It's Turning Blue

Omg lolololololol lmfao rofl. Please at your next can session get an answer for that.

I gave you an answer, moron. Did I use words too big for you to understand?

Truth is, you never wanted an answer. You just keep oozing idiocy and think it's intellectual. It ain't.

Yeah, idiot. Auditing can trigger somatics and can turn them off also.
So that's the real fear that you idiots have. You've committed atrocities you can't have other people finding out about. Now we know.

No, my problem is the fact that you're paying good money for someone to sit and listen to you talk about bad things you did. They already have people like that. They're called licensed therapists, and they have legitimate degrees in healthcare.
I gave you an answer, moron. Did I use words too big for you to understand?

Truth is, you never wanted an answer. You just keep oozing idiocy and think it's intellectual. It ain't.

<That's my take on it, as I haven't asked staff for an answer to your particular question.

And I asked you to ask an auditor the reason at your next can session. Try to keep up or better yet just name all of herdnation suppresive persons so you can leave
No, my problem is the fact that you're paying good money for someone to sit and listen to you talk about bad things you did.

No, the problem has been revealed. YOU don't want atrocities that you committed coming to light. moron

They already have people like that. They're called licensed therapists, and they have legitimate degrees in healthcare.

A good scientology auditor will make a great licensed therapist (if there is such a thing) look like a pre-k student.
And I asked you to ask an auditor the reason at your next can session. Try to keep up or better yet just name all of herdnation suppresive persons so you can leave

Don't be so lazy along with your stupidity. I'll provide a couple numbers so you don't get lost trying to find the number.

Church of Scientology
American Saint Hill Organization

1413 L. Ron Hubbard Way
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Tel: 323-953-3250

  • Church of Scientology
    Advanced Organization
    of Los Angeles

    1306 L. Ron Hubbard Way
    Los Angeles, CA 90027
    Tel: 323-953-3300

I rode a tank, held a General's rank, when the Blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank...

And though raoul is really ill
There's a little yellow pill
He goes running for the shelter of a mother's little helper
And it "helps" him on his way, gets him through his busy day
I didn't have a clue what the word I used meant?

The "staff" didn't tell you about the dancing, did they?

Funny how in one thread you've went from, "I don't believe this shit, it's just a technique like yoga" to "staff" and admitting you know about Xenu. I am starting to think you might be Sea Org.

You detest the "pill head" moniker.

I detested that I shared my story to let people know it is OK to ask for help if they need it, and you think the Christian thing to do is mock that. But hey, we all know your real religion is a shitshow that has no intention of actually helping anyone but their wallets, so it's cool now. Hell, it's funny. Hubbard saw all these Hollywood types that had discovered money does not buy happiness, and he figured out a way to fvck them out of their money and maybe get some pussy (and some dick too, he rolled that way). Yet they still ended up bitter, miserable assholes...just like you. The difference? They had money to had to close the shop and go on welfare.

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Don't be so lazy along with your stupidity. I'll provide a couple numbers so you don't get lost trying to find the number.

Church of Scientology
American Saint Hill Organization

1413 L. Ron Hubbard Way
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Tel: 323-953-3250

  • Church of Scientology
    Advanced Organization
    of Los Angeles

    1306 L. Ron Hubbard Way
    Los Angeles, CA 90027
    Tel: 323-953-3300
Nope you have direct access. Ask Annie the auditor next time you drive to Columbus for a can session. Just don’t mention my screen name I wouldn’t want to be listed as a suppressive person.
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Funny how in one thread you've went from, "I don't believe this shit, it's just a technique like yoga" to "staff" and admitting you know about Xenu. I am starting to think you might be Sea Org.

You're a lying pill head.
You're more than stupid enough to state that I don't know about xenu when you idiots have talked about it on this board for years. I have bad news for you, the pills are not near enough to help you, not to mention fix you.

I detested that I shared my story to let people know it is OK to ask for help if they need it, and you think the Christian thing to do is mock that.

No way. You're miserable and misery loves company. And yes, I will most certainly mock you for it.
You're a lying pill head.
You're more than stupid enough to state that I don't know about xenu when you idiots have talked about it on this board for years. I have bad news for you, the pills are not near enough to help you, not to mention fix you.
Rather than decrease the dosage, maybe he should increase it?
Nope you have direct access. Ask Annie the auditor next time you drive to Columbus for a can session. Just don’t mention my screen name I wouldn’t want to be listed as a suppressive person.

Too lazy to call, or can't figure out how? I say both. Your case of pure stupidity will never be mistaken for suppressive.
You're a lying pill head.

You are a fool. A batshit crazy, cult member, on welfare, old fool.

You're more than stupid enough to state that I don't know about xenu when you idiots have talked about it on this board for years

I meant know. You know what I meant.

Well now you are the liar (nothing new). I have been quite clear (haha, clear) about this subject.

And yes, I will most certainly mock you for it.

Because you are a Scientologist and not a Christian. This is exactly how you dipshits act.
You are a fool. A batshit crazy, cult member, on welfare, old fool.

You're an idiot, hatchet man, religious bigot, and pill head.

I meant know. You know what I meant.

You don't even know what you meant.

Well now you are the liar (nothing new). I have been quite clear (haha, clear) about this subject.

Wanting people to get addicted to drugs that are little if any better than placebos is not wanting to help people, moron.

Because you are a Scientologist and not a Christian. This is exactly how you dipshits act.

And you are neither of those, but your pills will save you.

Hell, they'd sell those machines at Walmart. We'd all buy one. "Hold the cans, honey. Now put my dick in your mouth..."

The cans are not therapeutic, idiot.
You're an idiot, hatchet man, religious bigot, and pill head.

You don't even know what you meant.

Wanting people to get addicted to drugs that are little if any better than placebos is not wanting to help people, moron.

And you are neither of those, but your pills will save you.

The cans are not therapeutic, idiot.
Do you know the definition of therapeutic?

Scientology itself seems to imply that a can session is therapeutic.

The goal of auditing is to restore beingness and ability. This is accomplished by (1) helping the individual rid himself of any spiritual disabilities and (2) increasing individual abilities. Obviously, both are necessary for an individual to achieve his full spiritual potential. Auditing can be ministered to a group (such as at a Scientology Sunday service), by a person on his own using certain Scientology books and materials and one-to-one.
The goal of auditing is to restore beingness and ability. This is accomplished by (1) helping the individual rid himself of any spiritual disabilities and (2) increasing individual abilities. Obviously, both are necessary for an individual to achieve his full spiritual potential. Auditing can be ministered to a group (such as at a Scientology Sunday service), by a person on his own using certain Scientology books and materials and one-to-one.

It's funny, you can quote directly from the scientology website, and he will STILL deny, deflect, argue, spin, use semantics, etc.

Greed, you are a heathen. You cannot do this and adhere to Christianity.

I know it, you know it, and everyone else on here knows it.
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Do you know the definition of therapeutic?

Scientology itself seems to imply that a can session is therapeutic.

Once again, you are an idiot. I didn't say a "can session" isn't therapeutic, I said the can are not. Do you know the defininitions of "cans" and "session?" Evidently not.
It's funny, you can quote directly from the scientology website, and he will STILL deny, deflect, argue, spin, use semantics, etc.

Greed, you are a heathen. You cannot do this and adhere to Christianity.

I know it, you know it, and everyone else on here knows it.

You idiots continue to quote directly from scientology all you want, until you comprehend what you're quoting, it will continue to make you look stupider than usual (if that's possible).

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