First I'm not Jobless so stop stalking social media
That's your role, Twitter fingers.
If you aren't jobless, why are you already looking for another job? You just got another job according to you; one that was more prestigious and a lot better than what you had before. Now, a couple of months later, you are begging for another job? Even better, you are willing to take an entry-level job (your own words).
You're in your thirties. If you just started a job which was much better than your last one, why are you begging for an entry-level job?
Second I've been to that shithole part of NY you're from a few times. Elmira/Corning is a shithole that is no different than anywhere in WV. Elmira Prison is there and every else is shit.
You've never been to Elmira or Corning, and we both know that. Elmira is nothing like West Virginia. Not even close. Elmira, unlike your upper-middle class town, is not a good place. Nobody who has ever even driven through Corning has labeled it "a shithole." Hell, the place wins awards annually for "best downtown," "best small city," etc. "Shitholes" don't have annual Ferrari shows that draw hundreds of people who can afford Ferraris to come visit for a few days. "Shitholes" don't have the highest per capita PhD rate living there in the recent past.
Besides your lies being obvious to see through, your claim that Elmira is anything like WV, that Corning is a shithole, and that they are in cow pastures proves you've never been to either.
Third I'm definitely not from a upper-middle class area. We do have some very rich families still in Bay Shore, but where I live is far from that.
You're from a small town half the size of Huntington. Overall, the town is upper-middle class with low crime. Based on it being a small town, that makes you also part of being from an upper-middle class area. Sure, those areas still need people to clean the toilets and rent cars to others, but it doesn't change the fact that you are from a small, upper-middle class town.
I know you think that because a guy sold drugs in a different city ten years ago that it makes you hard, but that belief actually makes you as soft as your flabby stomach.
And lastly, if you have never driven somewhere all you life, don't tell me how long it takes to drive somewhere. NY speed limit is 55 not 65. So that's another Lie.
The maximum speed limit in NY is 65, moron. Need proof? Further, I never made a claim about what the maximum speed limit is. I said that the Expressway you would take to Hempstead is 50 mph on that stretch. So, even giving you the benefit of the doubt of speeding and going 70 mph in that 50 mph zone for twelve minutes, you still would have no chance of getting to Hempstead in 15 minutes like you claim based on it being 22+ miles away.
Are you claiming that iPhone maps is wrong in their mileage, time, etc.? No. Reality is that you can't even make it in 30 minutes, let alone 15. You can't make it to Queens in 30 minutes like you claimed. And that is allowing you to speed well over the limit and not even factor in other issues that would slow you down.
This shit is entertainment for me. I have a Rivals Drill Instructor always trying to tell me about my life. What else are you going to pull out of your stalker bag??
You keep making this Rivals claim, yet you have nothing to base that on. This is entertainment for you? No, if it were entertainment, you wouldn't have gone on a two day rampage on your Twitter posting a dozen tweets about me, then following that up with a bunch of direct tweets to multiple football coaches about me. You weren't entertained; you were furious that I expose you repeatedly for the moron that you are.
Spend limit is 55 and traffic. I didnt grow up out in a pasture like you.
The distance between Bay Shore to Manhatten is actually LESS MILES than Huntington to Charleston. Plus your going 65 not 55 and there isn't Millions of people inbetween both points.
Please just stop
The speed limit on that stretch is 50. I can also prove that if you want me to take the time. So, as I said, even if you drive 70 mph in that 50 mph zone, you still have no chance of getting there within 15 minutes.
Areas with low population ("pastures") tend to have higher speed limits on their highways than heavily populated areas, so your other comment makes absolutely no sense, moron.
Show us, with any bit of proof and logic, how you can get from Bay Shore to Hempstead in 15 minutes. It is 22+ miles away. The maximum speed limit between those is 50 mph. That maximum speed limit lasts 12 miles. Even if you drive 70 mph for the entire 12 miles, it is a 10 minute drive. You still have to account for 10+ other miles where the speed limit is under 50 mph. And that doesn't take into consideration traffic lights, traffic, etc.
Again, you can't make it in 30 minutes. This may confuse you, but that also means you can't make it in 15 minutes.