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Why didn't the big mouth idiot shut down the border in 2019??
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Why didn't the big mouth idiot shut down the border in 2019??

You mean right at the height of the pandemic?

Nevertheless, miniscule compared to the border under Pedo-Joe.

Three years under Pedo-Joe and illegal foreign nationals crossing our borders are more than three times higher than in four years under Trump.

I know you're a bleating, dumbass, but for once put the blame for the border crisis squarely where it belongs.

Pedo-Joe. No ifs, ands or buts about it.

His and his fellow Democrats' failed policies are what brought us this disaster.
You mean right at the height of the pandemic?
What would the pandemic have to do with shutting down the border if all you have to do is issue an executive order? moron.

And you're a lying idiot when you say the height of the pandemic was in 2019 when in fact the pandemic didn't begin in the U.S. until the first case in Jan of 2020.

You're a lying idiot. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
What would the pandemic have to do with shutting down the border if all you have to do is issue an executive order? moron.
Well dumbass, do you think the attention was on the border or on COVID-19?

Damn, you're a dumbass. Besides, with all that was going on, there wasn't even a whisper of a border crisis.

It took less than a year under Pedo-Joe to cause a disaster at the border.

What do you do? Talk about 2019 instead of the absolute disaster Pedo-Joe has caused.

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Well dumbass, do you think the attention was on the border or on COVID-19?
In 2019, your attention should have been on the border. The pandemic didn't start in the U.S. until Jan 2020. You stupid lying idiot.
Damn, you're a dumbass. Besides, with all that was going on, there wasn't even a whisper of a border crisis.
Border apprehensions and expulsions doubled from 2018 to 2019 and was the highest it had been for 10 years
In 2019, your attention should have been on the border. The pandemic didn't start in the U.S. until Jan 2020. You stupid lying idiot.

359,885 deportations. Plenty of attention on the border. 3 times the amount in any year under Pedo-Joe.

More than twice the illegal crossings in any year under Pedo-Joe

So while you whine about Trump's border in one year, it was 3 times worse in each year under Pedo-Joe, and you just bleat.

Border apprehensions and expulsions doubled from 2018 to 2019 and was the highest it had been for 10 years

Your point? Dumbass.
Why Do Mush Brain suddenly care about the border? Oh wait, months out from an election and it was hurting him.
Why do House rethuglicans suddenly not care about the border? Oh wait, months out from the election and they didn't want to lose a campaign platform.
Mush Brain can do his job without a new border bill. He could have the 101st Airborne down there in a few days. Maybe some tanks if he wanted to. He doesn't want to enforce the border laws or border.
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Mush Brain can do his job without a new border bill. He could have the 101st Airborne down there in a few days. Maybe some tanks if he wanted to. He doesn't want to enforce the border laws or border.

He spits on our Constitution. Being an oath-breaker is an understatement, when it comes to Pedo-Joe.
Mush Brain can do his job without a new border bill. He could have the 101st Airborne down there in a few days. Maybe some tanks if he wanted to. He doesn't want to enforce the border laws or border.
Nope they only care because it is hurting them in the polls.

If all of a sudden pro choice started hurting them in the polls, they would start blaming Republicans for abortion.
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Mush Brain can do his job without a new border bill. He could have the 101st Airborne down there in a few days. Maybe some tanks if he wanted to. He doesn't want to enforce the border laws or border.
Why didn't your orange jesus do that in 2019?? You Godless lying trumptard oath breaker.
Nope they only care because it is hurting them in the polls.

If all of a sudden pro choice started hurting them in the polls, they would start blaming Republicans for abortion.
You're a Godless lying trumptard oath breaker.
The 101st Airborne had some units spend time at the border. So did others
Active-duty soldiers are barred by federal statute — the post-Reconstruction-era Posse Comitatus Act — from acting as law enforcement on U.S. soil.
Active-duty soldiers are barred by federal statute — the post-Reconstruction-era Posse Comitatus Act — from acting as law enforcement on U.S. soil.
They were on the border. They can be used on thr border and can assist border patrol. There are other things they can do as well.
He is confusing the Law. He is also confusing as to some of things they can do and assist with. There are times federal troops can be called to do things like stop riots, etc. The LA riots are an example. Parts of active duty infantry divisions were called in and they were going to crush the riots not just hand out goody bags. They were there to knock heads. The 101st had some troops on the border prior. The border patrol can arrest and detain people. So can local law enforcement and the National Guard by the order of their governor. If it got out of hand, federal troops could absolutely be used for force or detaining powers and hand them over to law enforcement. But, that is not what there were doing there.
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He is confusing the Law. He is also confusing as to some of things they can do and assist with. There are times federal troops can be called to do things like stop riots, etc. The LA riots are an example. Parts of active duty infantry divisions were called in and they were going to crush the riots not just hand out goody bags. They were there to knock heads. The 101st had some troops on the border prior. The border patrol can arrest and detain people. So can local law enforcement and the National Guard by the order of their governor. If it got out of hand, federal troops could absolutely be used for force or detaining powers and hand them over to law enforcement. But, that is not what there were doing there.
Congress can also authorize action, by active duty soldiers, on the border.

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