not always and not in this case. the only ones screaming foul are the blind never trumpers. for people like you, it'll be so minimal in your eyes that you'll swear it wasn't worth it or even lie and say you didn't benefit.
i know a guy (never trumper) who swore up and down he received less of a refund because of the tax law change. bullshit. he showed me his tax return and, just as i figured, his tax burden was slightly more because he and his wife made more money, but his withholding was about a grand less.
i can tell you there's one (trump lova) in this forum who possibly did not benefit from the tax law change. chances are, the rest of you did. hell, i did, and yugely; the new section 199 pass through business deduction will save me several thousand alone. for the one in this thread who may have, itemizes deductions and, in the past, deducted travel expense for their job, lost that deduction, and it was probably yuge for them. that deduction was discontinued along with all other miscellaneous itemized deductions except for special circumstances (of which he's not part of). out of all posters here, he's the only one here that has a true right to bitch and moan, but he won't.