Looks like the Big 12 will add 2 teams....Cincy has been prominently mentioned.....


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 7, 2010
and although this article doesn't mention Marshall, I've heard Gordon Gee is fully in support of Marshall. I've also been told that the Iowa State president is pushing Marshall. Apparently he has a close relationship with Marshall president. I think they worked together at Illinois. Thoughts?
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.........for invites to the Big 12? I'm going to completely dismiss this post as 110% trolling because nobody could possibly believe that's ever even a remote possibility. Even if WVU (LOL) or Iowa State actually were pushing for Marshall to be invited, who here actually thinks either of those schools has a major say in major changes to the Big 12?

Our best hope is that we're targeted to backfill whoever leaves the AAC, and even that is a long shot, IMO.
My apologies, it was Kansas State's president who has a relationship with Marshall's current president. they worked together somewhere. Mississippi maybe?

Even if Kansas State gave a shit about us whatsoever (which I don't believe they do), they have zero pull in the Big 12. Be realistic. We are never getting in a P5 conference.
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Cincy is a given. If the Big 12 see's a second viable candidate we can all agree upon, this will happen very soon. I happen to really enjoy the local brew scene in Cincy, so I would be very happy.
Cincinnati - In football it brings NOTHING to the B12. A worthless AAC bottomfeeder which GIVES AWAY tickets to home games. In basketball, its OK, but the B12 is not about basketball.

Marshall - If there were 399 teams invited to join the B12, WVU would make sure MU was 400th. In reality, we do not have any sports ready to compete at that level, save football, and bring little to the table in TV terms. The fact to various presidents are buddies might get you a game, but not a conf. membership.

B12 expansion - This is a p***ing contest between Texas and Oklahoma. The deal was for a Big 2, Little 8 deal settled between them 9 years out of 10, with Texas having this Longhorn Network, OU getting an indemnity, and everybody else getting scraps. Well, now Texas has a generationally bad football coach, and the LN is a failure, while the conf. network model is working well (SEC, B10, even the P12). OU wants to go legit and add two teams, TU is happy. OU could go nuclear (join the P12 or SEC) but other than that, what do they do?

B12 Network - ESPN's geniuses have them on the hook for 20 years of losses via LN. So, why would TU want to let ESPN off the hook? Or is OU talking about a B12 Network made up of the "other 11" which is uncharted ground.

Boise State and Central Florida - Laughable.

Prediction - In 5 years this will be the conference sitution:

B12 - 10 members
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Cincinnati - In football it brings NOTHING to the B12. A worthless AAC bottomfeeder which GIVES AWAY tickets to home games. In basketball, its OK, but the B12 is not about basketball.

Marshall - If there were 399 teams invited to join the B12, WVU would make sure MU was 400th. In reality, we do not have any sports ready to compete at that level, save football, and bring little to the table in TV terms. The fact to various presidents are buddies might get you a game, but not a conf. membership.

B12 expansion - This is a p***ing contest between Texas and Oklahoma. The deal was for a Big 2, Little 8 deal settled between them 9 years out of 10, with Texas having this Longhorn Network, OU getting an indemnity, and everybody else getting scraps. Well, now Texas has a generationally bad football coach, and the LN is a failure, while the conf. network model is working well (SEC, B10, even the P12). OU wants to go legit and add two teams, TU is happy. OU could go nuclear (join the P12 or SEC) but other than that, what do they do?

B12 Network - ESPN's geniuses have them on the hook for 20 years of losses via LN. So, why would TU want to let ESPN off the hook? Or is OU talking about a B12 Network made up of the "other 11" which is uncharted ground.

Boise State and Central Florida - Laughable.

Prediction - In 5 years this will be the conference sitution:

B12 - 10 members

I agree with everything you say, with the exception of your points on Cincinnati football. Cincinnati football has a pretty strong history of being high G5 / decent P5 status and potential. All of the articles and comments from those in the know seem to point to the clear reality that Cincinnati will get the Big 12 invite if the Big 12 chooses to expand.
I agree with everything you say, with the exception of your points on Cincinnati football. Cincinnati football has a pretty strong history of being high G5 / decent P5 status and potential. All of the articles and comments from those in the know seem to point to the clear reality that Cincinnati will get the Big 12 invite if the Big 12 chooses to expand.
If Big 12 expansion occurs, Cincinnati is almost certainly in. Furthermore, all of these recent articles mention research as an important consideration. If that is actually true, UConn has a leg up on the other mentioned candidates. That would leave two slots open in the AAC; I believe Marshall would fill one of those slots.
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I'm hoping that so many of you who feel we're in line for selection into the AAC are disappointed when those potential vacancies are filled. As much as I hate to think about it, I've no single reason to believe a spot would go to us. What in the world would change their decision makers minds in 3 to 5 years since they all gathered anew in the league. Look, they chose Tulane for goodness sakes. If Tulane was their choice then, you tell me why they'd see us as a good choice now.

It isn't the football team folks, its the university and its location; nothing more and nothing less. Who do you educate, what is your financial condition, and what can you financially add to the league. Nothing in those three questions has changed.

And finally; none of you know how STRONGLY I HOPE I AM 100% WRONG in my assessment.
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I'm hoping that so many of you who feel we're in line for selection into the AAC are disappointed when those potential vacancies are filled. As much as I hate to think about it, I've no single reason to believe a spot would go to us. What in the world would change their decision makers minds in 3 to 5 years since they all gathered anew in the league. Look, they chose Tulane for goodness sakes. If Tulane was their choice then, you tell me why they'd see us as a good choice now.

It isn't the football team folks, its the university and its location; nothing more and nothing less. Who do you educate, what is your financial condition, and what can you financially add to the league. Nothing in those three questions has changed.

And finally; none of you know how STRONGLY I HOPE I AM 100% WRONG in my assessment.

The only hope we have is that the upcoming CUSA TV deal (assuming it's going to be as bad as the rumors thus far) opens other conferences' eyes regarding realignment. It just might force them to reduce the level of TOP priority that TV markets have resulted in lately. I don't know if it'll work out that way, but that type of situation can only help us in a smaller TV market.
Actually I'm certain a slot would go to us for the AAC, it's the 2nd team if UCONN goes that I wonder about?

If you're the AAC and have 2 FLA teams already do you want another ? No.
To me the natural selection is: Charlotte. Although I don't know if ECU endorses that pick , as does Tulane for La Tech. Or Navy for possibly adding Army.

Still to get into the AAC is better for marketing our schedule.
Actually I'm certain a slot would go to us for the AAC, it's the 2nd team if UCONN goes that I wonder about?

If you're the AAC and have 2 FLA teams already do you want another ? No.
To me the natural selection is: Charlotte. Although I don't know if ECU endorses that pick , as does Tulane for La Tech. Or Navy for possibly adding Army.

Still to get into the AAC is better for marketing our schedule.

I don't see how you can be confident we would get an AAC bid. As for Army, they have stated time and time again they have interest in going into CUSA or AAC.
Even if asked I'm not sure MU can afford to get in and then try to keep up with a bunch of schools with MUCH lager budgets than us.
honestly, i could see the AAC looking at Marshall. their first wave was name AND market programs. their second wave was market only (Tulane). i could see them wanting to increase the conference "pedigree" for lack of a better word...

the real question, would we choose to go? there are still rumors floating around that we "chose" to not actively pursue the AAC previously. look at it from an AD and head coach point of view instead of a fan wanting to see better teams on the schedule....
the real question, would we choose to go? there are still rumors floating around that we "chose" to not actively pursue the AAC previously. look at it from an AD and head coach point of view instead of a fan wanting to see better teams on the schedule....

I agree, would we? I do think Doc and Dan both would go, Hamrick has to balance the budget, and build a baseball field and find a full service hotel.

With the new IAF and some stadium updates we have the infrastructure to do it. But the additional travel costs could be prohibitive. To me it comes down to TV money, if it is more and it covers additional costs go for it.

My thoughts, if Cinci goes and it's fast ( want to start changing schedules for 2017) and UConn goes , we should go and take Charlotte along with us being only 4 hours away.

In short it could be the premier G5 conference and isn't that what Hamrick said our goal was, to be the premier G5 team?
the real question, would we choose to go? there are still rumors floating around that we "chose" to not actively pursue the AAC previously. look at it from an AD and head coach point of view instead of a fan wanting to see better teams on the schedule....

The only word that needs added is "perceived" before better. In reality, the AAC and CUSA are equal.

Here is the "AD point of view" :

- $7M exit fee.
- Possible lame duck year(s) with no bowl eligibility.
- Conference plays whenever ESPN tells it to. Multiple random weeknights, which are live gate death.
- Step up for a basketball team that has not made tournament in 30 years and which plays in a building badly in need of major over-haul or replacement.

And for this, we get:

- Once the current contract expires, the same TV money.
- A league where pretty much everybody wants to GTFO.
- The EXACT SAME deal with the P5. Win all your games, play in an access bowl, lose once, play in Boca.

No thanks.
Actually you are not entirely correct. They do have better upper level bowls than we do, just saying. Every G5 league has every school looking for better positions, just how it goes. I am all for things remaining the same, no changes, but if the landscape changes around us, we have to change with it or get pushed to the back of the pack.
They do have better upper level bowls than we do, just saying.

AAC bowls:

St. Pete
Miami Beach
Armed Forces (alternating years)
Bahamas (alternating years)
Hawaii (alternating years)
Boca Raton (alternating years)
New Orleans (starting in 18)
Liberty, Indy or Poinsettia only if P5 confs with deals are short on 6 win teams

CUSA bowls:

Bahamas (2 out of 3 years)
Boca Raton (alternating years)
Heart of Dallas
Miami Beach (alternating years)
New Mexico
New Orleans
St. Pete (alternating years)
Independence (if SEC does not have enough 6 win teams)

Better? Really?
AAC bowls:

St. Pete
Miami Beach
Armed Forces (alternating years)
Bahamas (alternating years)
Hawaii (alternating years)
Boca Raton (alternating years)
New Orleans (starting in 18)
Liberty, Indy or Poinsettia only if P5 confs with deals are short on 6 win teams

CUSA bowls:

Bahamas (2 out of 3 years)
Boca Raton (alternating years)
Heart of Dallas
Miami Beach (alternating years)
New Mexico
New Orleans
St. Pete (alternating years)
Independence (if SEC does not have enough 6 win teams)

Better? Really?
Birmingham, Military are better than anything we have on our slate as far as opponents go. Our best bowl gives us a very low rung P5 team. Military offers a low to mid, armed forces has the potential to get P5.
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I think a lot will be told whenever the next round of TV negotiations occurs for all other conferences, particularly the other G5 conferences. If our payout is going to be cut in HALF with the upcoming deal (rumors that we'll go from a $1m/year payout to $500k), then we need to strongly consider an invite to the AAC if we're actually extended one, and I'm not entirely confident we'd ever get one.

The CUSA TV contract rumors could potentially send a shockwave that could seriously impact how realignment is viewed and analyzed from the standpoint of conferences adding programs primarily because of their TV market (wtf Tulane? Really?).

Everyone is poo-pooing the 'perceived' superiority of the AAC, but what else really matters anymore? College football is 110% a 'what have you done for me lately?' industry, from coaching hires to OOC scheduling, to conference realignment, to perception, etc. etc.

Their bowl tie-ins for the 2016 season include bowl games vs the SEC, the Big 12, and 2 vs the ACC, plus 2 vs the MAC and 1 vs CUSA. CUSA for 2016 has the one vs B1G/Big 12 plus 3 vs the MWC, 1 vs the AAC, and 1 vs the Sun Belt. How could you possibly say our bowls are better?

TL;DR - If we get an invite to the AAC, and the data clearly shows we will have a larger annual payout, it's a no-brainer.
I think a lot will be told whenever the next round of TV negotiations occurs for all other conferences, particularly the other G5 conferences. If our payout is going to be cut in HALF with the upcoming deal (rumors that we'll go from a $1m/year payout to $500k), then we need to strongly consider an invite to the AAC if we're actually extended one, and I'm not entirely confident we'd ever get one.

The CUSA TV contract rumors could potentially send a shockwave that could seriously impact how realignment is viewed and analyzed from the standpoint of conferences adding programs primarily because of their TV market (wtf Tulane? Really?).

Everyone is poo-pooing the 'perceived' superiority of the AAC, but what else really matters anymore? College football is 110% a 'what have you done for me lately?' industry, from coaching hires to OOC scheduling, to conference realignment, to perception, etc. etc.

Their bowl tie-ins for the 2016 season include bowl games vs the SEC, the Big 12, and 2 vs the ACC, plus 2 vs the MAC and 1 vs CUSA. CUSA for 2016 has the one vs B1G/Big 12 plus 3 vs the MWC, 1 vs the AAC, and 1 vs the Sun Belt. How could you possibly say our bowls are better?

TL;DR - If we get an invite to the AAC, and the data clearly shows we will have a larger annual payout, it's a no-brainer.
IF we get invited, we BG members will have to increase our annual contributions greatly in order to afford it. The 110% deal won't do it. Maybe 150%, PLUS double our membership. Even at that we would pale ECU and Memphis as an example.
IF we get invited, we BG members will have to increase our annual contributions greatly in order to afford it. The 110% deal won't do it. Maybe 150%, PLUS double our membership. Even at that we would pale ECU and Memphis as an example.

Like I said, if the data shows an increase in what the university would receive from an annual payout standpoint, and we're not in the red somewhere along the long-term, it's a no-brainer.
The OP's name is DickDickDick. Obvious troll is obvious.

Big XII just got approval to do a football championship with ten teams, thus removing the onus to add anybody to the league. No Big XII school is going to vote to give Cincinnati and some other mid-major $3.6 million of their conference take just to add them to the schedule.
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The OP's name is DickDickDick. Obvious troll is obvious.

Big XII just got approval to do a football championship with ten teams, thus removing the onus to add anybody to the league. No Big XII school is going to vote to give Cincinnati and some other mid-major $3.6 million of their conference take just to add them to the schedule.
The presidents of wvu and Oklahoma are on record to wanting to expand. It all comes down to Texas. What they want, the league will do.
No, I think the expansion talk in the Big 12 is serious. It is being driven by Oklahoma and West Virginia (Gee included). Gee is doing a tremendous job at WVU, did you notice the recent upgrade of WVU to a R1 research level? That included Kansas State as well.

It may very well end up that Texas does what Texas likes to do and the Big 12 breaks up over it. The SEC/ACC/PAC12/BIG10 would be fighting over the Big 12 schools and we would go to 4 mega conferences. And yes, before somebody chimes in, WVU will be in one of those 4...
No, I think the expansion talk in the Big 12 is serious. It is being driven by Oklahoma and West Virginia (Gee included). Gee is doing a tremendous job at WVU, did you notice the recent upgrade of WVU to a R1 research level? That included Kansas State as well.

It may very well end up that Texas does what Texas likes to do and the Big 12 breaks up over it. The SEC/ACC/PAC12/BIG10 would be fighting over the Big 12 schools and we would go to 4 mega conferences. And yes, before somebody chimes in, WVU will be in one of those 4...

I hate to chime in, but would they really? Its not going into the PAC 12, and the B1G requires that member schools be AAU members (Nebraska is their only member who isn't and that's only because they were dropped by the AAU after getting into the B1G). That leaves the SEC and the ACC.

WVU probably isn't big enough to get into the SEC, leaving just the ACC. While the ACC is probably the best conference for WVU to be in geographically, they seem to be moving toward academic standards more in line with the B1G so I'm not sure how warm of a reception they would get there.

Of course this all changes if WVU can get a AAU membership, but to do that they would need to pick up their research game.
LOL. Yes I'm certain your on everyone's short list. Burning couches , mugging fans, throwing batteries, is exactly what the SEC and ACC want.

Lord, review Big East pickings, who was the only team NOT picked up that went begging....west Va. u.
I hate to chime in, but would they really? Its not going into the PAC 12, and the B1G requires that member schools be AAU members (Nebraska is their only member who isn't and that's only because they were dropped by the AAU after getting into the B1G). That leaves the SEC and the ACC.

WVU probably isn't big enough to get into the SEC, leaving just the ACC. While the ACC is probably the best conference for WVU to be in geographically, they seem to be moving toward academic standards more in line with the B1G so I'm not sure how warm of a reception they would get there.

Of course this all changes if WVU can get a AAU membership, but to do that they would need to pick up their research game.
As we recall the ACC passed on wvu earlier due to academics. When the Big 12 passed on Louisville to take wvu, it was the best thing that ever happened to Louisville. Much better fit for them while wvu travels back and forth to Texas every other week.
WVU is getting millions of dollars more per year than any of the ACC schools.... why would they move? They're barely breaking even with the cash cow that is the Big12, and with exit/entrance fees to pay, plus reduced TV $, they'd be in a hole that not even Eddie P. could worm his way out of.
and although this article doesn't mention Marshall, I've heard Gordon Gee is fully in support of Marshall. I've also been told that the Iowa State president is pushing Marshall. Apparently he has a close relationship with Marshall president. I think they worked together at Illinois. Thoughts?
If you think WVU and/or EGG have any interest in promoting Marshall in any way - academically or athletically - then you don't know either.
@marshallmark - This is some speculation in regards to if the Big 12 implodes and has to be gobbled up by the remaining p4 conferences. I agree they have no interest in moving, and no interest in promoting MU.
The idea that WVU is wanted by any of the four other P5 conferences is, of course, laughable, and revisionist history since WVU was rejected by the three geographically logical P5 conferences.

When (not if) the next realignment comes, WVU will join MU in (no matter what they call it) Div II..
I'm not so sure we would get an invite to the AAC.... I wish we would, but we have no real baseball stadium for one. More importantly, the AAC does not allow non-qualifiers and while not a death blow to us, taking NQ's does give us an advantage and I don't see the AAC changing that rule just for us. The biggest thing is that our athletic budget is not on par with the AAC members.

And as for a Big 12 invite..... it's nice to have dreams...
WVU was recently upgraded to a R1 research university. WVU has stepped up their game in this regard. I don't want to rehash this too much on here but the last time the SEC expanded WVU was right there with Missouri. WVU and the ACC also talked extensively. So to suggest that the ACC/SEC would expand and NOT consider WVU is really laughable.

WVU beat out Louisville for that Big 12 invite because our fan base and network TV ratings are considerably larger.
Florida International is also a R1 research university. That doesn't mean much to an athletic conference. Choosy admissions, test scores, etc. do, however. But, as I said, it doesn't matter nearly as much as it used to. The ACC might have thumbed their nose at WVU 10 years ago, but after they admitted Louisville, WVU is a step up athletically AND academically.

The ACC might very well approach WVU if and when it ever expands - my point was that WVU would be foolish to consider moving unless the ACC's TV contract gets a lot more lucrative.