Hearing th US Supreme Court is on the verge of overturning Roe V Wade

Btw, no one is confused about what a woman is right now.
Reminder that Abortion is a tool of Eugenicists and that Planned Parenthood specifically targets minority neighborhoods.

So now y’all want to recognize disparate impacts huh?

edit: and lmao at “targets.” As if women are walking around perfectly happy to be pregnant, but they see an ad for abortions are are like “welp guess I might as well just abort it!”
So now y’all want to recognize disparate impacts huh?
Seriously. How disconnected are you from the discussions here? Impacts are pointed out continuously. From welfare that was intended to take the place of the father in the black community to the most recent new trend of your ilk crying that some men need tampons for their menstrual cycle.

You don’t think women in underprivileged neighborhoods have been targeted for “womens health clinics—planned parenthood”??
Seriously. How disconnected are you from the discussions here? Impacts are pointed out continuously. From welfare that was intended to take the place of the father in the black community to the most recent new trend of your ilk crying that some men need tampons for their menstrual cycle.

You don’t think women in underprivileged neighborhoods have been targeted for “womens health clinics—planned parenthood”??
What do you mean by targeted? Who do you think is choosing to abort a pregnancy because of anything planned parenthood told them? They might be able to because PP exists, but it’s not going to create a desire in them to abort.
So now y’all want to recognize disparate impacts huh?

edit: and lmao at “targets.” As if women are walking around perfectly happy to be pregnant, but they see an ad for abortions are are like “welp guess I might as well just abort it!”

What do you mean by targeted? Who do you think is choosing to abort a pregnancy because of anything planned parenthood told them? They might be able to because PP exists, but it’s not going to create a desire in them to abort.

Planned Parenthood was literally founded by a woman who wanted to reduce the number of undesirables in America. It's pretty obvious you've never spent time in those neighborhoods, because PP literally does do that.

Y'all whined about Joe Camel "advertising cigarettes for kids" and can't see PP directing their resources towards minority neighborhoods.

The fact that more black babies are aborted in NYC than born is what PP calls a feature, not a bug.
Planned Parenthood was literally founded by a woman who wanted to reduce the number of undesirables in America. It's pretty obvious you've never spent time in those neighborhoods, because PP literally does do that.

Margaret Sanger's messaging was extremely clear, and she was a personal hero of Hillary Clinton. It's just another example of democrats racist history and values.
Some interesting quotes from the Philly gathering.
For 32-year-old Greg Glowacki, who lives in Bucks County, this was a first: He had never attended a protest. Glowacki’s wife was home, pregnant with their second child, and they have a 2-year-old daughter. “I want her to have the choice,” he said. “I want her to be free.”

Karen Harmelin, 46, of Mount Airy, brought one of her two sons, Nico Tropea, 11, to the protest. “It’s important for me for them to know that this means freedom for men, not just freedom for women,” she said.

Ohio and Louisiana are currently moving to make anyone who has an IUD guilty of murder.
Have you read the Louisiana bill? It’s 5 pages and nowhere does it mention IUDs. IUDs also prevent fertilization which means that they won’t be banned by the law
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Have you read the Louisiana bill? It’s 5 pages and nowhere does it mention IUDs. IUDs also prevent fertilization which means that they won’t be banned by the law
IUDs can also prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, and since the bill defines the embryo’s rights to begin at fertilization instead of implantation it would make murderers out of women with IUDs.
Ohio and Louisiana are currently moving to make anyone who has an IUD guilty of murder.
No it won't.

It's like the idiot in the Newsweek article the tweeter highlights.

It's amazing how far people will go to try and equate normal medical procedures with abortion because they want to screw without consequences and don't understand how babies are made.

Here’s the opening of the law itself. If you start the “clock” at fertilization then you’re creating a situation where you could charge anyone with an IUD with murder. An earlier version of the law started the clock at implantation. Tell me why they would change that?

A zygote is not a human being. An embryo is not a human being. You all are ****ed in the head for thinking otherwise.

This would make IVF illegal as well.

Section 1. This Act is known and may be cited as the "Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act of 2022".

Section 2. Acknowledging the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, which should be equally protected from fertilization to natural death, the legislature hereby declares that the purpose of this Act is to: (1) Fully recognize the human personhood of an unborn child at all stages of development prior to birth from the moment of fertilization. (2) Ensure the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all unborn children from the moment of fertilization by protecting them by the same laws protecting other human beings….
Exactly you can get condoms at any store/gas station. The gop wanted the pill to be otc but the dems shot it down
I'll go beyond that. Healthcare systems throughout the country have been opening low/no cost medical clinics within these communities for years.

H&H acting like there has been no access to healthcare for the low income is disingenuous, at best.
I'll go beyond that. Healthcare systems throughout the country have been opening low/no cost medical clinics within these communities for years.

H&H acting like there has been no access to healthcare for the low income is disingenuous, at best.
“Aren’t other resources” hyperbole. “Are fewer resources” is more accurate, sure.

But the root of this argument is what exactly? If there are already plenty of birth control and abortion resources in these areas, what does it matter where PP sets up shop?
You denied the effects of marketing abortion to inner cities, then changed your position to say "lack of care".

Of course what has been displayed is your continued lack of facts.
I still 100% deny the effects of “marketing” abortions. Nobody who wanted to carry a pregnancy to term sees a PP on the corner and says “hey know what maybe I’ll just abort it.”

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