna'-be local politician doesn't impact me. My posting of this is a very appropriate way for me to make sure locals who are directly impacted by it are aware.

You want me to travel around the country and "settle it" with every racist in the country? Brilliant.

Now, are you going to answer the questions and speak out against Nick Goff's horrible comments or are you going to keep being a spineless coward? How about you, @big_country90 ?
I haven't had Chick-fil-A in at least 12 years due to their support in fighting against gay rights. I frequently do the same for other organizations while supporting businesses that support what I do. As a white male, those things have no direct impact other than me, but it's the right thing to do, even if it hurts me personally. That's the complete opposite of "virtue signaling." But since you're a deplorable, you have no idea about having principle, morals, and taking a stand.

Want to see my interaction with the owner of Joe's Restaurant, the best local Italian place here, due to his stance on issues? It hurts me, personally, to not buy food from there, but it is the right thing to do.

That makes no sense, moron. Nick Goff's frequent racist, anti-semitic, homophobic, and sexist comments don't impact me at all. Further, I don't live in Huntington, so his support of a wanna'-be local politician doesn't impact me. My posting of this is a very appropriate way for me to make sure locals who are directly impacted by it are aware.

You want me to travel around the country and "settle it" with every racist in the country? Brilliant.

Now, are you going to answer the questions and speak out against Nick Goff's horrible comments or are you going to keep being a spineless coward? How about you, @big_country90 ?
Who is Nick Goff?
Who is Nick Goff?
It's the guy you claimed to have met at a football game. Murox/Slumlord Sex Sinner/Middle Class Murox/Hank Fitler/the guy who cheated on his wife many, many times (including with a 19 year old Hooters waitress) . . . all one-in-the-same. He's the guy behind "Hank Fitler" with all of those horrible comments. Want a review?
It's the guy you claimed to have met at a football game. Murox/Slumlord Sex Sinner/Middle Class Murox/Hank Fitler/the guy who cheated on his wife many, many times (including with a 19 year old Hooters waitress) . . . all one-in-the-same. He's the guy behind "Hank Fitler" with all of those horrible comments. Want a review?
That's a violation of forum rules. A clear violation of policy.

Coach, Chris, Raoul do your thing.

Major violation..against board policy using personal information.

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How ****ing stupid do you have to be to not understand that if you stop replying to these idiotic threads that he'll eventually get tired of replying to himself and they'll go away?
He committed a major violation. Let's see if they do their job.
That's a violation of forum rules. A clear violation of policy.

Coach, Chris, Raoul do your thing.

Major violation..against board policy using personal information.

Sorry about your failed attempt. It's similar to media identifying sexual assault victims. They will only do it under certain circumstances. In this case, the political activities of Nick Goff in Huntington could have a serious impact on locals, so both his forum comments and Twitter comments under the moniker "Hank Fitler" are of importance to this board, the locals, and need to be addressed.
Sorry about your failed attempt. It's similar to media identifying sexual assault victims. They will only do it under certain circumstances. In this case, the political activities of Nick Goff in Huntington could have a serious impact on locals, so both his forum comments and Twitter comments under the moniker "Hank Fitler" are of importance to this board, the locals, and need to be addressed.
Not it is not. Forum policy states you are not supposed to reveal personal information. You did.
That's dumb. I am sorry but that is dumb.
Having principles, ethics, and a backbone are dumb? Of course they are to a deplorable.

A couple of weeks ago, I also followed police officers to their station so I could call them out for driving like morons. it's called doing the right thing even if it may impact you negatively.

Not it is not. Forum policy states you are not supposed to reveal personal information. You did.
So when you revealed personal information by calling me "RK" a few days ago, you violated board policy, Richard? How about all of those times you use the moderator's last name?

So when you revealed personal information by calling me "RK" a few days ago, you violated board policy, Richard? How about all of those times you use the moderator's last name?

You used my name, address, where I work and more. So STFU, pussy.
You used my name, address, where I work and more. So STFU, pussy.
I did some of those cryptically, Crispy Lips. And your son's name, your daughter-in-law's name, your son's ex-girlfriend's name . . .
Having principles, ethics, and a backbone are dumb? Of course they are to a deplorable.

A couple of weeks ago, I also followed police officers to their station so I could call them out for driving like morons. it's called doing the right thing even if it may impact you negatively.

So when you revealed personal information by calling me "RK" a few days ago, you violated board policy, Richard? How about all of those times you use the moderator's last name?

Rk? Reveals personal info? You used the full name.of a forum member.
Rk? Reveals personal info? You used the full name.of a forum member.
Yes, somebody's initials are personal information, Richard. You have to be taught that?

No, I didn't use Nick Goff's full name. I didn't use his full first name nor his middle name. Regardless, even if I had, I explained why there are certain reasons why it is permitted. Care to explain your use of my personal information or the moderator's, hypocrite?
Yes, somebody's initials are personal information, Richard. You have to be taught that?

No, I didn't use Nick Goff's full name. I didn't use his full first name nor his middle name. Regardless, even if I had, I explained why there are certain reasons why it is permitted. Care to explain your use of my personal information or the moderator's, hypocrite?
RK equals Renaldo Knudson or Real Knucklehead.
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I did some of those cryptically, Crispy Lips. And your son's name, your daughter-in-law's name, your son's ex-girlfriend's name . . .

But you also didn't. You've used my real name, my address, where I work, full names of people who work there.

I'm only bringing it up because you're trying to act like you're innocent and you're not.
