Homeless Vets OUT Illegals IN

The military is a socialist welfare program. My taxes pay for the wages, healthcare, housing, food, clothing, tuition, and retirement pensions of those in the services. And then you make an about face, show your hypocrisy, and want to deny that to the very citizens that paid for those benefits.
^^^needs instructions to breathe
they were moved to another hotel. agree with ET, big fat deal.

now, who was the idiot ITT saying something about hoping the govt got a good deal?


hope in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up the fastest. the only thing any govt doesn't overpay for is labor as govt jobs pay is shit. on the flip side, if the overall incompetence of most govements says anything about the people it employs, they're likely way overpaid. but the govt getting a deal on contracted services, or anything else . . . reggie, please.
You're a liar. Want proof? You're here.
^^^needs instructions to breathe
You're a low life lying tax leech.

The military is a socialist welfare program. My taxes pay for the wages, healthcare, housing, food, clothing, tuition, and retirement pensions of those in the services. And then you make an about face, show your hypocrisy, and want to deny that to the very citizens that paid for those benefits.
Yes, we do. Your entire son's salary is subsidized through taxpayers like me. If you have a pension, you're welcome.
#1) I pay taxes too. Plenty of them. So i help fund them too. I pay more into the system that I get back. So, I am a Net payer into the system. Maybe I should get to vote twice.
#2) They protect the country and the defense of the country is mandated in the Constitution
#3) I am not retired military. So, I don't get a military pension.
#1) I pay taxes too.
#2) They protect the country

The military is a socialist welfare program. My taxes pay for the wages, healthcare, housing, food, clothing, tuition, and retirement pensions of those in the services. And then you make an about face, show your hypocrisy, and want to deny that to the very citizens that paid for those benefits.
they were moved to another hotel. agree with ET, big fat deal.

now, who was the idiot ITT saying something about hoping the govt got a good deal?


hope in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up the fastest. the only thing any govt doesn't overpay for is labor as govt jobs pay is shit. on the flip side, if the overall incompetence of most govements says anything about the people it employs, they're likely way overpaid. but the govt getting a deal on contracted services, or anything else . . . reggie, please.
Why move the vets if they were already in place? Just take the illegals to the other hotel
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The military is a socialist welfare program. My taxes pay for the wages, healthcare, housing, food, clothing, tuition, and retirement pensions of those in the services. And then you make an about face, show your hypocrisy, and want to deny that to the very citizens that paid for those benefits.
Ole draft dodger talking out his backside as usual.
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Thankfully folks like the American Legion stepped in and called the bullshit out. It became a PR nightmare and they back down. It was all a money grab because they could make more money on the illegals in the rates.

Of course Hammond and Hokies don't eat to tell the part of folks like the Legion and public putting the pressure on to make it right.

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