Never know what you will stumble across


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 25, 2007
I was driving on a rural route in my county that I infrequently take when I looked over to my left and saw a sight that made me wonder if I had entered the Twilight Zone. I know my two county area has a number of fringe groups ( Nazis, gays, KKK, people allergic to electromagnetic energy, men in black wanting to confiscate your electric blanket), but this was a new one for me.

Spreading several hundred feet back from the road was a Renaissance village. A number of buildings were still in the construction stage. Tudor half Timbers, towers and turrets, stalls for workmen and food vendors. Some structures were four stories high with steeply pitched roofs.

There was even what appeared to be a jousting stadium. I could imagine the locals roaming around with a turkey leg taking in the festivities.

A large sign proclaimed “West Virginia Renaissance Festival.” I have lived in this area for years and never knew this existed. Anyone else familiar with this or am I just senile?
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Gays are a fringe group?

Didn’t take any pictures of these buildings?
Gays are a fringe group?

Didn’t take any pictures of these buildings?
They are in this county. I didn’t have my phone with me, but I’m going that direction again soon and I will post pictures if it’s not a mirage.

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