Message Board Memories


Jan 9, 2006
With Hawaii playing late tonight and everyone looking forward to it because it’s real football finally. It got me thinking back about Herdnation.

I remember 15 years ago staying up three straight Saturdays watching Hawaii because each game effected Marshall. We needed several teams to get to 7 losses to have a shot to back into a bowl.

We all stayed up talking on here as the games progressed.

A month later I met up with Herdjc and thndrnghrdfn (two of the many that stayed up posting those nights) who doesn’t post much and we drove to Fort Worth with Indy. I had never met any of them before

15 years later Greg, Jc and I are still very close friends. Attending the kids birthday parties and tailgating together.

Great memories!

Carry on with your Opening Saturday of College Football!
If you want to get a football fix before tonight, there is a FCS game on CBS Sports currently, Villanova @ Colgate.
That time Random, thndrnghrdfn, and I went to the Joan at night, cut some pieces of the turf they had left out when putting the new turf down, and wvu fans went nuts sharing our pictures all over their boards. I could’ve charged royalties and made millions.

Good times.
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Remember when Miami fans had an investigation and it made ESPN because they were calling for sweeping the leg of Leftwich. And, we were like they sweep the leg and we are going over the wall and they thought someone was going to poison their food.

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That time Random, thndrnghrdfn, and I went to the Joan at night, cut some pieces of the turf they had left out when putting the new turf down, and wvu fans went nuts sharing our pictures all over their boards. I could’ve charged royalties and made millions.

Good times.


"Oh, you got me there!"
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"Toledump" I recall reading, over and over.

Did Pokey start the "." Thread?
In 2004, I would be anxiously waiting to get off work so I could get home, use my dial up (through Walmart connect) and surf the web. I mostly just stayed on HN the whole time. You would get sucked in for hours, because there were so many people online at the same time, including the trolls from our MAC rivals.

Who were the guys from Miami that would post on HN? Driving me crazy not being able to remember their names.
In 2004, I would be anxiously waiting to get off work so I could get home, use my dial up (through Walmart connect) and surf the web. I mostly just stayed on HN the whole time. You would get sucked in for hours, because there were so many people online at the same time, including the trolls from our MAC rivals.

Who were the guys from Miami that would post on HN? Driving me crazy not being able to remember their names.
Late 90's and early 2000's I would unplug the phone line from the fax machine at work and plug it into my laptop and get on Herd Nation. hahaaaa.
Lots of friendships from the old board. I don't see any of you very much since I moved away, but all good people. Even the "ladies board" lol.

Sitting behind the visitors' section and giving their fans shit. Good times.

That ladies board is still alive and well in the private secret Facebook realm.
In 2004, I would be anxiously waiting to get off work so I could get home, use my dial up (through Walmart connect) and surf the web. I mostly just stayed on HN the whole time. You would get sucked in for hours, because there were so many people online at the same time, including the trolls from our MAC rivals.

Who were the guys from Miami that would post on HN? Driving me crazy not being able to remember their names.

DevilGrad I think? Maybe that was someone else?
I want to say his name was something like MUOLETTE or something like that. I was caught off guard that he used MU, because I would associate that obviously with Marshall U first before Miami.

They say Dodo and some of those other Miami cats still post on their board. Just not the csn board anymore.

I am THUNDERStruck73 over there. I was on the old Marshall board too, but forgot my pw... lol
I remember a wvu fan called dolemite bmf. There was some good smack back in the days. As much as we hate the MAC there were some good hatred back then.
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one of several. running @HerdChemist89 off was my greatest contribution, doe.

The funny part is, he has no idea that most WV fans actually liked having him around. The guy was hilarious, really. His predictions were always fun, because they blew up in his face like 98% of the time.
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The funny part is, he has no idea that most WV fans actually liked having him around. The guy was hilarious, really. His predictions were always fun, because they blew up in his face like 98% of the time.
"Yeup" *smoking-smile*
one of several. running @HerdChemist89 off was my greatest contribution, doe.
my favorite memory sort of involved Chemist. remember archetype, the awsewipe? he was following your lead in giving Chemist a hard time about being in jail over supposedly being a wife beater, and as luck would have it, I found him online, where he had just got arrested at a WVU football game for exposing himself. archie decided to stop posting shortly thereafter.