ok olen deny this. it is from "the federalist" a right wing magazine.
it says a lot that you are so far over the edge that even right wingers
think you've gone over the wall. be a man - admit you are wrong.
WHAT NOW OLEN??????????????????????
Despite his republican affiliation, his work for John Cornyn, and his clerkship for J. Thomas, Mr. Ho’s immigration position is not conservative. It is very establishment republican. As such, non-conservative approaches regardless of source (republican or democrat) hold little persuasion for me. So, lest you be surprised, I not only disagree with Ho’s assessment, I have a fairly robust rebuttal with source support where appropriate. And remember: you asked for this.
Ho asserts that the “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” requirement of the 14th Amendment is to be interpreted as merely being physically present and subject to governmental and judicial jurisdiction of a government, and alleges that this interpretation is supported by (I) the text, (II) history, (III) judicial precedent, and (IV) executive branch interpretation. Because Ho addresses these more-or-less sequentially in his article, I will attempt to the do the same, but note that he intermingles (I) and (II) to the point that talking about them together makes more sense than apart. So, I will approach this in discussing the appropriate understanding according to: (I) text and legislative history; (II) judicial precedent; and (III) executive branch interpretation (although (III) is mostly irrelevant as non-binding policy).
Mr. Ho is Taiwanese by birth. This means that his parent or parents were allegiant to Taiwan and he was born in Taiwan, and therefore a Taiwanese citizen at birth. This also means that Mr. Ho was naturalized to become a U.S citizen. Why is this relevant?
It is rather ironic that Mr. Ho (or more likely, his parents) to complete the naturalization requirements had to legally immigrate into the U.S., and among other things, establish a legal residence or domicile, attest to their identities, and most importantly, pledge an oath or allegiance to the U.S. and renounce their allegiance to Taiwan. Yet, Mr. Ho alleges that “allegiance” plays no part in the immigration and naturalization laws of the U.S., including the 14th Amendment and its requirement that a person be “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.” This interpretation is establishment republican and crony capitalism at its core.
Even the by-line of the article is misleading and off-point: “Stay tuned: Dred Scott II could be coming soon to a federal court near you.” Dred Scott concerned maintaining African slaves (forcibly taken from Africa and brought to the U.S.) as non-citizens; not extending citizenship to children of illegal entrants (that are illegally within the country by their own accord) is far from analogous and are truly animals of different stripes. But invoking Dred Scott pushes all the right emotional and historical buttons.
Regardless, Mr. Ho’s article is an internally inconsistent reading of the 14th Amendment and cherry-picks favorable language from the constitutional debate and omits the common understanding of not only the 14th Amendment, but companion amendments, and contemporaneous statutes enacted in the post-construction era. Accordingly, Mr. Ho’s analysis suffers from several defects. To wit:
(I) – Interpreting the 14th Amendment: Text and History
(A) Text – Plain Meaning and Ambiguity
In interpreting a statute, a court looks at the plain meaning giving all words meaning or effect so that no words are superfluous (e.g., redundant or meaningless). The 14th Amendment’s Citizenship Clause states:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.”
As everyone (including Ho) recognizes, there are two requirements for Citizenship: (a) either being born in the U.S. or being naturalized in the U.S.; and (b) being subject to the jurisdiction [thereof] of the U.S. Take note that (a) and (b) are conjunctive requirements by the use of “and” (as opposed to disjunctive, which is denoted by the use of “or”). Conjunctive requirements mean that all elements must be met; in this case, both (a) and (b) must be met to establish citizenship.
The plain meaning of (a) is evident, as there is no ambiguity as to where a birth occurs of whether the naturalization process has been completed. The plain meaning of (b) is not evident as the current debate on this issue suggests (and proponents of the competing thoughts admit, including Ho), with at least two interpretations of “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S. advanced: (i) Ho et al.’s assertion that it means to merely being physically present within and subject to judgments and orders of U.S. courts; or alternatively (ii) all of (i) plus having allegiance to the U.S. and no other sovereign – complete jurisdiction. Because the plain meaning of (b) is not evident, and therefore ambiguous, then we must resort to critical analysis to determine its ordinary meaning as understood at the time of adoption.
Advocates of Ho et al.’s position, where mere physical presence defines “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S., ignore a fundamental fact: “All persons born” in the U.S. are already within and subject to the judgments and orders of U.S. courts. Being born is to be physically present in the U.S. And without question, courts have the ability to remove a minor child from a dangerous home, thus, a minor child (even at the moment of birth) is within the governmental and judicial jurisdiction of the U.S. Accordingly, under this interpretation, the second acknowledged requirement (“subject to the jurisdiction thereof [U.S.]”) of the Citizenship Clause becomes redundant, unnecessary, and superfluous – meaning this interpretation causes that element to not actually be a requirement. That does not square with Ho et al.’s admission that “subject to the jurisdiction” is a positive requirement for citizenship, and violates at least one significant cannon of statutory construction. Thus, this position is rooted in illogic.
Another odd and internally inconsistent argument that Ho advances in relation to a “textual” basis for interpreting “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S. to mean “mere physical presence” is his reference to the “exceptions”: diplomatic immunity and enemy combatants. Ho reasons that because diplomats and enemy combatants are immune from (e.g., not required to obey) U.S. law, then that provides a textual basis for interpreting “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S. under his view.
This is wholly illogical. A textual basis for interpreting that phrase should rely on the text; the “exceptions” were not part of the text of the 14th Amendment. Worse yet, the 14th Amendment was drafted, debated, voted, and enacted with knowledge and understanding of the exceptions, which colors the requirement of “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S. contrary to Ho’s assertion.
To explain the obvious, the reason why diplomats (and their families) and enemy combatants were excepted is because each group owes its allegiance to another sovereign. These two groups were not “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S. precisely because their allegiance was to another sovereign. And as Ho admits, so were/are the children of each of these two groups that are born in the U.S., and therefore not citizens even if born in the U.S. How Ho or anyone can ignore this rather obvious point and yet interpret “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S. as something less than allegiance when the exceptions are rooted on foreign allegiances is remarkable if not completely tone-deaf.
If “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S. is the second part of a two-part requirement, and “all persons born” in the U.S. are automatically within and subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. (which they are), then the clause “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S. must mean something additional to actually be the second-part of a two-part requirement and must mean something additional so that the phrase is not superfluous language. What do we look to for guidance?