It was nice knowing everyone

Lmao. Tell that to these organizations.

Explain what is wrong with the first picture you posted. All of those things reduce environmental issues that plague humans are are caused (at least partially) by humans.

Your attempts at this discussion ultimately becomes a semantic argument. For human life to be salvaged, what ultimately must be done (based on your premise)? Of course..."save" the planet.

No, the planet doesn't need to be saved. As I said, the planet will be here long after humans. Any pictures you post showing "save the planet" is dumbing things down for, clearly, people of your caliber who don't understand.

The planet does not need to be saved. What needs to be saved and reduced are the actions that humans are responsible for that cause, contribute, or compound negative environmental factors that hurt humans. I've listed a few of those already.

It isn't semantics. Those things all contribute negatively to humans. Are you denying that?

I understand the discussion perfectly. I deal with a certain sector of scientists, and their "funding" (private and govt means) on a daily basis. I understand their game and the role they play in it.

Come on. It's to the point that I am going to go from laughing at you to calling you out for your bullshit. I know you work 72 hours per day in order to meet daily with all of the experts you have claimed to across all industries every discussed on hypocrite nation. Really, how many times are you going to claim some insider knowledge because you "meet daily with experts" on practically every field mentioned on here?

I don't claim to have insider knowledge. I trust those who have spent dozens of years studying and researching these topics I am not an expert in. On the other hand, all of your info comes from "insiders" who you meet with daily in dealing with their finances . . . on every single topic ever mentioned on here.

You have no clue as to what scientists would say about my thoughts despite your arrogant claims of superiority.

I know a lot of scientists that would laugh at you. Not with you.

You'll have to explain this one (but we both know you won't). You know a lot of scientists who would laugh at what I have claimed: it isn't an issue about "saving the Earth, but rather, reducing and/or eliminating the contributions humans are making to environment issues that hurt humans?" Please, bring all of those scientists who would laugh at that. Again, I am directly calling out your bullshit, and you'll hide from it.

I am not having "arrogant claims of superiority" on this. The fact that so many of your morons don't even understand the basic arguments about this doesn't make me some authoritative expert on it. It makes you guys morons.

Would you like me to bring some real scientists into this discussion? I will either link them to the convo and post their responses or I will see if they want to weigh in.

One has been educated at Harvard/MIT, works closely with NASA, has hosted TED talks, has a PhD, etc. Another has a PhD from University of Florida, was a guest on MythBusters episodes for her expertise, works at a marine bio-lab in Florida. Since you will hide from your claim that I called out for being bullshit, why don't we see what these scientists think about your words.
One of my favorite things about Pullman Square is the joy of seeing an unemployed football coach who wants to be so validated by us nobodies as to constantly feel the need to trot out claims to authority, having the ears of the top scientists and entertainers in America in order to somehow prove himself superior.

It is highly entertaining. :cool:
Just terrible is what it is.

An admission that someone else does your thinking is no damn good period. On any subject. This is a rare occurrence. Don't go through life believing people are smarter than you just because they've got MIT, PhD, or whatever the hell letters by their name.

They're not. Probably not even close.
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One of my favorite things about Pullman Square is the joy of seeing an unemployed football coach who wants to be so validated by us nobodies as to constantly feel the need to trot out claims to authority, having the ears of the top scientists and entertainers in America in order to somehow prove himself superior.

It is highly entertaining. :cool:
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One of my favorite things about Pullman Square is the joy of seeing an unemployed football coach who wants to be so validated by us nobodies as to constantly feel the need to trot out claims to authority, having the ears of the top scientists and entertainers in America in order to somehow prove himself superior.

It is highly entertaining. :cool:

It's completely impossible for such a person to understand that one's professional career span across multiple specialized sectors and sub sectors of an economy and hold various roles within those sectors that involve strategic planning, consulting, business development, finance, marketing and sales.
having the ears of the top scientists and entertainers in America in order to somehow prove himself superior.

This is the epitome of hypocrisy. Raleigh is the one who claimed to have daily meetings with scientists and knew their position on this issue. I wasn't the one who said that. I offered to get the opinions of personal friends who are far more versed in this than anyone on here. I stated that my offer was because I knew Raleigh was, once again, full of sh!t and wouldn't answer my simple questions to him based on his claims.

Again, Raleigh was the one who made the claim of "having the ears of the top scientists" on a daily basis. I didn't make that claim. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Congratulations, preacher.

An admission that someone else does your thinking is no damn good period. On any subject. This is a rare occurrence. Don't go through life believing people are smarter than you just because they've got MIT, PhD, or whatever the hell letters by their name.

They're not. Probably not even close.

Another false claim. I didn't say anyone did my thinking. I definitely didn't hint that anyone, especially the two whom I mentioned, were more intelligent than I am. What I did claim was that those who have spent decades studying, researching, and working in a field that none of us have, including earning PhDs from top fields and being recognized for their success in the field, have far more valid insight than the guy who claims to talk to experts in every field on a daily basis.

It's completely impossible for such a person to understand that one's professional career span across multiple specialized sectors and sub sectors of an economy and hold various roles within those sectors that involve strategic planning, consulting, business development, finance, marketing and sales.

Nope. It is completely impossible for you to have all of these daily meetings with such a broad range in so many specialized sectors like you have claimed on every topic that has been touched upon on hypocrite nation.

Further making it impossible is that you have routinely exhibited shortcomings in basic arguments among a below-average to average level of group intelligence, as this board is. That has shown enough that you aren't exactly Elon Musk in your career position.

But, hey, nice job avoiding every single question I posed to you. I even acknowledged you wouldn't answer any of them, because your entire existence on here has been based on either arguing something illogical or dodging.
Far more valid is an opinion. It's not valid to me. They've presented these supposed problems and pretty much no solutions. Hell, anybody can do that.

They've done a piss poor job of showing that their proposed solutions will even do any good. The proposed solutions also suck. They include "everyone should downsize and live a lower quality of life." Will they? Nope.

That's why the whole damn thing's a ruse. We're old ass people on here. We've been around. We've seen the bullshit handshakes, the padded shelf ornaments. We know the game. We know the bull. This hoax is for airheaded cat ladies who want to convince themselves it's great to cram yourself into a Honda Fit with 10 balls of pissy fur.
Far more valid is an opinion. It's not valid to me.

This stupidity mixed with arrogance is why we have such a rise in anti-vaccers.

We have morons with no formal education on a topic who then make decisions and act on them based on pseudo-science instead of the overwhelming amount of experts and science who refute that stance.

It's not just damaging to you, but your choice also damages others. It's the same reason why I am so anti-religion.
How can someone be anti-religion, but for this? This is a religion.

It's not anti-vaccers. It's easy to show people that if you don't get the shots, you could get really damn sick. We had a terrible problem with diseases. These vaccines came along and fixed the problem. They are a great solution.

This climate thing, there is no solution. Living a lower quality of life with lesser everything does not solve this problem like the vaccines did.

My living hurts others. Their living hurts me. Unless we all kill ourselves, there's no solution to that one either. I always wanted to write a book about finding a pact partner, but I'm too impatient to write one and now I'm close enough to dying of natural causes that I'm no longer interested.
Except for the 10 I posted directly from the scientology website which you conveniently ignored. Stop lying.

You might have posted 100 things, but you didn't post a single one that a person is required to believe in order to be a scientologist. Stop being a moron.
Explain what is wrong with the first picture you posted. All of those things reduce environmental issues that plague humans are are caused (at least partially) by humans.

Driving my car to work doesn't "plague" me or most humans where I live. On the other hand, waiting on a bus to pick me up, while standing in a rainstorm and extending my commute by 2 hours a day would be a huge pain in the ass and reduced quality of life.

Reuse cardboard toilet rolls for hamsters and gerbils.???.....I'll stop there. Lmao. That was just to hilarious to pass up when I saw that. The animal rights groups may want to visit that one.

Grass clippings "plague" the people of the world too? No way any powerhouse football coach is going to leave grass clippings on his finely groomed home field. Next!

No, the planet doesn't need to be saved. As I said, the planet will be here long after humans. Any pictures you post showing "save the planet" is dumbing things down for, clearly, people of your caliber who don't understand.

Talk about an illogical point. Why would a marketing campaign be "dumbing it down" for a message I don't believe in? It's exactly an appropriate message for those who feel some sort of guilt for the human "plagues" of grass clippings and mis-allocated gerbil toys. Not me.

With that said, I've never suggested climate change itself is not happening. I simply question the group think type "science" that suggests human activity has any real power in altering a planets climate that has been admittedly been changing constantly for billions of years.

It is completely impossible for you to have all of these daily meetings with such a broad range in so many specialized sectors like you have claimed on every topic that has been touched upon on hypocrite nation.

Even your scientist could understand my explanation of my roles within a 25 year career (both as an employee and employer) across various sectors and sub sectors, which now primarily involves meeting with scientists, researchers, PHDs, MDs...daily. I've never claimed otherwise.

The last thing I do here is avoid conversations I have interest or career experience in. So, try again. And I sure as hell don't need to answer to your timetable on a Friday evening.

I've never claimed to be an "Elon Musk". I leave that up to arrogant dicks who seem to call everyone else a moron at a single moment and point of slightest disagreement. One doesn't have to be an "Elon Musk" and have success with an earned amount of respect in their career. Maybe that's a must in the make believe world of entertainment and pop culture, but it's simply not the case in most other chosen endeavors.

I generally stick to specific topics I enjoy discussing and have a higher level of background and understanding. That is certainly not every topic introduced here. I share my thoughts and many opinions based on those experiences, both personal and career. Let the naysayers come. Their (and your) attempts at mocking have no impact on my direction in life.

I am just someone who has had the fortunate opportunity and experience to be involved with some very interesting organizations over the years with some highly accomplished individuals in business and science; while still believing in an overall level of anonymity for that which I am involved.
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For much of that, timing is off due to alarmism. I agree with that. But I have no doubt parts of Manhattan and Miami, for example, are fvcked by 2100.

On a personal aside, I know you know I am probably more of an observer of nature than the average person. I've noticed some weird things over the past couple of decades. Blooming and frost dates are all screwed up. Severe weather patterns on the Plains are making odd changes, we used to have average years and then great years (well, great if you storm chase). Suddenly in the past ten years it has become feast or famine, and it's not really tied to El Nino like we thought it was. Little things. I don't think we are all going to be screwed. I do think some coastal areas are going to be screwed. I do think some crop-growing areas are going to be screwed, especially with problems with aquifer draws already being way too much. Coastal and crop effects are why the Pentagon is watching this very well as effects on some of the bases, especially Navy bases.
After reading these most recent comments, I'm convinced most of you are smoking better weed than me tonight. To hell with global warming. I just want to know where you're getting your stash.
I do agree with this. However, my concern is we may be giving up our spot at the table for future agreements, and neglecting to invest in the energy options of the future. That is my guess why the CEO of Exxon/Mobile blasted Trump for this.

Again I think this is ultimately about the $$$. Without US capital funding this international albatross policy this thing will never float. Europe may talk a good game of anti Trump but they need, want and welcome us at the table when the time comes.

CEOs are publicly blasting Trump because they still have operations in these countries. They have to be on record as "with Europe" during this phase. They have $billions tied up there and the EU is far worse in ****ing companies over for political reasons.

I also don't believe energy companies will ultimately give up on their initiatives. Trump policy isn't going to make it illegal to continue their investments in these projects. If they can generate a return, they will accelerate their efforts.
Driving my car to work doesn't "plague" me or most humans where I live. On the other hand, waiting on a bus to pick me up, while standing in a rainstorm and extending my commute by 2 hours a day would be a huge pain in the ass and reduced quality of life.

This shows you still don't get it. The movement isn't expecting results based on the actions of one person. Collectively, if tens/hundreds of millions each do their little part, results would be produced.

The picture you posted didn't say to never get in your personal vehicle again and only use mass transportation. It didn't say to sacrifice a huge loss of quality in life or make it it "be a huge pain in the ass." There are many, many things people can do that are very minor sacrifices. Collectively, those things add up to results when millions do it.

Talk about an illogical point. Why would a marketing campaign be "dumbing it down" for a message I don't believe in? It's exactly an appropriate message for those who feel some sort of guilt for the human "plagues" of grass clippings and mis-allocated gerbil toys. Not me.

What are you talking about? The dumbing it down is a marketing point to make it easier for people to understand. The posters aren't going to say "well, we really aren't technically 'saving the Earth.' Instead, we are reducing the negative impact humans have on the Earth which end up hurting lifeforms like humans." See how "save the Earth" is far easier?

And if you don't think grass clippings are important, it is another example of you being clueless. On a selfish basis, leaving the clippings is very important for simply the aesthetics of a person's lawn, as it increases grass growth/lushness and reduces the browning that lack of water/drought has on lawns. On a large level, if millions did it, it increases the growth of greens and increases soil moisture. It reduces run-off. If you want to see why run-off is bad, I have plenty of friends and links from last year to show you drastic the impact was of it in Florida last year . . . through the everglades all of the way to streams that led to the ocean.

It killed a ton of marine life, made those bodies of water impossible for human activity, killed industries that focused on that, and hurt agriculture. This was just one episode in one year that had awful effects on humans and their wallets.

With that said, I've never suggested climate change itself is not happening. I simply question the group think type "science" that suggests human activity has any real power in altering a planets climate that has been admittedly been changing constantly for billions of years.

This is yet another huge indication that you just don't get it.

Nobody is claiming that human activity can fully stop Earth's actions. The claim is that human activity can reduce the negative effect those Earth changes have on us. Our activities compound many of those issues.

If you don't believe this, I can give you numerous, common-sense examples.

Even your scientist could understand my explanation of my roles within a 25 year career (both as an employee and employer) across various sectors and sub sectors, which now primarily involves meeting with scientists, researchers, PHDs, MDs...daily. I've never claimed otherwise.

I am just someone who has had the fortunate opportunity and experience to be involved with some very interesting organizations over the years with some highly accomplished individuals in business and science; while still believing in an overall level of anonymity for that which I am involved.

You have claimed to have daily meetings with experts from numerous industries. You also spend hours on here each day. As I said, you miraculously work 72 hours per day to have all of these daily meetings with all of these experts from so many industries we have discussed on hypocrite nation. Then, to top it off, you make blanketed claims representing some top-secret information they tell you which supposedly support your stance, but you never state what their opinions are.

. . . and you have the gall to call people "arrogant."
Essential Elements of a Whore Story
  • She looks good, of course that's first and foremost
  • She's dumb enough to fall for whatever the bullshit line is that gets her to agree to it
  • It's glossed over and not exactly mentioned, but you know it happened
  • There's another meeting scheduled with her, well she says date, whatever
  • Meeting is conveniently cancelled
  • She was good, but you know about animals and the kill, time to move onto the next one
I also don't believe energy companies will ultimately give up on their initiatives. Trump policy isn't going to make it illegal to continue their investments in these projects. If they can generate a return, they will accelerate their efforts.

It will, however, take government investment to get to the next phase (fusion power). Wind, solar, and hydro are old technology. Fusion will be a leap like nuclear power and space travel, things government investment made possible.
It will, however, take government investment to get to the next phase (fusion power). Wind, solar, and hydro are old technology. Fusion will be a leap like nuclear power and space travel, things government investment made possible.

I agree. I don't see the US pulling back from this research.

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