Natalie Tennant: No Apple Store Because WV Hates Gays


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 4, 2007
At a "Fairness" rally last week in West Virginia, Natalie Tennant was asked why the state doesn't have an Apple store. Her response would be comical if it weren't for the fact she holds a key position in the state & just ran (& got demolished, thank God) for the Senate.

"Can you imagine if your leaders, if the Development Office, went to Apple and asked them for a store to be placed in West Virginia?" Actually, a lot of people can, Natalie. But your next comments are troublesome. "Apple's CEO is gay. How could we justify telling him we allow gays to be discriminated against in our state?"

First off, way to out Cook. It's not something he hides but it's not something that defines him. And outside of the tech community, very few people care or were even aware. Now, I get she was trying to make a point but her larger point is illogical & ridiculous. The Daily Mail pointed out today that Mississippi, Alabama & Louisiana all have stores - Utah has three. I've bought Mac's from the official stores in North AND South Carolina.

Cook's goal it to make money & grow a brand. Would it nice to have an Apple store here? Sure, but they're basically a hub for hipsters. And you can get a MAC damn near anywhere now. However, it's good to say your state has one as it's basically an economic indicator of the area. But if Natalie can't figure out why they, along with many other prominent businesses, won't locate to West Virginia then we're just going to continue down the same stagnant path.

So glad she got her ass handed to her in this last election.
Last I checked, we allow gay marriage in this state. What else is the state supposed to do in her mind?
You didn't put the context of the quote so it doesn't make sense.*

She was speaking at an event supporting anti-discrimination laws for employers. The idea is that you can't be fired for being gay. In practice I have the suspicion that A) people that wanted to do that would find a way anyway and B) it's probably used more often than not in irrelevant cases where the employees sexual orientation had nothing to do with the firing. I'd be happy to see some sort of studies that said they actually did help though.

*As you said other states without the anti-discrimination law have apple stores so it doesn't make sense anyway, but you didn't link anything in the thread or explain it so it doesn't make sense in a different way.
Why the hell would somebody at a "Fairness" rally, ask Natalie freaking Tennant why WV doesn't have an Apple Store?

A. Why the hell would she know?

B. Who asks that at a fairness rally?

I smell a planted question, and a stupid one at that.
Originally posted by HerdandHokies:
It's relevant because she was talking about the potential of the lack of anti-discrimination laws to keep some businesses away. She's wrong with the example she picked though. And as far as I can tell it was a planned remark and not an answer to a question.
If that was a planned remark, outing a CEO, even if it's in support of anti-discrimination laws probably isn't the smartest thing to do. And I wouldn't say it's irrelevant - part of the Sec of State's job is to deal with business filings. If she got asked why it's so difficult to get businesses to operate in WV I would have zero problem with it.

Out of all the issues facing the state's perceived anti-business climate, I promise you anti-discrimination laws aren't at the top. Or near the top. Or even in the top half. Not saying they're not needed but there's a mountain of other reasons why businesses avoid this state.
I wasn't aware of the fact WV doesn't have one until a headline from one of the Chas dailies came across my FB feed a day or two ago. I just caught the headline, didn't read the story. But, if I had to guess, the real reason WV doesn't have an apple store is twofold: not enough poplulation and said population is too poor for apple products. Bottom line.

This post was edited on 1/29 4:29 PM by HRHF
WV doesn't have an apple store because of the population and demographics.

Apple wants to make money and when they can make money in WV they will be there.

Why is everything about being gay in this country?
I'm trying now, given the context, to understand this. So businesses aren't coming to this state because it is easier to hire and fire employees here? Is that really her argument?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by trailherd:
I'm trying now, given the context, to understand this. So businesses aren't coming to this state because it is easier to hire and fire employees here? Is that really her argument?

Posted from Rivals Mobile
It is easier to fire employees in NC as compared to WV. Right to work, at will employment state. And, there is at least one Apple store.

She is full of it.
I think the reason it's harder to fire people in wv is because the legal system is so friendly for those who file lawsuits.

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