I'm quite aware which court you cited (out of context, of course). Unlike you, I am educated and trained to read court decisions and case law. I actually took the time to read the entire case, the decision, and the dissent. Which brings me to the Freeman, militia, and taxes ain't legal loons....loons often quote court decisions out of context and thus completely miss the fvxking point of what is being argued or the decision handed down. Appellate court decisions routinely cite the arguments and cases they disagree with, because they are rejecting those arguments as revelant to the case before them and to make their decision narrow in scope. Then loons (and idiots like you that believe everything on the first page of a Google search without scrutinizing the source) read one damn sentence out of a multiple page ruling and totally fvck up the law. Twice you have used cases that I know this to be the case, because I looked at the Google results to see where you got your ignorant opinions from.
TLDR: One of us has an academic background in Constitutional law, one of us doesn't...the one that does not sounds like a dumbass.