Millions of Shares of DJT Stock Were Shorted Within Days of the Assasination Attempt

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
They doubled in the millions on shares. Makes you think??? Who would have stood to make money if DJT stock tumbled? Like saying if Trump was not around anymore? It is almost like someoje was making a real good guess the stock would trumble come that monday morning. There was a daily uptick in the stock being shorted in the days prior to the shooting. It accelerated as it go closer.

Start to connect the dots.

These people are telling they can't hack a 20 years old phone...yehhh right.

Look what happened that day and look who this kid was.

The shit don't add up.
They doubled in the millions on shares. Makes you think??? Who would have stood to make money if DJT stock tumbled? Like saying if Trump was not around anymore? It is almost like someoje was making a real good guess the stock would trumble come that monday morning. There was a daily uptick in the stock being shorted in the days prior to the shooting. It accelerated as it go closer.

Start to connect the dots.

These people are telling they can't hack a 20 years old phone...yehhh right.

Look what happened that day and look who this kid was.

The shit don't add up.
I've seen that story. The only problem with the claim from what I saw was the PUT options purchased (that was the basis for this claim) expired next year or later. That's not to say they couldn't have profited big from an assassination but someone knowing something wouldn't have bought that kind of time to expiration IMO.
Joe Mush Biden pulls out the race 8 days later.

Nobody could right a thriller novel with all this shit in it.
I've seen that story. The only problem with the claim from what I saw was the PUT options purchased (that was the basis for this claim) expired next year or later. That's not to say they couldn't have profited big from an assassination but someone knowing something wouldn't have bought that kind of time to expiration IMO.
I would argue that if you were going to with a scheme like this you would want a longer window for a few reasons.

1. Avoid any sympathy bump in the stock price. Trumpers may buy the stock just to get it certificates to hold and frame. Or they may buy it to support the family. That would make a short term put worthless.

2. Trump survives. Immediate bump making short term puts worthless.

3. Trump survives but loses election. Gives the opportunity for longer term puts to increase in value since the stock should tumble if he loses.

4. Trump survives, wins election. At least gives some time for fundamentals to further erode.

Short term puts only have value in one scenario, Trump dies and everyone sells and no one buys. If that happens the long term puts still go up, you just have to wait to get your money.
Short term puts only have value in one scenario, Trump dies and everyone sells and no one buys.
Which is the narrative being put forth by those looking for a conspiracy. From a pure assassination conspiracy perspective/debate, all the reasons you mention dont make a lot of sense. Especially since the buyer of those puts can sell them for a profit at any time for a profit(loss).

Buying that far out in time and trading on election outcomes makes far more sense than an immediate assassination. So, I'm not buying the assassination conspiracy narrative. The stock has been trading lower since May. Someone was looking at the trends and placing a longer-term trade on that in all likelihood. We also dont know if they own the stock and bought these puts as "insurance" for a falling stock price. Too much we dont know about this transaction.
Thanks, Busey. Glad to see you are having a good day.
Less posting and more sales calls out of you, you hear me, son? It is 11:30 a.m. here, and I still haven't gotten out of bed, just like most of my other days for the last year.

"You just have to have a boss. You just have to have a job." I still laugh at that meltdown.
Less posting and more sales calls out of you, you hear me, son? It is 11:30 a.m. here, and I still haven't gotten out of bed, just like most of my other days for the last year.

"You just have to have a boss. You just have to have a job." I still laugh at that meltdown.
How old was Nick Saban when he retired?
Which is the narrative being put forth by those looking for a conspiracy. From a pure assassination conspiracy perspective/debate, all the reasons you mention dont make a lot of sense. Especially since the buyer of those puts can sell them for a profit at any time for a profit(loss).

Buying that far out in time and trading on election outcomes makes far more sense than an immediate assassination. So, I'm not buying the assassination conspiracy narrative. The stock has been trading lower since May. Someone was looking at the trends and placing a longer-term trade on that in all likelihood. We also dont know if they own the stock and bought these puts as "insurance" for a falling stock price. Too much we dont know about this transaction.
The issue isn’t the trade, it can be easily explained as you show. It’s just the timing that makes it interesting.
You really are even dumber than what everybody else already believes, huh?
Just casually reading your post (didn't even read thread) and thought I'd mock your tradition of spell checking. Maybe I missed something
Just casually reading your post (didn't even read thread) and thought I'd mock your tradition of spell checking. Maybe I missed something
Maybe I didn't miss anything. 😆 are you so dense you thought I thought write does mean correct? After what you typed? Stooge
Just casually reading your post (didn't even read thread) and thought I'd mock your tradition of spell checking. Maybe I missed something
Maybe I didn't miss anything. 😆 are you so dense you thought I thought write does mean correct? After what you typed? Stooge
Yep, you are even dumber than we all already thought. Read the thread again, moron