
Rufus spent college grabbing his drunk friends' dicks to stick them in girls' hands. Got it. How else could that even seem normal to you. Weirdo.
Did you even read what I wrote? I said HE too was taken advantage of. This story sounds like both were the butt of a very sick joke. Jesus Christ, you have finally pickled your brain.


WASHINGTON — After oil installations were blown up in Saudi Arabia over the weekend, President Trump declared that the United States was “locked and loaded,” a phrase that seemed to suggest he was ready to strike back. But then he promised to wait for Saudi Arabia to tell him “under what terms we would proceed.”

His message on Twitter offered a remarkable insight into the deference Mr. Trump gives to the Saudi royal family and touched off a torrent of criticism from those who have long accused him of doing Riyadh’s bidding while sweeping Saudi violations of human rights and international norms under the rug.

It was hard to imagine him allowing NATO, or a European ally, such latitude to determine how the United States should respond. But for Mr. Trump, the Saudis have always been a special case, their economic import having often overwhelmed other considerations in his mind.

Whether, and how, to commit forces is one of the most critical decisions any American president can make, but Mr. Trump’s comment gave the impression that he was outsourcing the decision.

The fact that the other country was Saudi Arabia — a difficult ally that came under intense criticism for the killing and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi, the dissident and Washington Post columnist — reinforced the longstanding criticism that the energy-rich kingdom buys American support.

“What struck me about that tweet was not just that it’s obviously wrong to allow Saudi Arabia to dictate our foreign policy, but that the president doesn’t seem to be aware of how submissive it makes him look to say that,” said Representative Tom Malinowski, Democrat of New Jersey and a former assistant secretary of state.

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, who served under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
The Saudis, Mr. Gates told the French foreign minister at the time, always want to “fight the Iranians to the last American.”

Among those who seemed to share the sentiment in the past was a New York businessman and television entertainer named Donald J. Trump.

“Saudi Arabia should fight their own wars, which they won’t, or pay us an absolute fortune to protect them and their great wealth-$ trillion!” he tweeted in 2014. Stories&pgtype=Homepage


You’ve got him now!
Did you even read what I wrote? I said HE too was taken advantage of. This story sounds like both were the butt of a very sick joke. Jesus Christ, you have finally pickled your brain.
i've pickled my brain? lol, you've smoke yores out, then. you've obviously accepted this story as factual and continue to paint him them both as guilty before knowing for sure any of this shit actually occurred. not like people haven't been caught lying about kav already. jesus christ, try to follow along.
you've obviously accepted this story as factual and continue to paint him them both as guilty

Actually, I used to think he very well might be a rapist, but now I see him in a sympathetic light and feel bad for the guy. I'm not sure what that makes him "guilty" of, besides being shitfaced drunk and having bad friends as a young man. I get the feeling you didn't bother to read any of this story beyond the headlines...which makes you look like a dipshit for trying to debate it.

In a Sept. 25 interview with Senate Judiciary Committee staff, Kavanaugh was asked about the allegation by Deborah Ramirez, a classmate at Yale, that he exposed himself to her when they were freshmen, which was reported by the New Yorker. The staffer asked, “since you graduated from college, but before the New Yorker article publication on September 23rd, have you ever discussed or heard discussion about the incident matching the description given by Ms. Ramirez to the New Yorker?” Kavanaugh answered with one word: “No.”
“In a series of texts before the publication of the New Yorker story, [Karen] Yarasavage wrote that she had been in contact with ‘Brett’s guy,’ and also with ‘Brett,’ who wanted her to go on the record to refute Ramirez.”

  • “I never attended a gathering like the one Dr. Ford describes in her allegation,” Kavanaugh said in his testimony. Ford described a small gathering of fewer than 10 teenagers at which beer was consumed. Buthis own calendarsreference such gatherings.
  • “Dr. Ford’s allegation is not merely uncorroborated, it is refuted by the very people she says were there, including by a long-time friend of hers. Refuted.” This is false. The people in question said theyhave no memoryof the event, which is very, very different fromrefutingthe idea that the event ever took place. Since nothing of note happened to themat the gathering, there’s little reason to think they would recall it all these years later.
  • Kavanaugh repeatedly characterized his drinking as regular but moderate, insisting that he has never been so drunk that he couldn’t remember what happened the next day. “Like most people in college I went to parties and had beers,” hesaidto Judiciary Committee staff. Yet multiple people have now described him as being frequently stumbling drunk in high school and college. “He frequently drank to excess,”one classmate said. “I know because I frequently drank to excess with him.” Anothersaid, “I definitely saw him on multiple occasions stumbling drunk where he could not have rational control over his actions or clear recollection of them.”
  • “And yes, there were parties. And the drinking age was 18, and yes, the seniors were legal and had beer there,” he said in hisinterviewwith Fox News. In his testimony, he repeated the same idea: “My friends and I sometimes got together and had parties on weekends. The drinking age was 18 in Maryland for most of my time in high school, and was 18 in D.C. for all of my time in high school. I drank beer with my friends.” This is false. The drinking age in Maryland was raised to 21 in 1982, when Kavanaugh was 17. There was not a single day during his entire time in high school when it was legal for him to drink.
  • In one of his friend Mark Judge’s books, a memoir of his time in high school, Judge uses pseudonyms for other people he describes. At one point he refers to a “Bart O’Kavanaugh” throwing up in a car. Sen. Pat Leahy asked, “Is that you that he’s talking about?” to which Kavanaugh got indignant and accused Leahy of trying to “make fun of some guy who has an addiction,” meaning Judge. Pressed on whether “O’Kavanaugh” was him, Kavanaugh finally said, “You’d have to ask him.”
  • His yearbook refers to him as “Beach Week Ralph Club — Biggest Contributor.” Beach Week is a yearlybacchanalof drinking, drugs, and sex that D.C.-area prep school kids engage in with little or no adult supervision, but Kavanaugh claims that all that was being memorialized was the fact that “I’m known to have a weak stomach and I always have … whether it’s with beer or with spicy food or anything.”
  • Kavanaugh claimed that a series of sexual references in his yearbook actually amounted to a vernacular unique to him, in which commonly understood slang terms took on meanings different from what every other person anyone can find understood them to mean. He said the “Devil’s Triangle,” whichrefersto a threesome with two men and one woman, was actually a drinking game similar to quarters, despite the fact that there is no reference anywhere on the Internet to such a drinking game, and claimed that “boofing” referred not to one of its twocommonmeanings (anal sex or the practice of taking drugs as suppositories) but to flatulence. A reference to “FFFFFFFourth of July” was nota sexual one, but mocking a classmate who stuttered.
  • He claimed that multiple references to him and his friends being “Renate alumni,” referring to a young woman from a nearby school, were not sexual boasting and slut-shaming, but were merely included on their yearbook pages to show their affection and admiration for her. “That yearbook reference was clumsily intended to show affection, and that she was one of us,” he said. That must have been why one of his classmates, joining in the show of “affection,” included a poem: “You need a date / and it’s getting late / so don’t hesitate / to call Renate.” When Sen. Richard Blumenthal raised it, Kavanaugh affected deep umbrage, claiming he actually thinks “she’s a great person.” If there’s a single person in America who believes that yearbook reference was meant to show affection, they have yet to make themselves known.
  • “I got into Yale Law School. That’s the number one law school in the country. I had no connections there. I got there by busting my tail in college.” This picture of Kavanaugh is absurd. He went to an elite prep school with other children of wealth and influence, he got into Yale as a legacy (his grandfatherwent there), and one suspects that being a Yale undergrad didn’t harm his chances of getting into Yale Law School.
  • “I grew up in a city plagued by gun violence and gang violence and drug violence,” he said in his first round of hearings. Kavanaughgrew upin Bethesda, Md., a wealthy suburb where there is almost no gun violence or gang violence. Though there is plenty of drug use, since the drugs are taken by wealthy white people, the police don’t get involved and there isn’t much violence around it.
  • When Kavanaugh was working in the Bush White House on judicial confirmations, a Republican Senate staffer stole Democratic documents and shared what they contained with Kavanaugh, among others. In his hearings, Kavanaugh claimed “I never suspected anything untoward” in the information he was given,despite the factthat it contained references to confidential information about Democrats’ internal discussions and strategy that they had no legitimate access to.
  • Heclaimedto have no knowledge of the sexually explicit jokes, comments and emails by Alex Kozinski, a judge for whom he clerked and to whom he remained close afterward, and who was recently forced from the bench when his history became public. Another of Kozinski’s former clerkswrote, “I do not know how it would be possible to forget something as pervasive as Kozinski’s famously sexual sense of humor or his gag list, as Kavanaugh has professed to in his hearings.”
Taken in total, what we have here are some apparent outright lies, some deceptions, some mischaracterizations, some evasions and a general picture of someone who decided that giving truthful answers to all these admittedly personal questions would only get him into more trouble. Does that mean Kavanaugh shouldn’t serve on the Supreme Court? Sen. Jeff Flake told “60 Minutes” that if it became clear that Kavanaugh had not been truthful in his testimony, then he should be rejected.
Actually, I used to think he very well might be a rapist, but now I see him in a sympathetic light and feel bad for the guy. I'm not sure what that makes him "guilty" of, besides being shitfaced drunk and having bad friends as a young man. I get the feeling you didn't bother to read any of this story beyond the headlines...which makes you look like a dipshit for trying to debate it.
yore correct, I didn't read it and not going to. this shit is beyond old. libs don't like someone, they attempt to dig shit up on them. when they can't, they make it up. if I'm a dipshit for putting zero stock into liberal diggings and their fictional bullshit, then so be it. if you want to satisfy your craving for a good conspiracy via slurping up liberal fictional attempts of ruining someone's career simply because they were appointed by orange man bad, have at it.

Mr. Lewandowski, under sharp questioning by Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, confirmed that Mr. Trump had once asked him to help pressure Attorney General Jeff Sessions to curtail the scope of the Russia investigation.

As Mr. Muellerrecounts in Volume IIof his report, Mr. Trump met with Mr. Lewandowski in the Oval Office two days after he directed Donald F. McGahn II, the White House counsel at the time, to fire the special counsel. This time, Mr. Trump criticized Mr. Sessions for recusing himself from overseeing the Russia investigation. He then dictated a message for Mr. Lewandowski to deliver to Mr. Sessions.

It said that Mr. Sessions should give a speech announcing that Mr. Trump had been treated unfairly and that he would limit the scope of the special counsel investigation.

“Didn’t you think it was a little strange the president would sit down with you one-on-one and ask you to do something that you knew was against the law?” asked Representative Steve Cohen, Democrat of Tennessee. “Did that strike you as strange?”

a rapid-fire cross-examination in which he quickly established that Mr. Lewandowski had lied in an interview earlier this year when he said he couldn’t recall any conversation he had with Mr. Trump about Mr. Sessions.

when pressed, Mr. Lewandowski said: “I have no obligation to have a candid conversation with the media whatsoever, just like they have no obligation to cover me honestly, and they do it inaccurately all the time.”

“You are admitting that on national television youwere lying there?” Mr. Berke asked.
Mr. Lewandowski replied, “and perhaps I was inaccurate that time.

As the manager of the Trump campaign in 2016, Mr. Lewandowski received numerous messages from campaign staff about attempts by Russians to make contact with the campaign.

At one point during the hearing, he was asked why he didn’t contact the F.B.I. about those overtures.

At the same time, Mr. Lewandowski and Republicans on the committee made misleading statements suggesting that the F.B.I. had deliberately refused to brief Mr. Trump and his aides about what it knew about Russia’s attempts to interfere in the 2016 election.

But their assertions misrepresented the facts. The F.B.I. gave a “defensive briefing” to Mr. Trump in August 2016, after Mr. Lewandowski had been fired.
Unfortunately, Tri Care is still MANAGED by DHA. This department has oversight and decision making capacity over the companies you mentioned.

Of course the govt needs administrators operating and underwriting an insurance based product/service.

And the guy in the article was fvcked by administration, which is done by corporations.
I'm [not] surprised yore dumb enough to post about the Lewandowski hearing after he went in dry on yore dimwit heroes earlier today. if you actually watched any of it, you'd be embarrassed for the dimocrat leaders and yoreself for bringing it up.

nahhhh, idiots like you are too stupid to have any shame.
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Mr. Lewandowski, under sharp questioning by Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, confirmed that Mr. Trump had once asked him to help pressure Attorney General Jeff Sessions to curtail the scope of the Russia investigation.

As Mr. Muellerrecounts in Volume IIof his report, Mr. Trump met with Mr. Lewandowski in the Oval Office two days after he directed Donald F. McGahn II, the White House counsel at the time, to fire the special counsel. This time, Mr. Trump criticized Mr. Sessions for recusing himself from overseeing the Russia investigation. He then dictated a message for Mr. Lewandowski to deliver to Mr. Sessions.

It said that Mr. Sessions should give a speech announcing that Mr. Trump had been treated unfairly and that he would limit the scope of the special counsel investigation.

“Didn’t you think it was a little strange the president would sit down with you one-on-one and ask you to do something that you knew was against the law?” asked Representative Steve Cohen, Democrat of Tennessee. “Did that strike you as strange?”

a rapid-fire cross-examination in which he quickly established that Mr. Lewandowski had lied in an interview earlier this year when he said he couldn’t recall any conversation he had with Mr. Trump about Mr. Sessions.

when pressed, Mr. Lewandowski said: “I have no obligation to have a candid conversation with the media whatsoever, just like they have no obligation to cover me honestly, and they do it inaccurately all the time.”

“You are admitting that on national television youwere lying there?” Mr. Berke asked.
Mr. Lewandowski replied, “and perhaps I was inaccurate that time.

As the manager of the Trump campaign in 2016, Mr. Lewandowski received numerous messages from campaign staff about attempts by Russians to make contact with the campaign.

At one point during the hearing, he was asked why he didn’t contact the F.B.I. about those overtures.

At the same time, Mr. Lewandowski and Republicans on the committee made misleading statements suggesting that the F.B.I. had deliberately refused to brief Mr. Trump and his aides about what it knew about Russia’s attempts to interfere in the 2016 election.

But their assertions misrepresented the facts. The F.B.I. gave a “defensive briefing” to Mr. Trump in August 2016, after Mr. Lewandowski had been fired.
You’ve got him now!
yore correct, I didn't read it and not going to. this shit is beyond old. libs don't like someone, they attempt to dig shit up on them. when they can't, they make it up.

Yeah, I can't believe that liberal Fox would make up shit about the Clintons murdering people.

Seriously, why debate something you have not read, seen, or have knowledge of? And to take the odd stand that I'm wrong when I thought the "lies" were in the end sympathetic to him, which according to you is the last thing the "librul fake news" would do....I am flabbergasted by your shitheadedness. It's almost like someone told you what to believe and you rolled with it, instead of making up your own mind....
Yeah, I can't believe that liberal Fox would make up shit about the Clintons murdering people.

Seriously, why debate something you have not read, seen, or have knowledge of? And to take the odd stand that I'm wrong when I thought the "lies" were in the end sympathetic to him, which according to you is the last thing the "librul fake news" would do....I am flabbergasted by your shitheadedness. It's almost like someone told you what to believe and you rolled with it, instead of making up your own mind....
again, it's because this shit is beyond old and played out, and i don't give a damn what media outlet covers it. on the contrary of yore assertion i'm believing what i'm told to believe (i'm not the one rolling with the shit the media has spoon fed, here . . . you are), yore the one believing this bullshit and rolling with it. i'm simply waiting until it turns into *yet another* big nothing-burger that the left has conjured up. wait and see, but in the mean time, carry on with believing all the bullshit the MSM spoon feeds you. you can let us all know how it tastes later.
durr, what all the orange noses say

I'll say it's almost like someone told you the news is fake and you are rolling with it.

I didn't pre-judge to believe else do you think I got to the position that what you assumed be to damning lies turned out to be sympathetic? Christ, it is like talking to a five year old.

Oh, and I can see you doing this, you Neanderthal.

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I'll say it's almost like someone told you the news is fake and you are rolling with it.

I didn't pre-judge to believe else do you think I got to the position that would you assumed be to damning lies turned out to be sympathetic? Christ, it is like talking to a five year old.
so, that wasn't you that determined he had some really shitty friends would get really drunk guy walk around with his pants down and his friends would stick his dick in the really drunk girl's hand? you didn't jump all over that like stink on shit, not knowing a damn thing of what occurred.

look, you can chastise me all you want, make fun of my roots, my heritage, me, whatever makes you feel better about yourself, i guess. at the end of the day, i'm not the one making up cute little fictional piles of shit about another person (i'm seeing a trend in your posting . . . make shit about him, make shit up about me, make shit up about whoever disagrees with you) without knowing wtf i'm actually talking about . . . well, other than what you've been spoon fed by the MSM.
well, other than what you've been spoon fed by the MSM.

so, that wasn't you that determined he had some really shitty friends would get really drunk guy walk around with his pants down and his friends would stick his dick in the really drunk girl's hand?

No you dumb bastard, I didn't determine (WV-FAN speak for "make up?) the alleged incident. It's right here (which you would know if you read the shit):

We also uncovered a previously unreported story about Mr. Kavanaugh in his freshman year that echoes Ms. Ramirez’s allegation. A classmate, Max Stier, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student. Mr. Stier, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly. We corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Stier; the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say she does not recall the episode.

I am damn near embarrassed for you at this point, that I have to break this down, JFC:

1. You say the intention of the news story was to defame the man. Let's assume that is true.
2. You say the media is lying to defame the man. Let's assume that also is true.
3. Thus me reading the article should lead to me believing the man had done things worthy of being defamed. This is what you claim, I am spoon-fed what to believe and think.
4. Yet the opposite happened. I read the article and thought, "If this is true, Jesus Christ the reporting has been wrong all along. This poor fvcker was the butt of everyone's jokes, not some bad person."
5. The conservative line is Kavanaugh is a victim. I am now in agreement, this guy is a victim. Oddly, you claim this is now a liberal position. Odd logic, indeed.
6. WV-FAN is too stupid to follow this chain of events. I may not actually believe this, but it sure is the face you are putting on.
7. WV-FAN now claims I actually made up the article and related coverage. This is awesome, as I look forward to my check from the New York Times and dozens of other media organizations, and if I don't get paid, I am coming for your ass looking for my money. I do take payment in beer, so there's that at least.
No you dumb bastard, I didn't determine (WV-FAN speak for "make up?) the alleged incident. It's right here (which you would know if you read the shit):

We also uncovered a previously unreported story about Mr. Kavanaugh in his freshman year that echoes Ms. Ramirez’s allegation. A classmate, Max Stier, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student. Mr. Stier, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly. We corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Stier; the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say she does not recall the episode.

I am damn near embarrassed for you at this point, that I have to break this down, JFC:

1. You say the intention of the news story was to defame the man. Let's assume that is true.
2. You say the media is lying to defame the man. Let's assume that also is true.
3. Thus me reading the article should lead to me believing the man had done things worthy of being defamed. This is what you claim, I am spoon-fed what to believe and think.
4. Yet the opposite happened. I read the article and thought, "If this is true, Jesus Christ the reporting has been wrong all along. This poor fvcker was the butt of everyone's jokes, not some bad person."
5. The conservative line is Kavanaugh is a victim. I am now in agreement, this guy is a victim. Oddly, you claim this is now a liberal position. Odd logic, indeed.
6. WV-FAN is too stupid to follow this chain of events. I may not actually believe this, but it sure is the face you are putting on.
7. WV-FAN now claims I actually made up the article and related coverage. This is awesome, as I look forward to my check from the New York Times and dozens of other media organizations, and if I don't get paid, I am coming for your ass looking for my money. I do take payment in beer, so there's that at least.
obviously, way too upset.


Here’s what he accomplished:

1. Berke forced Lewandowski to acknowledge that when he said on national television multiple times he would “voluntarily” appear before special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, that was false. Berke demonstrated Lewandowski also lied when he said on TV he had not been asked to testify. Lewandowski asserted he had no obligation to tell the media (and the public) the truth.

2. Berke made plain that Lewandowski took the Fifth and refused to testify for the special counsel unless granted immunity. He also showed Lewandowski clips of him publicly stating that when you take the Fifth, you’ve done something wrong.

3. Berke established that before asking Lewandowski to take a message to then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the White House just so happened to dangle a White House job before him.

4. Berke established that Lewandowski was absolutely loyal to Trump yetnever deliveredthe message.

5. Berke also established that Lewandowski wanted to have a private meeting with Sessions so there would be no record.

In short, Berke made perfectly clear that Lewandowski’s actions (refusing to deliver Trump’s instructions, demanding immunity, lying on TV, creating no record) demonstrated he knew he was being asked to do something wrong or illegal.


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No you dumb bastard, I didn't determine (WV-FAN speak for "make up?) the alleged incident. It's right here (which you would know if you read the shit):

We also uncovered a previously unreported story about Mr. Kavanaugh in his freshman year that echoes Ms. Ramirez’s allegation. A classmate, Max Stier, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student. Mr. Stier, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly. We corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Stier; the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say she does not recall the episode.

I am damn near embarrassed for you at this point, that I have to break this down, JFC:

1. You say the intention of the news story was to defame the man. Let's assume that is true.
2. You say the media is lying to defame the man. Let's assume that also is true.
3. Thus me reading the article should lead to me believing the man had done things worthy of being defamed. This is what you claim, I am spoon-fed what to believe and think.
4. Yet the opposite happened. I read the article and thought, "If this is true, Jesus Christ the reporting has been wrong all along. This poor fvcker was the butt of everyone's jokes, not some bad person."
5. The conservative line is Kavanaugh is a victim. I am now in agreement, this guy is a victim. Oddly, you claim this is now a liberal position. Odd logic, indeed.
6. WV-FAN is too stupid to follow this chain of events. I may not actually believe this, but it sure is the face you are putting on.
7. WV-FAN now claims I actually made up the article and related coverage. This is awesome, as I look forward to my check from the New York Times and dozens of other media organizations, and if I don't get paid, I am coming for your ass looking for my money. I do take payment in beer, so there's that at least.


Either the story backfired and some of us now feel sorry for the guy (and I have seen others comment this way, and in fact heard this sentiment on NPR of all places) or it did not. The veracity of the news report does not figure into that argument.

And I love that your Tweet managed to get in some "Obama". Jesus Christ. Newsflash: all of these Yale fvckers are politically connected in some way. That is why one goes to Yale or Harvard: to be in the elite.
Watched this exchanged - it showed two things:

1. Lewendowski is just another lying scumbag - he'll fit right in with the other elected members of Congress if he pursues that career as rumored.

2. Our congressional members are extremely inept at conducting these cross examinations. That lawyer really pursued the points... And, IMO, avoided grandstanding.
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And there's this:

"the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say she does not recall the episode."

But, we should probably just ignore that part. Doesn't really fit the narrative we're shooting for here.
And there's this:

"the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say she does not recall the episode."

But, we should probably just ignore that part. Doesn't really fit the narrative we're shooting for here.
rarely does facts ever fit the liberal narrative.

Trump’s interaction with the foreign leader included a “promise” that was regarded as so troubling that it prompted an official in the U.S. intelligence community to file a formal whistleblower complaint with the inspector general for the intelligence community, said the former officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

It was not immediately clear which foreign leader Trump was speaking with or what he pledged to deliver, (BUT HIS FIRST NAME IS VLADIMIR AND HE IS THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT - DHERDS TAKE) One former official said the communication was a phone call.

Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson determined that the complaint was credible and troubling enough to be considered a matter of “urgent concern,” a legal threshold that ordinarily requires notification of congressional oversight committees.

Butacting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguirehas refused to share details about Trump’s alleged transgression with lawmakers, touching offa legal and political disputethat has spilled into public and prompted speculation that the spy chief is improperly protecting the president (SOUND FAMILIAR?)

The complaint was filed with Atkinson’s office on Aug. 12, a date on which Trump was at his golf resort in New Jersey. White House records indicate that Trump had had conversations or interactions with at least five foreign leaders in the preceding five weeks.

Among them was a call with Russian President Vladimir Putin (I PROMISE I HAD NOT READ THIS PART WHEN I PREDICTED IT WAS PUTIN ABOVE - I REALLY AM A GENIUS YOU KNOW) that the White House initiated on July 31. Trump also received at least two letters from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during the summer, describing them as “beautiful” messages. In June, Trump said publicly that he was opposed to certain CIA spying operations against North Korea. Referring to a Wall Street Journal report that the agency had recruited Kim’s half-brother, Trump said, “I would tell him that would not happen under my auspices.”

Schiff has said he was told that the complaint concerned “conduct by someone outside of the Intelligence Community.” Jason Klitenic, the DNI general counsel, noted in a letter sent to congressional leaders on Tuesday that the activity at the root of the complaint “involves confidential and potentially privileged communications.”

rump’s handling of classified information has been a source of concern to U.S. intelligence officials since the outset of his presidency. In May 2017,Trump revealed classified information about espionage operations in Syria to senior Russian officialsin the Oval Office, disclosures that prompted a scramble among White House officials to contain the potential damage.

After fielding the complaint on Aug. 12, Atkinson submitted it to Maguire two weeks later. By law, Maguire is required to transmit such complaints to Congress within seven days. But in this case, he refrained from doing so after turning for legal guidance to officials at the Justice Department.

Summaries of such conversations are often distributed among White House staff, although the administration imposed new limits on this practice after Trump’s disclosures to Russian officials were revealed.
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Trump’s interaction with the foreign leader included a “promise” that was regarded as so troubling that it prompted an official in the U.S. intelligence community to file a formal whistleblower complaint with the inspector general for the intelligence community, said the former officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

It was not immediately clear which foreign leader Trump was speaking with or what he pledged to deliver, (BUT HIS FIRST NAME IS VLADIMIR AND HE IS THE RUSSIAN PRESIDENT - DHERDS TAKE) One former official said the communication was a phone call.

Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson determined that the complaint was credible and troubling enough to be considered a matter of “urgent concern,” a legal threshold that ordinarily requires notification of congressional oversight committees.

Butacting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguirehas refused to share details about Trump’s alleged transgression with lawmakers, touching offa legal and political disputethat has spilled into public and prompted speculation that the spy chief is improperly protecting the president (SOUND FAMILIAR?)

The complaint was filed with Atkinson’s office on Aug. 12, a date on which Trump was at his golf resort in New Jersey. White House records indicate that Trump had had conversations or interactions with at least five foreign leaders in the preceding five weeks.

Among them was a call with Russian President Vladimir Putin (I PROMISE I HAD NOT READ THIS PART WHEN I PREDICTED IT WAS PUTIN ABOVE - I REALLY AM A GENIUS YOU KNOW) that the White House initiated on July 31. Trump also received at least two letters from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during the summer, describing them as “beautiful” messages. In June, Trump said publicly that he was opposed to certain CIA spying operations against North Korea. Referring to a Wall Street Journal report that the agency had recruited Kim’s half-brother, Trump said, “I would tell him that would not happen under my auspices.”

Schiff has said he was told that the complaint concerned “conduct by someone outside of the Intelligence Community.” Jason Klitenic, the DNI general counsel, noted in a letter sent to congressional leaders on Tuesday that the activity at the root of the complaint “involves confidential and potentially privileged communications.”

rump’s handling of classified information has been a source of concern to U.S. intelligence officials since the outset of his presidency. In May 2017,Trump revealed classified information about espionage operations in Syria to senior Russian officialsin the Oval Office, disclosures that prompted a scramble among White House officials to contain the potential damage.

After fielding the complaint on Aug. 12, Atkinson submitted it to Maguire two weeks later. By law, Maguire is required to transmit such complaints to Congress within seven days. But in this case, he refrained from doing so after turning for legal guidance to officials at the Justice Department.

Summaries of such conversations are often distributed among White House staff, although the administration imposed new limits on this practice after Trump’s disclosures to Russian officials were revealed.
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