Hank Fitler

How ****ing stupid do you have to be to not understand that if you stop replying to these idiotic threads that he'll eventually get tired of replying to himself and they'll go away?
Rifle will never get tired of talking to himself or talking about himself.
But you also didn't. You've used my real name, my address, where I work, full names of people who work there.

I'm only bringing it up because you're trying to act like you're innocent and you're not.

Care to show where, in my discussion with Richard Herdman, that I tried acting like I am innocent? I stated that under certain circumstances, it is merited.
Haven’t been to Chik-fil-A since 2016. One of a very few things rifle and I agree on.
Well, you showed them! I bet they almost didn’t have to close their Ashland store to add that 3rd drive thru lane because of you.

Good job, buddy!
Watch your mouth or else he will beat you up for a third time.
At least I face up like a man, don’t play Karen on a message board.

You know it’s strange. You have mentioned your mom on here several times, but never your dad. The way you act it seems like maybe he didn’t have much of an influence in your life. Would you like to share?
At least I face up like a man, don’t play Karen on a message board.
But you don’t. It’s why you have refused to answer numerous very simple questions I have asked you: Bradley Smith, Middle Class Murox’s anti-semitism, his homophobic slurs, his sexist comments, etc. You failed miserably in trying to defend his racist comments, so I can see why you’re scared, “Karen.”

You know it’s strange. You have mentioned your mom on here several times, but never your dad. The way you act it seems like maybe he didn’t have much of an influence in your life. Would you like to share?
Would I like to share? I’m not sure I have a preference either way, and this is another example of an odd obsession you deplorables have with me.

My parents divorced when I was 11 or 12. He coached many of my hockey and baseball teams. I saw him where he lives right before Christmas. Shortly before that, he stayed with me at my million dollar California property.

I don’t think most people have an influence in my life. If you haven’t noticed, I tend to be quite an independent thinker. A straight white male who is very athletic who goes out of his way to defend gays and blacks, an atheist who has never had a puff of a cigarette or a sip of alcohol, and a person who has coached D1 football/made millions in the arts (music)/made millions more in business (non-arts) is quite a calamity of stereotypical contradiction.

But I’m talked about a lot on here, and that’s not the point of this thread. The point is Nick Goff’s horribly unethical lifestyle, his ties to Huntington political aspirations, and your lack of speaking out against his comments. So, Karen, are you going to keep running like the coward that you are?
My simple observation is that no one ever took the time to teach you how to be a man. I figured it was a divorce, but did consider he might have died, as my father did. Lucky for me my step father was a strong man and taught me what I needed to know. It’s unfortunate you never got that in your life. It’s why you act like such a woman now I would guess.
Care to show where, in my discussion with Richard Herdman, that I tried acting like I am innocent? I stated that under certain circumstances, it is merited.

I couldn't two shits less. Just on the outside of your conversation looking in, @i am herdman, is correct. You have broken the rules. I'm merely an example of your wrong doings. Carry on. Again, I couldn't give two shits.

To me and likely most others, this is easily a "rules for thee" moment.