Huff trying to leave

We used to laugh at WVU fans whose message boards are just a big circle jerk of how their Johnny Twostar player turned down Alabama, Clemson, and being named commandant of the Marine Corps to play for the mighty Mountaineers, and how Fat Donnie, DickRod, HoldMyBeer and even poor old Stew (RIP) were super geniuses plucked from signing at super programs.
Does anyone on this board care more about WVU than you? Take it to their board. This is Marshall's board.
We can all hope together that CH really is the guy,
The issue, of course, is this blind faith in CH.
You just keep proving to be the kind of a loser many know you to be and why this team, this school is no longer for you. Move on.
"Faith" is necessary for any move higher, or advancement. It requires an emotional tie to whatever it is you want to obtain. Faith leads to action to obtain the goal set. Blind faith is a part of any new hire, a coach or burger flipper.
"Hope" is a loser's wish. Hope is passive activity. You hope to win the lottery. You hope your team wins, while you sit on your ass and do nothing. You seem good at the do nothing part. Keep it up.
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Guys... Duke called like one of pain in the butt scam phone calls and Coach Huff just told them that he was not interested and quit calling.

It's also like the phone calls I get all the time from a "head-hunter" trying to get mt to change jobs, promising a big increase in wage and even bigger things to come and not telling me the company hit the iceberg and taking on water fast.

Get the point fellows!!!
There you go, confusing the Doc-obsessed with facts and logic. In their delusional world, a 7-5 not Doc coach is a candidate for great P5 jobs like VPI, Duke and I even saw one post on Facebook about Virginia. And, of course, in their delusion, all of the failings of CH, are excused away to the supposed “dumpster fire” left behind by last year’s division championship winner. Of course, in the real world, we underperformed this year and no one associated with the team, certainly not its head coach deserved, or actually got, a sniff from anyone else; and a “dumpster fire” is what the new coaches at places like FIU, Akron, New Mexico State, got. Losing teams. Not returning division champions.

One has to wonder when CH will be judged on his own merits, without an amen chorus of Doc obsessed excuse makers.
Yeah, no one said let's give Doc time to get his kids in here. LOL!
Yeah, no one said let's give Doc time to get his kids in here. LOL!
Again, with the obsession on the past.

If you want to go there, have the sense to see what the topic of this thread is. It isn't "lets let CH have time to ..." Nope. Just the opposite. It is the delusional and childish idea that CH really didn't have an underperforming mediocre year, followed up with a disappointing recruiting effort, no, in fact CH did so well that he is going to Duke (or VPI, or Virginia, or the Jaguars, or whatever).

Its silly. People that think that are silly. CH had a bad year. No one with sense say fire him. But, no one with sense think it qualified him for anything more either.

It is still possible that CH might figure it out and turn it around. It is still early. Let's hope he does. Then, after he has actually accomplished something, a legitimate discussion of just how long he is going to stay is in order.

Not now.