Hank Fitler

And? I think they'd appreciate me doing their job for them when one of their colleagues is stealing while on the clock.

As I said. You're ignorant and have no idea what you're talking about.

You're just a typical, bleating, dumbass who thinks he knows something, while knowing nothing about it.

What makes you a piece of shit, is threatening me about it. Granted, I'm not the least bit worried, but because you really think I am and you think you can get me in trouble for it. That's what make you a piece of shit.

A couple sentences would put you in your place, but I'd rather you be an ignorant, bleating, dumbass who knows nothing about my situation with the company.
What makes you a piece of shit, is threatening me about it. Granted, I'm not the least bit worried, but because you really think I am and you think you can get me in trouble for it. That's what make you a piece of shit.
Do you really think anybody believes you? You threw an absolute tantrum when I did it, so much, that I had to walk you off of the edge. You cried like the little bitch that you are.
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He has mentioned his name on here many times before. Me mentioning the name "Nick Goff" and discussing his racist, anti-semitic, sexist, and homophobic comments, along with hosting a fundraiser for a local aspiring politician, is fair use.

Warn? I am practically begging for that to happen. Hell, I am begging for it to happen to those others he threatened with it just so discovery can begin and become public, and so I can urge them to countersue.

Other names? Like who, the politician who allowed the racist to host his fundraiser? That's completely legal for me to disclose. Other people's businesses? Like whose? Or are you just making shit up again?
you mentioned companies, quick searches will show who all are owners and involved in them. You are damaging them to. I am telling you are setting yourself up for trouble and this site up for trouble.
Do you really think anybody believes you? You threw an absolute tantrum when I did it, so much, that I had to walk you of of the edge. You cried like the little bitch that you are.

Says the king of temper tantrums.

Says the bitch who makes threats on a poster's job because he had you making snot bubbles. You're the bitch, bitch.

I'd say most on here believe me, so yes.

You were making snot bubbles over my posts. I know everyone saw that.
you mentioned companies, quick searches will show who all are owners and involved in them. You are damaging them to. I am telling you are setting yourself up for trouble and this site up for trouble.
Those “companies” are solely owned by Nick Goff. Even if they had 10 other owners, it’s a nothing burger that you’re trying to argue. If a partner does something unethical, there is nothing illegal with calling out the company’s name.

And those companies aren’t even compliant with state annual filing reports, so his “companies” are about as legit as his wedding vows.
Says the king of temper tantrums.

Says the bitch who makes threats on a poster's job because he had you making snot bubbles. You're the bitch, bitch.

I'd say most on here believe me, so yes.

You were making snot bubbles over my posts. I know everyone saw that.
Are you still denying that you didn’t cry and throw a tantrum after I did it the first time?

Not if you don't know for sure, one way or another. Assumptions are for bitches, bitch.
I know for sure. So do @Rock98Dog , @big_country90 , and @ThunderCat98 , which is why they all are cowardly hiding.
But you don’t. It’s why you have refused to answer numerous very simple questions I have asked you: Bradley Smith, Middle Class Murox’s anti-semitism, his homophobic slurs, his sexist comments, etc. You failed miserably in trying to defend his racist comments, so I can see why you’re scared, “Karen.”

Would I like to share? I’m not sure I have a preference either way, and this is another example of an odd obsession you deplorables have with me.

My parents divorced when I was 11 or 12. He coached many of my hockey and baseball teams. I saw him where he lives right before Christmas. Shortly before that, he stayed with me at my million dollar California property.

I don’t think most people have an influence in my life. If you haven’t noticed, I tend to be quite an independent thinker. A straight white male who is very athletic who goes out of his way to defend gays and blacks, an atheist who has never had a puff of a cigarette or a sip of alcohol, and a person who has coached D1 football/made millions in the arts (music)/made millions more in business (non-arts) is quite a calamity of stereotypical contradiction.

But I’m talked about a lot on here, and that’s not the point of this thread. The point is Nick Goff’s horribly unethical lifestyle, his ties to Huntington political aspirations, and your lack of speaking out against his comments. So, Karen, are you going to keep running like the coward that you are?
So, I'm right. You do like talking about yourself.
Are you still denying that you didn’t cry and throw a tantrum after I did it the first time?

I know for sure. So do @Rock98Dog , @big_country90 , and @ThunderCat98 , which is why they all are cowardly hiding.

Murox is entitled to his own opinions, no matter what anybody else thinks about them. This has nothing to do with me, so leave me out of it. Be a man and take it up with him directly if you feel so strongly about it. You have crossed a line with this thread.

Don’t bother responding because you won’t get a reply.
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Murox is entitled to his own opinions, no matter what anybody else thinks about them. This has nothing to do with me, so leave me out of it. Be a man and take it up with him directly if you feel so strongly about it. You have crossed a line with this thread.

Don’t bother responding because you won’t get a reply.
Same lying idiot ^^^ that came to rox's defense when he stated he cared more for his dog than all the people in Darfur, and all the people on this board.
Murox is entitled to his own opinions, no matter what anybody else thinks about them. This has nothing to do with me, so leave me out of it. Be a man and take it up with him directly if you feel so strongly about it. You have crossed a line with this thread.

Don’t bother responding because you won’t get a reply.
Murox is entitled to his own opinions, no matter what anybody else thinks about them. This has nothing to do with me, so leave me out of it. Be a man and take it up with him directly if you feel so strongly about it. You have crossed a line with this thread.

Don’t bother responding because you won’t get a reply.
Of course he is entitled to his own opinions. That isn't what is up for discussion.

What is up for discussion is his vile, repugnant, inexcusable racist, anti-semitic, homophobic, and sexist comments . . . which there were many of each over a significant period of time on that site. Worse, he is actively participating in local politics and housing of people, meaning his vile, repugnant, and inexcusable views will absolutely be attempted to be put into practice.

If he if choosing how he spends his money for flights, hotels, etc. to avoid blacks, what would make you think he isn't doing the same thing when it is a higher amount of money (properties) of his? Note, this isn't an offhanded sexist joke people make every once in a while on here. These were many, many posts over a significant amount of time where he was arguing for things he truly believes and wants to happen.

It ABSOLUTELY has to do with you. As his self-proclaimed best friend and lifelong friend, you are tasked with 1) holding him accountable for his actions and views and 2) speaking out against those things. Again, silence is complicity, especially when it involves somebody you're that close to.

How the fvck have I crossed a line with this thread? This issue was already much bigger before my post in this thread, hence his need to threaten (hollow and baseless) litigation against people over it. The only thing that has been crossed is your integrity by cowardly hiding from doing the right thing.