Huff's Extension

I actually believe this should be the case. If the rumors were true (offered an extension before NC State game and turned it down), and then went on to have the season he had, he should be gone. This season is about proving his value to the next employer in 2025.

With that said, the landscape of college football (collegiate sports as a whole) has changed greatly over the last 3-4 years. So much so that even HOF coaches are hanging it up due to the complexity. Building programs with players who are willing to stay 2 or 3 years, developing continuity and consistency has gotten damn near impossible.

Agree 100%

Huff is only going to win and do his best for his resume, not MU.
MU however, benefits from this because they'll be in a better position than they were prior.
They also don't have to pay any sort of a buyout, since Huff would make it known to them, that he's going elsewhere after the season ends.

This is a pretty decent position for MU to be in.
You guys are wasting your breath. He is gone next year. Already decided.
If that's true, its going to be an even more interesting season than we thought... Not necessarily on the field, but behind the scenes.

If we start out, lets say 2-4 (very very real possibility looking at our schedule) what's the incentive to keep grinding? I'm sure Huff knows he can go back to being an RB coach at just about any school he chooses, so if our season starts out poorly why not just pack it in?

Also, on the flip side, if Smith/Spears/etc know that Huff is taking his ball and going home before this season even starts, they better be working on a list of guys to call about our vacancy the second the final clock strikes zero.
If that's true, its going to be an even more interesting season than we thought... Not necessarily on the field, but behind the scenes.

If we start out, lets say 2-4 (very very real possibility looking at our schedule) what's the incentive to keep grinding? I'm sure Huff knows he can go back to being an RB coach at just about any school he chooses, so if our season starts out poorly why not just pack it in?

Also, on the flip side, if Smith/Spears/etc know that Huff is taking his ball and going home before this season even starts, they better be working on a list of guys to call about our vacancy the second the final clock strikes zero.
Why wait to then? Why not interview now? Like Lynn Snyder did.
Why wait to then? Why not interview now? Like Lynn Snyder did.
Because that's a terrible look... Odds are the guy we are going to hire is currently coaching somewhere else getting ready for their season. You don't interview guys and pick a new coach, then have him coach out the year at another place, then come to Huntington (meanwhile Huff would be officially lame ducking our season).

I hire people all the time... I dont say, thanks for interviewing and accepting my offer - don't tell anyone, and keep working at your current job, so in 6 months I can fire the guy you are replacing and you can come aboard. Lol

If Huff has really told Spears/Smith he's leaving after the season... Spears should be talking to agents and making a list of possible candidates now. In October or so, he should start sending out feelers via a headhunter specifically specialized in coaching hires. Then interviews start as soon as its announced Huff is leaving (in November).
I I'm sure Huff knows he can go back to being an RB coach at just about any school he chooses, so if our season starts out poorly why not just pack it in?

Also, on the flip side, if Smith/Spears/etc know that Huff is taking his ball and going home before this season even starts, they better be working on a list of guys to call about our vacancy the second the final clock strikes zero.
CH had a plan. As Mike Tyson said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. CH was going to try his hand at being a mid-major head coach, and parlay success here into the truly life transformative inter-generational wealth that comes from the SEC, Big 10, ACC, and even (for now) the "Big" 12.

It just didn't work out. He just didn't make it. Not that much difference from washing out of Organic Chemistry and changing your major into something other than Pre-Med or washing out of Analytic Geometry and changing out of Engineering. Not everyone makes it. There are a lot of broken dreams. Couldn't hit a curve ball. Couldn't hack boot camp. Just not quite pretty enough to get a staring role in a movie. Not able to hit the high notes every time. Stuck as a intermediate middle manager for life. Its called life, and life is hard and filled with disappointments.

But there is no way CH leaves other than being fired, or overcoming all the odds, actually has the kind of successful season that will get him that crazy money.

How many people in WV make the kind of salary money CH makes. Salary money, not income from investments or land or businesses, actual salary, wages paid for what you did this week as work? Maybe 100? Maybe 200? Maybe?

And this joker is going to leave that? Nah. Either CS will grow a pair, or the results will be so poor that his hand is forced and CH is sent packing, in which case he will be, like MS, be reabsorbed by the buddy-buddy system and return to being a career assistant; or he is going to actually have the kind of year that none of us think he can, and find his way to a lower program in a big conference, and make cash that his great-grandkids will spend.

Or, he parlays our weak schedule into something between 6 and 8 wins, and we get another weekend release of a memo saying its "unacceptable" and then accepting it, and we are right back here next year.
Because that's a terrible look... Odds are the guy we are going to hire is currently coaching somewhere else getting ready for their season. You don't interview guys and pick a new coach, then have him coach out the year at another place, then come to Huntington (meanwhile Huff would be officially lame ducking our season).

I hire people all the time... I dont say, thanks for interviewing and accepting my offer - don't tell anyone, and keep working at your current job, so in 6 months I can fire the guy you are replacing and you can come aboard. Lol

If Huff has really told Spears/Smith he's leaving after the season... Spears should be talking to agents and making a list of possible candidates now. In October or so, he should start sending out feelers via a headhunter specifically specialized in coaching hires. Then interviews start as soon as its announced Huff is leaving (in November).
well whatever, but that is how Lynn Snyder hired Stan Parrish. There was no offer in the summertime, but the ground work was done at that time.
CH had a plan. As Mike Tyson said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. CH was going to try his hand at being a mid-major head coach, and parlay success here into the truly life transformative inter-generational wealth that comes from the SEC, Big 10, ACC, and even (for now) the "Big" 12.
IDK man, we're all adults and there's a lot more into every situation that we have to consider... He has made it clear he doesn't much care for Huntington. Maybe he has had enough and wants out to go live somewhere else. Maybe his wife isn't happy, etc.

And its not like he'd be leaving his CEO job at Apple to go manage a Best Buy store for $60k a year. He makes $750k as our head coach, SEC/ACC RB coaches make $500k or more (the highest paid is the guy at LSU making $900k). He'd still be doing just fine.

Maybe he's the type of guy that can put his ego aside, admit this hasn't worked out, and head for something he perceives as "better."
IDK man, we're all adults and there's a lot more into every situation that we have to consider... He has made it clear he doesn't much care for Huntington. Maybe he has had enough and wants out to go live somewhere else. Maybe his wife isn't happy, etc.

And its not like he'd be leaving his CEO job at Apple to go manage a Best Buy store for $60k a year. He makes $750k as our head coach, SEC/ACC RB coaches make $500k or more (the highest paid is the guy at LSU making $900k). He'd still be doing just fine.

Maybe he's the type of guy that can put his ego aside, admit this hasn't worked out, and head for something he perceives as "better."
I said after the season and before the bowl, he should resign and get an NFL job as a RB coach Work a couple of NFl seasons come back and he could get a power 5 HC. Winning record at MU wins over ND Va Tech etc. he’d be a shoe in
It just didn't work out. He just didn't make it.
Based on your track record, we can expect him to be the head coach at Georgia next year.

But there is no way CH leaves other than being fired, or overcoming all the odds, actually has the kind of successful season that will get him that crazy money.
Umm, what? The only chance he has of leaving is to be fired or to have so much success that he gets a high-paying job? Uhh, yeah, that is almost always what happens when a head coach leaves: They get fired or get a higher paying job.

Does his contract not expire at the end of this season?

I dont think so, they usually run to 12/31, sometimes 6/30/next yr
Not true. Most don't end on those dates. Huff's expires on 1/31/25.

... He has made it clear he doesn't much care for Huntington.
This comment has been made numerous times, yet I have never received proof of that. Where did he ever say that? Some people have said they think they read something in a newspaper or magazine of him saying that "living in Huntington is tough," but nobody has ever shown proof. Considering that isn't a light comment, you'd think it would be easy to find. If nobody can show proof of that comment, we need to stop regurgitating it.

SEC/ACC RB coaches make $500k or more (the highest paid is the guy at LSU making $900k). He'd still be doing just fine.
Frank Wilson is an SEC RB coach who makes $1 million this season and will make $1.2 million next season.

I said after the season and before the bowl, he should resign and get an NFL job as a RB coach Work a couple of NFl seasons come back and he could get a power 5 HC. Winning record at MU wins over ND Va Tech etc. he’d be a shoe in

Quick, name the last NFL RB coach who landed a P5 head coaching job.
Hell, name the last five NFL any position coaches who did that.

It's not a common occurrence. I think there has been one in the last 18 months, and he was only an NFL position coach for about two weeks.

We need a full-time fact checker on here.
Based on your track record, we can expect him to be the head coach at Georgia next year.

Umm, what? The only chance he has of leaving is to be fired or to have so much success that he gets a high-paying job? Uhh, yeah, that is almost always what happens when a head coach leaves: They get fired or get a higher paying job.


Not true. Most don't end on those dates. Huff's expires on 1/31/25.

This comment has been made numerous times, yet I have never received proof of that. Where did he ever say that? Some people have said they think they read something in a newspaper or magazine of him saying that "living in Huntington is tough," but nobody has ever shown proof. Considering that isn't a light comment, you'd think it would be easy to find. If nobody can show proof of that comment, we need to stop regurgitating it.

Frank Wilson is an SEC RB coach who makes $1 million this season and will make $1.2 million next season.

Quick, name the last NFL RB coach who landed a P5 head coaching job.
Hell, name the last five NFL any position coaches who did that.

It's not a common occurrence. I think there has been one in the last 18 months, and he was only an NFL position coach for about two weeks.

We need a full-time fact checker on here.
Bobby Ross
George OLeary though wasn’t RB. But no big deal
Bobby Ross
George OLeary though wasn’t RB. But no big deal
Two examples, both 20+ years ago. That's my point.

There have been far more than that, including far more recent, but the point remains the same: it's very rare. I would guess no more than an average of one every 2-4 years.
I’m stuck on him leaving or not. He has a very solid HS class coming in, with a QB that IMO would be a game changer. But he also hasn’t produced on the field and should have been recruiting HS players this heavy the past 3 recruiting cycles.

Either way I will continue to support MU and will win multiple national championships on College Football 25. Lol
Because that's a terrible look... Odds are the guy we are going to hire is currently coaching somewhere else getting ready for their season. You don't interview guys and pick a new coach, then have him coach out the year at another place, then come to Huntington (meanwhile Huff would be officially lame ducking our season).

I hire people all the time... I dont say, thanks for interviewing and accepting my offer - don't tell anyone, and keep working at your current job, so in 6 months I can fire the guy you are replacing and you can come aboard. Lol

If Huff has really told Spears/Smith he's leaving after the season... Spears should be talking to agents and making a list of possible candidates now. In October or so, he should start sending out feelers via a headhunter specifically specialized in coaching hires. Then interviews start as soon as its announced Huff is leaving (in November).

I like how Sluggz is so critical of Spears but presents objectively terrible ideas.

In either case, we'll see what Spears/MU does.
Wasn’t my idea. It’s what AD Lynn Snyder did
Yeah, but that’s like comparing the Stone Age to current times, don’t you think? Back then, “nil” meant zero, or nothing. The portal was what the “old” tv show “Time Tunnel” used as a prop, and if you transferred schools you had to sit out a year!
Yeah, but that’s like comparing the Stone Age to current times, don’t you think? Back then, “nil” meant zero, or nothing. The portal was what the “old” tv show “Time Tunnel” used as a prop, and if you transferred schools you had to sit out a year!
What’s any of that have to do with finding a coach before you move on from your current coach? Just getting your ducks in a row
If you don’t know where you are going next , you end up with a CH or MS

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