What are your least favorite major cities in the country? Most of these lists get dominated by which cities have high crime rate, but I look at many other things than that. With any major city, you can find some things you don't like: crime, traffic, expensive, or whatever. But to make this list, you have to pretty much have nothing going for you.
1) Philly, by far, is the worst. For a huge city, it has no redeeming qualities. I've been to it around ten times, and I've never left thinking any of it was enjoyable. Its most popular area is South Street which is supposed to be an urban, edgy/hipster street with a mix of diverse people, restaurants, shopping, and bars. It's so popular and cool that half of the storefronts are vacant? It also just looks grimy to me . . . and I don't necessarily dislike grimy. Baltimore has plenty of grimy spots, but it also has a ton of cool/fun neighborhoods with a ton of character. Philly has none of it. All of their professional sports complexes are on the outskirts of the city away from anything else. Their best shopping is King of Prussia Mall which isn't even in the city. I guess they have the Liberty Bell, cheesesteaks, and an assortment of mostly average D1 teams (Temple, UPenn, Villanova, St. Joe's, La Salle), but that doesn't come close to being enough for what is a top 5 sized city in the country. The weather is miserable, there is no natural beauty, and Camden is a few miles away. No thanks.
2) Cleveland. I'll simply leave this blank, because there is nothing to say about Cleveland, and that's the problem.
3) Pittsburgh. In fairness to the city, I have only been to this dump a few times. And in fairness to me, I hope that doesn't change. The driving around there is miserable: not so much the traffic but just how the roads are mapped out. I haven't found a single nice area that people walk around, shop, eat, etc. Nothing against the overwhelmingly blue collar feel of the city, but the overwhelmingly blue collar feel of your city makes me feel like I constantly need a shower.
1) Philly, by far, is the worst. For a huge city, it has no redeeming qualities. I've been to it around ten times, and I've never left thinking any of it was enjoyable. Its most popular area is South Street which is supposed to be an urban, edgy/hipster street with a mix of diverse people, restaurants, shopping, and bars. It's so popular and cool that half of the storefronts are vacant? It also just looks grimy to me . . . and I don't necessarily dislike grimy. Baltimore has plenty of grimy spots, but it also has a ton of cool/fun neighborhoods with a ton of character. Philly has none of it. All of their professional sports complexes are on the outskirts of the city away from anything else. Their best shopping is King of Prussia Mall which isn't even in the city. I guess they have the Liberty Bell, cheesesteaks, and an assortment of mostly average D1 teams (Temple, UPenn, Villanova, St. Joe's, La Salle), but that doesn't come close to being enough for what is a top 5 sized city in the country. The weather is miserable, there is no natural beauty, and Camden is a few miles away. No thanks.
2) Cleveland. I'll simply leave this blank, because there is nothing to say about Cleveland, and that's the problem.
3) Pittsburgh. In fairness to the city, I have only been to this dump a few times. And in fairness to me, I hope that doesn't change. The driving around there is miserable: not so much the traffic but just how the roads are mapped out. I haven't found a single nice area that people walk around, shop, eat, etc. Nothing against the overwhelmingly blue collar feel of the city, but the overwhelmingly blue collar feel of your city makes me feel like I constantly need a shower.