BLM is protesting the nfl office to get kapernick "sp" back on an nfl team. They say he is not being hired because of taking a knee and not saluting the flag. Well nfl owners have a right to say no
Any team that takes him instantly gets 24/7 coverage over his protest. No way would I hire him..He is a bad influence on other blacks in the leauge who happen to thank the good Lord for the NFL. The owners are not in the wrong. If he would make a team money they might take him. . Wants the whole NFL to jump on his bandwagon. He should have to pick cotton for a whole summer. He would realize how good things are. Hillary would have got elected the news wouldnt hardly talk about racism. Just something to blame trump on. Back off, trump could hang himself by himself. I do know its a fact protesters are getting paid. Wonder how much hillary and obama are donating to the cause
Any team that takes him instantly gets 24/7 coverage over his protest. No way would I hire him..He is a bad influence on other blacks in the leauge who happen to thank the good Lord for the NFL. The owners are not in the wrong. If he would make a team money they might take him. . Wants the whole NFL to jump on his bandwagon. He should have to pick cotton for a whole summer. He would realize how good things are. Hillary would have got elected the news wouldnt hardly talk about racism. Just something to blame trump on. Back off, trump could hang himself by himself. I do know its a fact protesters are getting paid. Wonder how much hillary and obama are donating to the cause
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