NY Dems propose gerrymandering plan to help them keep the House.

They know the tide is shifting nationwide. Democrats control NY but, they know they could lose a seat here or there.
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I would like to see all politicians declare themselves Democrats anyway. They all are. Republicans are fake just like the fake bird flu. They don't exist. You elect them and they turn to Democrats.

It feels like a huge waste to even vote. I just do it because I'm still conned into thinking only trashy people don't vote. Voting is something that snobs do.

All the lowly people in my family who quit school to work at fast food or go on welfare, all don't vote. I just vote to try to be above them, but even that's fake. They'll perch over my grave and spit Big Mac sauce in my maggoty eyes.
No one should be able to gerrymander but unilateral disarmament doesn’t work, so as long as one side can both sides must.
Blue states gerrymander every bit as aggressively as Red states. If the congressional lines were properly aligned in IL and NY, you'd see an increase in republican house members in both states.

The whole damned thing should be flushed to insure proper house representation.
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Of course the worst thing about the House is how underrepresented populous states are. As a voter in CA my vote for Rep is only about 25% as powerful as a voter in Wyoming.
So the worst thing about the way the House is structured is the very reason it was structured that way? Interesting take. Stupid, but interesting.
It was originally structured to have a house of legislature where each representative represented the same number of people. Unfortunately they changed that and now it doesn’t work that way.
California has way more influence than Wyoming anyway. TV is all Hollywood, not Cheyenne.

Think of how nice it would be to go to Wyoming and not give a damn about anything anymore. Sounds like a dream, but I'm way too dumb to live it.
Of course the worst thing about the House is how underrepresented populous states are. As a voter in CA my vote for Rep is only about 25% as powerful as a voter in Wyoming.
I believe you don’t know the difference between the House and the Senate. The House is based solely on population, so you are wrong.
It was originally structured to have a house of legislature where each representative represented the same number of people. Unfortunately they changed that and now it doesn’t work that way.
California is about 12% of the population and 12% of the house. You are wrong again.
California is about 12% of the population and 12% of the house. You are wrong again.
I’m sure he would rather Wyoming not have any representation. I wouldn’t mind Liz Cheney getting the boot either but not for the reason H&H thinks is unfair
Of course the worst thing about the House is how underrepresented populous states are. As a voter in CA my vote for Rep is only about 25% as powerful as a voter in Wyoming.
wait, isn't that the hole reason for the house ? But, California's total delegation is much more powerful than Wyoming's. The Senate is there to equal that out with each state getting two Senators . That makes Joe Manchin from small WV as powerful as a senator from CA in some situations. But, CA has 53 representatives compared to Wyoming has one? California gets 53 votes in the House and many more seats on committees which gives funding and power to California.
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This is the beauty of the Electoral College as well. Like it or not. California, NY, Florida, Texas and throw in some combos of PA, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois.etc and those few states would control the presidency every year. NY and California alone give the dems 84 electoral votes ever presidential race alone.

That is wh there is an immigration problem but that is a different discussion. It is all about flipping Texas.
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Heyo, I’m a dumbass and was looking at people per elector and not people per representative. My bad.
Scratched my head when I saw your post. Did some searching...this article recommends expanding the number of representatives for a more equitable number of people per representative.

Take California: Its population is 68.5 times as large as Wyoming’s, but based on the 2020 census, California was apportioned only 52 seats compared with Wyoming’s one. This means the average California House member will represent more than 761,000 constituents, while Wyoming’s will represent just shy of 578,000.
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This is the beauty of the Electoral College as well. Like it or not. California, NY, Florida, Texas and throw in some combos of PA, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois.etc and those few states would control the presidency every year. NY and California alone give the dems 84 electoral votes ever presidential race alone.

That is wh there is an immigration problem but that is a different discussion. It is all about flipping Texas.
Do you believe our existing electoral collage should be modified or done away with?
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Think about how with all this, it still pretty much comes down to personality.

Democrats have the built-in victory, but blow it with people like Al Gore and Hillary. They were such stupid assholes and hags that they lost on that. I forgot John Kerry. You have to suck bad to lose as a Democrat. Biden didn't quite suck bad enough to lose to a mask caver.

But people are scared now that he does. Maybe if he would have had to be in real debates, it would have happened. He won it on basement cowering.

Still, it's a personality contest. If you're a cool dude, you can win this shit.
Do you believe our existing electoral collage should be modified or done away with?
Completely done away with ideally. Delegates awarded proportionate to the vote if we insist on dumb traditions.

Imagine being a Republican in California. There’s literally 0 reason for you to go vote.
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Do you believe our existing electoral collage should be modified or done away with?
I owe you this one

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Completely done away with ideally. Delegates awarded proportionate to the vote if we insist on dumb traditions.

Imagine being a Republican in California. There’s literally 0 reason for you to go vote.
So you just said there is 0 reason to vote. If you did away with the electoral college then, why would vote if you live in Kansas or Nebraska or West Virginia? Base on popular vote California and New York and Illinois would pick the president nearly every time.
If you did away with the electoral college then, why would vote if you live in Kansas or Nebraska or West Virginia? Base on popular vote California and New York and Illinois would pick the president nearly every time.
That's because the majority of voters don't agree with republican policies. You remedy that by offering policies that they do agree with. It's that simple. Idiot.
So you just said there is 0 reason to vote. If you did away with the electoral college then, why would vote if you live in Kansas or Nebraska or West Virginia? Base on popular vote California and New York and Illinois would pick the president nearly every time.
Is your argument not one would make against the electoral college as a popular vote would do away with the state based voting? If Texas flips blue, you are f'd under the current system.
Is your argument not one would make against the electoral college as a popular vote would do away with the state based voting? If Texas flips blue, you are f'd under the current system.
the point of the electoral college is to have a representative of all the states or a representation of all the states. A few states could control everything and that would not be good. President of the United States, not the President of California and New York(or Texas)
the point of the electoral college is to have a representative of all the states or a representation of all the states. A few states could control everything and that would not be good. President of the United States, not the President of California and New York(or Texas)
That's because the majority of voters don't agree with republican policies. You remedy that by offering policies that they do agree with. It's that simple. Idiot.
Also, Nebraska has different issues than let's say New York or California. You would also consolidate power in handful of states and localities. Hence, alienating a large number of states and the union or states would be severely weakened and dismissed. It would put power in the hands of a few. We are a representative republic not ruled by 2 or 3 or 4 states. The large states would gang up in smaller states. It would not even be democrats vs republican thing. A state like WV would become a third world country
That's because the majority of voters don't agree with republican policies. You remedy that by offering policies that they do agree with. It's that simple. Idiot.

This is spot on.

And it's what Republicans actually do when they fall ass backwards into a victory. Here are the policies that a majority of voters agree with:

Mask up for nothing, shut downs, stay home, don't do anything, massive welfare.

This is what government is no matter who you elect to run it.
Is your argument not one would make against the electoral college as a popular vote would do away with the state based voting? If Texas flips blue, you are f'd under the current system.

Yeah and if California flips red, then you’re F’d.

This mythical pipe dream of Texas turning blue is nothing short of laughable.
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Yeah and if California flips red, then you’re F’d.

This mythical pipe dream of Texas turning blue is nothing short of laughable.
That's why the dems are letting illegals flood into the country and mainly in TX. That is exactly why. Future voters is what they are thinking.
So you just said there is 0 reason to vote. If you did away with the electoral college then, why would vote if you live in Kansas or Nebraska or West Virginia? Base on popular vote California and New York and Illinois would pick the president nearly every time.
If you went by popular vote your vote in Kansas or WV or whenever would mean exactly as much as someone’s vote in CA. One person one vote. Some arbitrary lines drawn across the country wouldn’t impact that.
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