Interesting how important life is

I'm no from Appalachia. I've lived in a large city most of my life. I never said there weren't issues between minority communities and cops. But the fact remains follow a cops orders and your chance of being shot are so minute it isn't even funny
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by pj(HN):

Originally posted by WhenTheThunderRolls:

I had to come out of retirement for this one...

Buddy, you are one worthless piece of sh!t.

You really think that law enforcement officers go around and look for people to shoot and kill? You have no clue what is like to be a policeman, or what they think or feel.

Most police officers are there for the sole purpose of trying to make peoples lives better. You know, trying to get the meth heads out of the communities. Getting children away from molesters. Rescuing women who have lived through hell as her man beats her and she has no way to defend herself.

I have family and friends who are in Law enforcement, and I have never heard one say that they enjoy it when some jack off gets mouthy and tries to resist arrest. Or when some drug pusher is speeding through downtown risking everyones lives, have they said it was awesome.

But I have seen tears when officers had to describe the poor living conditions that children were subjected too. I have seen the pride they have when they can contribute to schools, churches, hospitals etc. I have heard the frustration in their voices when they had to inform mothers that their child has passed in a wreck or suicide.

If you think you are some grand flag carrier for Mike Brown, then I am sorry, you are buying into lies and half truths told by ignorant people who are only trying to stir confusion.

Facts are that Officer Wilson did not set out that day to shoot an African American in broad daylight. Never before in the line of duty had Officer Wilson had to discharge his weapon at anytime, through countless arrests and dispatches. The call he was on before the "incident". . he was with paramedics trying to save the life of a little African American girl.

Final point.... you have a .04% chance of being killed by an officer during arrest. of that .04% chance, 98% are provoked or accidental (car wreck).

Sorry for my epic rant...this one really rubbed me the wrong way.

Merry Christmas everyone, including the douche who started this thread.
WTTRs... And for ever 100 good cops there are bad cops as well that get off harrassing people... Hell, HPD had an officer that has like fire his weapon in the line of duty over three times... Most LE Officers never fire thier weapon in the line of duty... Much less shoot or even kill someone...

To think there is not a problem between the LE community and minority communite in some Cities is just being ignorant.

To just blindly support LE over minority citizens or as some of the more subtle racist like to call them "thugs" is being ignorant as well.

We have a race problem in this Country.

And yes all lives matter...

This post was edited on 12/23 1:03 PM by pj(HN)

This post was edited on 12/23 1:05 PM by pj(HN)

The only thing missing from PJs idiocy is the "LOL" at the end. One of the least logical replies to a legitimate response to a topic that I've read in a while. Maybe not WiiWii or Dtard illogical...but pointless just the same.
Originally posted by raleighherdfan:

The only thing missing from PJs idiocy is the "LOL" at the end. One of the least logical replies to a legitimate response to a topic that I've read in a while. Maybe not WiiWii or Dtard illogical...but pointless just the same.
I'm hurt by the omission, unless you just feel I'm in a league of my own.
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:

Originally posted by raleighherdfan:

The only thing missing from PJs idiocy is the "LOL" at the end. One of the least logical replies to a legitimate response to a topic that I've read in a while. Maybe not WiiWii or Dtard illogical...but pointless just the same.
I'm hurt by the omission, unless you just feel I'm in a league of my own.
Begging for validation of your own pointless, illegitimate, illogical, ignorance?

(Now backing away from keyboard---no further comment needed)
read this you worthless POS

Little fairy boys like you are the first to call 911 and scream for the police to come save your ass when your alligator mouth runs faster than your hummingbird ass.

You don't deserve to be protected by the police, yet they do it anyway because that is their job.
It's interesting how important life is when there's some political value to be extracted from it.
I don't really go to TITM often, but it appears that WiiWii is equally loved on both sides. I'm sure he attributes that to his "telling it like it is" qualities.
Originally posted by HerdandHokies:
It's interesting how important life is when there's some political value to be extracted from it.
He is just dumb but he is the only one who doesnt know it. Imagine thunders with a rebel attitude.