Don't build up the teams that beat us. Fact is the so-called HBCU leagues don't even belong in I-AA. That score is meaningless. I believe that there are regular students at Marshall, who with a week of practice, could have beat Morgan State. Akron is a middle level MAC team which will finish about 3rd or 4th in its division and go to some meaningless bowl. Louisville is a very good, but not great team, as Clemson showed us. They drew an easy schedule the rest of the way in the way too expanded ACC, and might go 11-1, and might even play in the ACC championship is FSU can right itself or Clemson has a case of "clemsoning" somewhere else, but it would finish about 5th in the SEC West. Pitt is mediocre, and was totally exposed by a bad Oklahoma State and a better than usual (still not that great) UNC team.
Fact is this team is 1-3 and if it played a legit I-AA might be 0-4. It should be 4-3 in three weeks (anything less is the team has just quit) but that does not mean anything. The beat downs resume on the 29th. This team just is not very good.