Herdmanian gripe


Aug 5, 2001
People I don't like...those who can't find the courtesy of walking their shopping cart the five or six steps needed to return it to a cart rack in a Walmart parking lot. The last three or four times I've pulled into a slot I or my wife had to get out and move a cart that people simply abandon after they remove their groceries. Sometimes they are literally a few steps away from the cart rack. Those things can wreak havoc on paint jobs when they roll into cars.

We live in a world of self-absorbed people. Carry on.
People I don't like...those who can't find the courtesy of walking their shopping cart the five or six steps needed to return it to a cart rack in a Walmart parking lot. The last three or four times I've pulled into a slot I or my wife had to get out and move a cart that people simply abandon after they remove their groceries. Sometimes they are literally a few steps away from the cart rack. Those things can wreak havoc on paint jobs when they roll into cars.

We live in a world of self-absorbed people. Carry on.

I agree with you and if I were WalMart I would ban them for a period of time. That is just lazy and causes destruction of personal property.
I dislike them as well. Funny story: My dad was leaving Costco one time and saw a guy leave his cart in a random location, my dad flagged him down as he drove past him and pointed it out, the guy pretty much told him to F'off and mind his own business. Right after he told my dad to F'off and mind his own business, the shopping cart he had left out in the parking lot rolled right into the guys car.
I agree 100%. They could usually use the extra walk/exercise to the cart return area any way. Lazy idiots.
apologies ahead of time for turning this thread about me . . . but, GK's post reminded me of an incident about a month ago that i intended to post on here.

like GK, i was also at a walmart . . . and, surprisingly, a pretty decent one. all walmarts get some bottom-feeders going to them, but this one is pretty good in not having many of them.

i started to pull into a prime parking spot in the third row. a guy had been unloading a cart into the back of his silver jeep SUV. right as i started to pull into the vacant spot next to him, he pushed the car into the open spot. he left the cart there. noticing that he was getting back into his car, i figured honking the car horn would be worthless, so i just found another spot a few rows back.

as i got out of the car, i noticed that guy also getting out of his car. i could tell he was pissed about something because he literally threw his hands up in the air. he was very animated walking back in, throwing his hands up and down a couple of times. i watched as he started to walk back into the store . . . right past the shopping cart he had pushed into the open spot next to him. leaving those carts out is shitty. first, as GK said, they could blow away and give small damage to car. also, they can block open parking spots like this guy did. but, what really irritates me is that it also gives other people more work. those guys collecting shopping carts for the store arent making a killing. it is florida. it is 90+ degrees here. it isnt a fun job sitting around in air-conditioning. worse, this prick walked right past his cart when he could have taken it back to the store since he was now going back in there. so, i purposely took my time walking to the store. i waited outside hoping that the guy would walk out soon so i could calmly explain to him why he was an asshole . . . in a little more civil tone.

the guy came out a few minutes later. as he was walking towards me, i said "excuse me, but next time, you may want to consider putting your cart back to where it belongs the next time. not only did you block a spot i was about to pull in, but it is pretty rude of you to make workers do more work instead of just walking it 20 steps to where it belongs." as i was saying this, the guy continued walking away from me but with his head turned toward me. it took a minute for him to catch on to what i was saying, but when it happened, all hell broke loose. he, now about 10 steps from me, yelled "fvck you, asshole!" i responded "that's classy, but nothing i didnt expect coming from you." he then yelled out "you want to fvck with me, you want to fvck with me." he then violently threw down what he had forgotten to purchase during his first trip (a case of coke) and aggressively walked towards me. realizing this guy was a maniac, i put my phone in my pocket and took off my sunglasses expecting this guy to do something. he got in my face, a guy in his 50s who was half of my size, and said "im going to fvcking kill you." i calmly told him that he wasnt. he repeated himself again. i told him that i would appreciate it if he attempted since he was half my size and because his cigarette breath was starting to irritate me. eventually, the guy walked back to his soda, yelled "fvck you" again, and stuck up his middle finger.

i dont think many people saw, but im sure it was quite entertaining (and a bit embarrassing for me). in florida, there is a "stand your ground law," so i could have knocked the guy out after he threw his soda down and showed aggression rushing towards me. i ended up getting the guy's license plate for any of you who wants to spend $40 and have a PI track his name/address. i thought about doing it because i wanted to contact his employer and relay the story about what an embarrassing maniac they had working for them, but i never got around to doing it.

florida license plate on a silver Jeep brand SUV: DLI B64

the grocery cart complain is just an example of a bigger issue i have; the general lack of courtesy people show in my situations.

another big one i have . . . i live in a beach-side building full of some pretty wealthy people. the majority of people here have this property as one of many they own and visit throughout the year. the owners of books-a-million live here. a miami heat executive has a place here. a handful of doctors . . . a plastic surgeon/spa owner from charleston (WV) . . . a natural gas/oil success from lincoln county (WV) . . . so many of these people are used to being catered to. however, common courtesy shouldnt be thrown out in those cases.

at the pool, there are a number of nice tables/chairs/umbrellas. people go out there, move the chairs around how they want them or to sit to whom they want, and they never move them back. so, in the later afternoon or evening when few people are out on the big pool deck, the view isnt as pretty because chairs are everywhere . . . some are raised up in the sitting position, others are down, others are crooked. and who has to go around spending 20 minutes each morning putting them where they are supposed to go? the maintenance staff. every morning, when i wake up early, i see the same two maintenance guys who work their ass off all week spending time moving the chairs and tables everywhere. i know owners feel that since they pay their community fees, they are entitled to being treated like that. but, come on. show some courtesy not only to the workers, but also the other other building occupants who dont want to look out there and see chairs scattered everywhere.

it is just a general lack of courtesy for other people.
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I'm with you on this rifle and I'm glad you confronted the guy. That's the one speaks up. No one plants that seed in the egocentric person's head that their actions are dickish. I'm not the type of person who is confrontational. I've never been in any fight as an adult. But much to the chagrin of my wife I will always speak my mind to a person who does something like you encountered. I was getting out of my car at the mall during a busy Christmas season a few years back and a girl was sitting with her turn signal on waiting for one of the few spots in the lot that another couple was loading up their bags in and getting ready to leave. She had her turn signal on and was sitting in a way she wasn't blocking traffic. Just as the car was getting ready to pull out another car comes racing up the aisle and cuts the girl waiting off before she could pull into the spot. I walked through the cars and politely knocked on this man's window. When he rolled down the window I told him he would have to move his car because another car had been waiting to pull in. The man angrily slammed his car in reverse and pulled out of the spot. He didn't argue and he knew what he did was wrong. But if he wasn't called on it he would have selfishly taken the spot, I'll probably get decked one day but that's ok...somebody needs to plant the seed of a conscience in people.

I'm fascinated by self-centered and narcisstic people. It's beyond my comprehension how people can live on a planet whose population is in the billions yet think they have some kind of privileged position. Bravo for calling this guy out.
That's the one speaks up. .

And I don't go around thinking I'm George Zimmerman. I don't try to be the morality police going around calling out people. Usually, if something is done to me, I don't worry about it. But, if I see somebody being inconsiderate to somebody else, that's when I have an issue.

two other incidents: months ago, i followed a group coming out of a restaurant. one of the guys was unwrapping some candy items i assumed he grabbed on the way out and dropping pieces of the wrapper, purposely, on the ground. i walked behind him picking up each piece and confronted him as he had just sat in his car. i held out my hand and told him that i think he had dropped this stuff. he really didnt know what to do and just responded that he didnt want it. i then told him to stop being an idiot and that somebody else would have to clean it up.

throughout the year, daytona beach has two bike weeks and a jeep week. the beach and city get taken over by those vehicles. it is very rare that any of them come as far down the beach to my city. but, about two months ago, unexpectedly, there was a new thing where the beach was taken over by pick-up trucks. for some reason, they started parking at the end of daytona beach and had continued into my area. many of them were parking in front of my building. literally, hundreds upon hundreds of these trucks, filled with older teens and 20-somethings, were spinning their tires and blasting their systems in a residential area. as i went out for my run, an elderly neighbor who was on the beach complained to me about how awful the noise was. these kids didnt just have loud music. they had ridiculously loud systems built into the beds of their trucks blasting rap music full of racial slurs and swear words. by this point, the older folks on the pool deck (who are only out there from about 7 am - 10 am before calling it a day) had all gathered along the railings watching and not knowing what to do. i went over there and didnt want to embarrass the owner of the truck by acting like a tough guy in front of his friends and their girlfriends, so i told him a white lie. i just pointed up to the old people along the railing and said that they dont put up with that here like they do in daytona beach. i told the kids that the old people will call the police, and you wont get a warning to turn the music off. you will just get a $350 fine immediately. the kid was extremely thankful that i warned him about it (even if it was false) and turned it off.

and i know they are high school/college aged kids, but even when i was that age, i was smart enough not to blast music right in front of a residential area, not to mention the words being used in the songs. i dont think they were bad kids, but sometimes it isnt the case of people not caring or being considerate of others. sometimes, people are just too stupid to realize what they are doing impacts others.

Hey rifle...Do you carry? If so, was there any temptation to reach for it?

i have a CCP, but i rarely carry. i usually travel with one when i have a bit of a drive, but rarely locally. i have a lot of confidence in my ability to be stronger/more athletic/better trained than any person, so i would take my risk using my hands defending myself against somebody who made a first physical attack before ever thinking about a weapon. even if i had been carrying, i cant imagine i would have even thought about it. i pride myself on always keeping my composure. i cant recall the last time i truly got angry or lost my temper . . . i really think it was two years ago in a game when a defensive player was yelling about the play clock winding down, which was impacting my QB from being able to hear my voice (i train the QBs to identify my voice so they can hear me counting down the clock as opposed to somebody else) . . . so, again, that was two years ago that i think i actually yelled at somebody or got angry, and i couldnt live with myself knowing i blew somebody away who tried to punch me, knowing i could defend myself handily, regardless of what the law says im allowed to do.
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Not sure I could have been so gracious. I'm not as young as I used to be. Also, having worked with inmates the past 23 years has left me fairly cynical of my fellow man. Tallahassee really is tanking in terms of crime so my .40 is usually close by. Like you, I have no desire to go all Zimmerman but better safe than sorry.
I had a midget threaten to beat me and my son up a couple of years ago. My son asked me a question during a preview before a movie and told me to shut up. I told him the kid was just asking a question and that would be it. He kept running his mouth and I told him to go pound sand and said I was sorry but he was just a kid. Because it was dark didn't know he was a midget or short man about the size of a jockey. Probably not a real midget but probably could have served as a double in the lollipop guild.

After the movie I am at the urinal and this voice says there is the loud mouth in the theater. I turned around and there he was still running his mouth. I finally said, buddy it is over with and I apologized now move on. I am sure I didn't ruin the movie for you. He said you are lucky I don't shut you up.

I looked at him and said buddy I am 6'2. What are you going to do hit me in the knee cap and if you do, I am going to let my 5th grade son kick your ass.

I actually kind of felt bad for the guy after I said it because everybody in the restroom laughed at him.
Not sure I could have been so gracious. I'm not as young as I used to be. Also, having worked with inmates the past 23 years has left me fairly cynical of my fellow man. Tallahassee really is tanking in terms of crime so my .40 is usually close by. Like you, I have no desire to go all Zimmerman but better safe than sorry.

I am too old to fight now. I usually just try to avoid it. But, i don't trust too many people either.
I had a midget threaten to beat me and my son up a couple of years ago. My son asked me a question during a preview before a movie and told me to shut up. I told him the kid was just asking a question and that would be it. He kept running his mouth and I told him to go pound sand and said I was sorry but he was just a kid. Because it was dark didn't know he was a midget or short man about the size of a jockey. Probably not a real midget but probably could have served as a double in the lollipop guild.

After the movie I am at the urinal and this voice says there is the loud mouth in the theater. I turned around and there he was still running his mouth. I finally said, buddy it is over with and I apologized now move on. I am sure I didn't ruin the movie for you. He said you are lucky I don't shut you up.

I looked at him and said buddy I am 6'2. What are you going to do hit me in the knee cap and if you do, I am going to let my 5th grade son kick your ass.

I actually kind of felt bad for the guy after I said it because everybody in the restroom laughed at him.

No need to feel bad about what you said to him. He was asking for it and you gave it to him. You tried to be civil and he wanted no part of that. If you act like an idiot then you'll be treated like an idiot.

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