I heard today that ISIS has a command center set up that is about half the size of the Pentagon. And, yet it is still there for some damn reason.
because of limpwristed morons like Kerry and Obama and the fools that vote for themI heard today that ISIS has a command center set up that is about half the size of the Pentagon. And, yet it is still there for some damn reason.
It is important that Muslims take a large role in destroying ISIS, because it is an much an idea as it is an organization. Al Queada was much more politically focused (the actual AQ, not the fringe groups that took on its name). ISIS is about the end times and a caliphate. It draws recruits based on religion, not political goals such as AQ wanting the West out of the Muslim holy land.
I am all for air support, don't get me wrong. But Muslims need to discredit it with deeds and bullets.
It would also help if we dealt with Saudi Arabia with some fvxking reality. At least Trump has spoken about that.
because of limpwristed morons like Kerry and Obama and the fools that vote for them
He has also drawn more lines in the sand, watched more failed states happen, and watched ISIL build itself a country. What's your point idiot?
The limpwrists got bin Laden, and have killed more terrorists than the bush admin did.
My point is exactly what I stated. The limpwrists have killed bin Laden and more terrorists than the bush admin. And so I was wondering what adjective you would use to describe the girly men in the w admin.
Unfortunately killing one guy didn't end the shi*. That's the problem with guys like you. Well, got one guy it is over. Well, no it isn't.
Obama admin has killed more terrorists than the w admin. Guess that little statistic doesn't matter either, right Elvis?
Hooray drone strikes against civilians right extraThe limpwrists got bin Laden, and have killed more terrorists than the bush admin did.
Well, good. He needs to kill more. He let ISIS gain too much power for one. So start killing some more.
Hooray drone strikes against civilians right extra
There have been 252 confirmed Islamic terrorist attacks worldwide since Obama took office almost 7 1/2 years ago. There were 143 during Bush's 8 years in office and only 21 of those took place over his last three years in office. In Obama's first year there were only 4, but then what happened:
Year 2 - 15
Year 3 - 19
Year 4 - 13
Year 5 - 20
Year 6 - 36
Year 7 - 117
Year 8 through 5/11/16 - 28
Bush had a plan and an actual war on terrorism. He took the fight to them, put them on the defensive and kill way more terrorist than Obama ever dreamed of, he just did it in Iraq as they came to fight us on our terms. He almost put them out of business with an average of only six attacks per year over a 4 year period. That's back to 1970s level. Then soft ass got in office, they regrouped, became emboldened because they didn't have to fear the U.S., and look at what's happening now.
2006-2009, a total of 25 attacks.
The early Bush years he had to deal with the weakness exhibited by Clinton with him not acting on the USS Cole and embassy bombings. Again, just like with Obama, a weak president invites these acts.
I told you and the other conservative dunderheads 10 years ago that 10 years from then the only difference in the middle east would be more money wasted and more dead American soldiers. I also told you that the only way the situation gets handled is if the U S tells the other middle east countries that either help us big time or we're going to dump the problem in their lap. Nothing has changed other than less U S soldiers are dying, and bin laden is dead.
Oh, by the way, the obama admin killed bin laden and more terrorists than big bad w.
The problem is they are not doing anything about it. We can sit and wait or take that damn command and control HQ out. We are going to have to do it and lead the way.
But when our POTUS is a certified vagina or has his head buried in the sand(or both) then it won't happen.
Wow, I didn't know Obama went on the raid to kill bin laden?
Obama is soft on this issue and it is costing us. The world is going to shi* around us. He should have wiped ISIS out a long time ago.
Is Leftra a moron or what? He watches radical Islam explode in growth in terms of members and attacks. Then brags about the # of terrorist killed. #idiotliberal
I told you and the other conservative dunderheads 10 years ago that 10 years from then the only difference in the middle east would be more money wasted and more dead American soldiers. I also told you that the only way the situation gets handled is if the U S tells the other middle east countries that either help us big time or we're going to dump the problem in their lap. Nothing has changed other than less U S soldiers are dying, and bin laden is dead.
Oh, by the way, the obama admin killed bin laden and more terrorists than big bad w.
If obama is soft after killing bin laden and killing more terrorists, then that makes bush and his admin nothing more than panty waists.
speaking of terror...
shooting at the White House. have no fear though...
"The White House is on lockdown in response to the shooting. President Barack Obama was golfing in Maryland at the time."
Bush is not president and hasn't been for what 8 years?
I understand entirely why you wouldn't want to compare the two.
Why would I? You seem to all the time. Obama is foreign relations disaster.