A simple google of "Trump quotes" bring up pages upon pages of articles written by countless legitimate news sources from home and all over the world that are ridiculing our president. This isn't some kind of leftist smear campaign orchestrated by some internet blogger. This isn't fake news. The amount of incoherent, nonsensical, grammatically incorrect, uninformed quotes are staggering. And someone is asking for context? Jesus. In what world would context even matter with the babble spewed by this guy.
Several on here are trying to paint me as some kind of closet liberal that remained silent during the Obama presidency as if to say that Obama somehow performed as poorly as Trump does with his unscripted replies. That is absolute hogwash and if you really believe that there is even a comparison between Obama and Trump in this regard it perfectly validates my oft repeated assertion that subscription to ideology is a blinder to reality. It's the only explanation for the willful blindness exhibited by those who defend our President.
When I started this thread I had one purpose...to express my feelings of how embarrassing this president is with his inability to communicate. It is not an endorsement of liberalism and Obama. I never voted for Obama. I've never voted for a democratic president ever and my voting record goes back to 1976. This is not partisan politics. It's simply having the honesty to understand that we have a president that is woefully unprepared to represent our country.