Hearing th US Supreme Court is on the verge of overturning Roe V Wade

Democrats blocked it due to the medical-governmental complex so they could keep raking in that insurance money. That was bad of them.
Yet they never offered up their own solution to make birth control more readily available. If they truly cared about “womens/birthing person/aborting person” health they would have instead of screaming ABORTION
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That and CPCs don’t care about the health and welfare of the woman and just push them to give birth no matter what.
Now you are just being intentionally ignorant. Have you ever had any experience with a CPC?

It's pretty obvious the answer is no.

Our local CPC does hundreds of hours of counseling a week with multiple women. The CPC I worked with in Pittsburgh provided free medical care without any strings attached, and even paid for specialist visits. So many young black women abandoned by family, etc... were driven to doctor's appointments, even to the hospital and stayed with them through delivery.

This is from a brochure I have on my desk, and have given to multiple women (including women in our church who've had an abortion). The biggest lie, and most damaging one, is that an abortion is like having a molar removed, just a "medical procedure". No women I've ever met, and I've talked to hundreds, who has had an abortion doesn't have post-abortion stress. Dreams, PTSD, and other mental and emotional difficulties. That's part of the conversation that drives me nuts. How free folks are talking about this issue.

I always think about how pissed the neighbors must be in these types of situations.
My only reservation about banning abortions is that we will end up with more people like Greed if we do it.

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