New Twitter Dump Going On Now

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Wow, they were really in bed with Dems and were banning political enemies and censoring political enemies and people with different views, particulary on COVID.

This is Nazi Germany stuff, Great Job Dems
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Shadow banning political enemies or schools of different thought.

They are trying to control us.

This is ludicrous. This is big brother stuff.

You all wonder why I get fired up. Better wake and see what is going on.
The Covid stuff bothers me a little bit more.

Either the twitter people felt they knew more than someone like Bhattacharya or Vinay Prasad or Venk Murthy (evidence all of them were throttled...each respective "experts" in their field and professors of the countries best med schools...but often go against common narratives on Covid)...or the government was telling them to suppress those opinions.

Either way just not a good look. Public trust in "public health" has been irreparably damaged.



True story. Wife took my youngest for her routine kid vaxes (5 year). we did the usual stuff (TDAP, etc). Peds still was recommending a covid vax ("due to guidelines") in spite of my kid having had covid already at least twice. Doctors cannot possibly read all the primary literature, so you need good committees to put up guidelines to follow....but come on, there is essentailly zero evidence that an otherwise healthy, at least twice infected 5 year old needs a vaccine of a strain of a virus that really doesn't exist anymore. we are so lost out there....
Herd man that is just Russian disinformation.
Raoul, H&H, Rifle:

Naked Gun Panic GIF
i'll be surprised if anything will come of it. click the tweet to read the thread. crazy shit.

agree with leslie nielson gif above when it comes to any liberal, not just those mentioned.

i'll be surprised if anything will come of it. click the tweet to read the thread. crazy shit.

agree with leslie nielson gif above when it comes to any liberal, not just those mentioned.

Nothing will come of it because the entirety of the MSM will refuse to cover it and half the country will refuse to believe it’s true.

We’re past the point of irreconcilable differences. One half of the country is incompatible with the other half.

One side controls the “strength” (men, weapons, testosterone, ability to build things) and the other side controls the flow of information.
Nothing will come of it because the entirety of the MSM will refuse to cover it and half the country will refuse to believe it’s true.

We’re past the point of irreconcilable differences. One half of the country is incompatible with the other half.

One side controls the “strength” (men, weapons, testosterone, ability to build things) and the other side controls the flow of information.
I said this months ago during a period of your absence.

Are we at a point where we are no longer compatible? I believe we are or very close to being that way.