Fifty of the nation’s most senior Republican national security officials, many of them former top aides or cabinet members for President George W. Bush,
have signed a letter declaring that
Donald J. Trump “lacks the character, values and experience” to be president and “would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being.”
Mr. Trump, the officials warn, “would be the most reckless president in American history.”®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
You my misguided friend should be ashamed you advocate the radical leftist ideas and propaganda. If you truly are a part of the MU family and even more, a member of west Virginia, you need to do some soul searching or even more so, leave the herd family. You have no idea how much Obama and the Clintons have screwed our state, our country. They would rather you go without power than invest in clean coal technology, and don't you dare tell me it doesn't exist. It does, I studied environmental science and every damn policy that has been adopted to not use our number one source of energy, is completely misguided. Here is a little factoid to go ahead and shoot down the argument you will have: Humans are not so omnipotent that we can CAUSE such a change on this planet. Climate change is natural, called ice ages and during one volcanic eruption, there is more pollution and gases being expelled to the atmosphere than humans can imagine doing in their existence. So let me guess, you believe Al Gore and his views, got news for you, the guy studied history in college.....not environmental science.
The only reason the GOP and every other real politician is collaborating against trump is because they don't control him, afraid he would get rid of their sorry hides. I am sick of the political correctness in this country, screwing the majority for the minority. People like you are the problem, you have no clue what you are supporting, and if you do I would love to hear you explain to any family member why coal miners in your family had to lose their jobs, over propaganda and nothing more.
Some people still have moral and ethical views in this country and the likes of you do not have the right to take those away. If you think gays marrying, parading around, transgender restroom policies, illegal immigrants, pissing on the constitution is a good thing, then you obviously have no kids you worry about. If someone wants to be gay, fine, be gay, but I don't have to accept their lifestyle and no one can force me to. If you believe illegal immigrants is a good thing and should have the same rights as a citizen, again you are part of the problem. Clint Eastwood put is best, there has been a pussification of this country backed up by ass kissers. We now celebrate hand holding homosexuals parading down the street, like their some kind of hero for going all public on their personal lives. We prop up a guy who thinks he's a girl instead of getting them mental help. This is not the country I grew up in and was raised to love, I don't recognize it anymore, and not in a good way.
Trump is not a saint but he just says what most of us think and feel. The working class Joe is sick of the losers in this country getting their way while we get the short end of the stick. Your Mr. Obama has single handily revived racism and created civil unrest in this country. Hillary is just continuing what he began, and taking it up a notch.
So the term liberal really should be taken away from far left wing. Liberal means you are accepting of all views and peaceful but so called liberal certainly aren't. Quite the contrary, you have proven to be violent of anyone who doesn't agree with you and willing to take away freedoms that the constitution protects. You can't tell Christians to shut the hell up and alter laws to conform to muslims