NHR: Worst stadiums in college football ranked

Doesn't matter.
If Spears repainted the entire Joan and did half a dozen projects in other facilities, people would complain at the color of paint used and forensic facility investigators like Reds, would find tiny little specs of imperfections and whine about it.

There's been a bit of a public forum out there with MU inquiring about multiple designs for the new turf from the fans.
I have no idea if it will be implemented but I do know, regardless of what the final product is, people with whine about it on here.
This has nothing to do with the response I had to your previous post.
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I never said the Joan doesn't need work.
I'm saying you're a bit of a fool if you're making a big deal about the bathrooms over say, the concourse, or the fencing, or about a dozen other things that enhance the experience far more than where you're pissing.
Unless, of course, where you're pissing results in the piss ending up all over your shoes due to the fact that some of the "urine troughs" have rusted through over the decades since the JOAN opened!!
Since it's stadiums you have been to defunct or otherwise, old Mountaineer Field, Rubber Bowl and Old Fairfield.
Well, since our "beloved" Ye Olde Fairfield was built on a Huntington City dump at the outset, its place on ANY LIST of "Hallowed Sh#tholes" of College Football was pre-ordained!!
Well, since our "beloved" Ye Olde Fairfield was built on a Huntington City dump at the outset, its place on ANY LIST of "Hallowed Sh#tholes" of College Football was pre-ordained!!
HEY!!!!!! Fairfield was a handsome woman in her 1956...

But boy do I have many many memories there... I loved the old girl!
Unless, of course, where you're pissing results in the piss ending up all over your shoes due to the fact that some of the "urine troughs" have rusted through over the decades since the JOAN opened!!
Hoo hoo hee hee ha ha!!
You made a funny!!!
This has nothing to do with the response I had to your previous post.
Spears will address what is NEEDED by what the AD and MU require to be done.

Once more, nobody's stopping the Restroom Regiment from funding it thenselves if they feel the pissers need replaced.
They can even have little plaques with their names proudly displayed in the new urinals so people will know who got them a brand new place to piss in.
Before their names get pissed on.

I don't care if he replaces them or not, like you, I care that he does what's needed and I trust he'll do that.

But of course, now our fans' measure of an AD's achievements and ability to be an AD, will rest on...toilets.
While we are at it, let’s end the halftime pass out policy. Get in the stadium, stay in the stadium. This isn’t Milton midget league.
Spears will address what is NEEDED by what the AD and MU require to be done.

Once more, nobody's stopping the Restroom Regiment from funding it thenselves if they feel the pissers need replaced.
They can even have little plaques with their names proudly displayed in the new urinals so people will know who got them a brand new place to piss in.
Before their names get pissed on.

I don't care if he replaces them or not, like you, I care that he does what's needed and I trust he'll do that.

But of course, now our fans' measure of an AD's achievements and ability to be an AD, will rest on...toilets.
Falls under the heading of "fan amenities", GHMY! A "big" factor in trying to get fans/bodies into Stadium seats that competent D1 ADs deal with constantly. I feel sure our new AD is aware of such and will direct his efforts in said area in due time. Meanwhile, we'll try to see that you get your due recognition, perhaps a 2 inch by 2 inch plaque with your name inscribed, mounted over an appropriate men's room toilet. Surely you are due such honor as it is abundantly clear that you underwent numerous "swirlies", during your elementary special education days, in similar toilets!
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  • Haha
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Falls under the heading of "fan amenities", GHMY! A "big" factor in trying to get fans/bodies into Stadium seats that competent D1 ADs deal with constantly. I feel sure our new AD is aware of such and will direct his efforts in said area in due time. Meanwhile, we'll try to see that you get your due recognition, perhaps a 2 inch by 2 inch plaque with your name inscribed, mounted over an appropriate men's room toilet. Surely you are due such honor as it is abundantly clear that you underwent numerous "swirlies", during your elementary special education days, in similar toilets!
Hoo hoo hee hee haha, you made a funny!!!
Taking my kids to games these past several years, I must say that a kid in the 3-6 age range turning to you at the Joan and saying "Daddy I gotta go to the bathroom" is enough to strike terror in your heart. Thank goodness my girls have aged out of me having to deal with this because they are self sufficient now, but my boys are right in the sweet spot right now. I realize this statement seems to really trigger some people on here, but I would prefer they be able to go to the bathroom with as little strangers' urine saturating their clothes as possible. I know, I know I need to raise money and fix them myself. That is a reasonable point. I spend most of my free time renovating the restrooms at our local restaurants, but I promise I will get to the Joan eventually.
Food trucks would be a good idea .. while I know the cost of inflation is kicking my butt, I thought paying $6.00 for a ThunderDog was far too expensive. Please correct me if I’m wrong about the price .. whatever it was, it wasn’t worth it.
Surely you are due such honor as it is abundantly clear that you underwent numerous "swirlies", during your elementary special education days, in similar toilets!

Are you suggesting that it is socially acceptable to bully special education kids?
Couldn't care less about care about pissing games away, see 2010 WVU and last years debacle with ECU!