NCAA & the NBA


Gold Buffalo
Sep 1, 2008
I have mixed opinions on the idea pf paying college athletes. The argument is should universities pay college athletes beyond their scholarships? Football, Basketball & Ladies get full rides at most schools. The question is do you pay a field hockey player the same as you pay football players?

I contend no matter what the decision is... 5-star players & their families [yes I said their families] will get "payola" from various sources to play at "said school" in addition to their scholarships & the school's stipend [I think Marshall pays football & basketball players around $275/stipend/month]. Let's face it---college athletics is a multi-billion dollar business. In 2015 the NCAA changed the rules to permit athletic scholarships to include a cost-of-attendance stipend. Those payments vary from $2,000---$5,000 per year (actually I think it paid over a 9-month period). I have always said the NCAA set a cancer system. Does star Johny sign to play at a Marshall for an estimated $2500 stipend or attend an Auburn or Tennessee for around $5,000. Not too hard to figure out what color uniform Johny will be wearing!

Currently the NBA & NFL set up college sports to be a de facto farm system for professional teams. What ever happened to the term---Student-Athletes? LeBron James recently said on ESPN the NBA should explore expanding their G-League to pattern it after Major League baseball and its farm team systems. I like his thinking.

The current college basketball "one & done" rule drives most fans crazy. You have stars players for one year (ie Kentucky)...and off they go leaving fans to gasp for air!

Marshall could be facing this next basketball season if "Baby Shack" proves to be the player than Dan signed to help The Herd become a factor......a One & Done.

I don't have an answer but the landscape is going to change and some coaching heads may be rolling down the roads. The shoes companies funnel thousands to colleges & their players. It sounds a little suspect that assistant coaches are spending $335 for a lunch with a recruit's Mom.

Where will it contiune to go...? I have no idea. Your thought?
HerdZilla22 in Charlotte
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It is beyond naive to believe that no matter what small amount of stipend is paid that the best kids will not get plenty more under the table. It is also wrong to believe that college athletics is really rolling in the cash. We have had the discussion with Spamite trolls over the years, about the idiocy that USPAM athletics is "self-supporting" which it is not. USA Today has the numbers back years. The money that comes in for football and basketball goes right back out to cover women (Title IX) and minor men's sports (NCAA rules). There are exactly 13 actual self-supporting athletic programs. Purdue, Mississippi State, Nebraska, South Carolina, Arkansas, Kentucky, Penn State, Tennessee, LSU, Oklahoma, Ohio State, Texas, and Texas A&M. Everyone else, EVERYONE ELSE, uses student fees and/or taxpayer money.

So how much should we raise tuition and/or taxes? It comes down to that.

As to the NBA specifically, I lke the rule in college baseball. A kid can go straight to the minors out of HS, or he can go to college and not be elligable to go pro until after his junior year.