Opening Ceremony


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Even with bad weather, Paris did a great job with this. Their music ranged from heavy metal for a Marie Antoinette skit to Les Mis to Lady Gaga. Noah Lyles has a big personality and should bring home the gold a the world's fastest man. He also paints his fingernails.

Seeing all of these countries makes me want to visit/revisit all of them. Estonia has the flag with the best color scheme and Eswatini has the coolest flag:

We’re having a kid party tonight to watch. Looking forward to it, especially since we just got back from Paris not long ago.
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Same! I always enjoy the Olympics, but I was there last December and I’m looking forward to watching after seeing some of the venues.

I can’t begin to imagine how horrendous traffic is!!
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Why did the Olympics chose to openly mock the Last Supper and Jesus Christ? Why mock Christianity? What was the point?
What was the point? Christianity, like Islam, is a deplorable religion full of hate, bigotry, homophobia, and intolerance. As the world continues to evolve and become more enlightened to truth, more people will identify those things about those religions. Their bigotry deserves to be mocked.

The best is people who always cry and say "how come they always mock Christianity and not Islam?" Well, France has done far more than mock Islam. They set national laws against wearing hijabs in public.
What was the point? Christianity, like Islam, is a deplorable religion full of hate, bigotry, homophobia, and intolerance. As the world continues to evolve and become more enlightened to truth, more people will identify those things about those religions. Their bigotry deserves to be mocked.

The best is people who always cry and say "how come they always mock Christianity and not Islam?" Well, France has done far more than mock Islam. They set national laws against wearing hijabs in public.
Please. There was no need to do that at the Olympics. The Olympics is about sport. Why do it? They didn't do it against Islam or Buddhist.

They are attacking Jesus Christ and Chrsitianity at sporting event held every four years that brings the world together. Do they feel threatened by Jesus Christ?

This is the crap right here. It is uneccessary.
This is the crap right here. It is uneccessary.
It's entirely necessary. Evils in the world should be exposed. Christianity, overall, is not evil, but many of its beliefs are. They should not be given a free pass.

They didn't do it against Islam or Buddhist.
Buddhism doesn't discriminate against homosexuality anymore than they do heterosexual relationships. I already explained that France has been far worse on Islams/Muslims with the banning of hijabs. It's not actually a specific banning of hijabs. That was the purpose of it, but they had to ban all face coverings, which purposely had a disparate impact on Muslims.
It's entirely necessary. Evils in the world should be exposed. Christianity, overall, is not evil, but many of its beliefs are. They should not be given a free pass.

Buddhism doesn't discriminate against homosexuality anymore than they do heterosexual relationships. I already explained that France has been far worse on Islams/Muslims with the banning of hijabs. It's not actually a specific banning of hijabs. That was the purpose of it, but they had to ban all face coverings, which purposely had a disparate impact on Muslims.
So, should they have done a skit against Communism? It has killed millions.

What does it have to do with sports?
So, should they have done a skit against Communism? It has killed millions.

What does it have to do with sports?
The same thing that the heavy metal band and Marie Antoinette skit, the Celine Dion performance, the Lady Gaga performance, the "Imagine" performance, etc. all have to do with sports.
Maybe y’all shouldn’t have only let people paint Jesus shit for a couple hundred years if you didn’t want all the parodies to be about Jesus shit in a few hundred years.

Edit: and a ton of what’s out there Muslims find super disrespectful but you think the stuff they think is disrespectful is stupid so you don’t care, just like I don’t care about a parody of a painting.
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It makes no sense other than to slam Christianity. Furthermore, weak men and transgender men are easily controlled. I warned about the vaginification and here we are.

Same with Christianity. If people dont have faith in God and Jesus Christ they are more easily controlled and subservient. Destroy teh fundamental's of God and power lies with the state.

The transgender men are disgusting. Weak and feeble and there is an attempt to destroy manhood and faith in God.

Jesus Christ will win in the long run.
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They attack Christianity and not Islam because they know Allah is not real, and God is, so they rebel against Him.
That's about as illogical as a take as one could come up with.

If these people know that your god is allegedly real, then they are probably familiar with how vindictive, ruthless, barbaric, intolerant, and violent your god is. They would know that mocking him, especially on such a large stage, sets them up for an awful future. So you're telling me that they know your god is real yet are still putting themselves up for pure hell just for a skit? Brilliant analysis.

Jesus Christ will end in the long run.
I agree. Just like with other gods throughout humanity, eventually Jesus will, because people become enlightened as we progress mankind.
That's about as illogical as a take as one could come up with.

If these people know that your god is allegedly real, then they are probably familiar with how vindictive, ruthless, barbaric, intolerant, and violent your god is. They would know that mocking him, especially on such a large stage, sets them up for an awful future. So you're telling me that they know your god is real yet are still putting themselves up for pure hell just for a skit? Brilliant analysis.

I agree. Just like with other gods throughout humanity, eventually Jesus will, because people become enlightened as we progress mankind.
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We’re having a kid party tonight to watch. Looking forward to it, especially since we just got back from Paris not long ago.

Hope your kids liked decapitation, transsexuals, and Christian hate.

This is why no one watches this crap anymore. Their Opening Ceremonies ratings have fallen off a cliff since 2012.

Most guys I know have lost interest in the Olympics over the years because they seem have tried to appeal more towards women. They put the boxing, wrestling, and weight lifting on at 2 or 3 in the morning when most guys are in bed. And when they do show something good, you have to watch someone’s life story for 15 minutes first.
Wow... Nothing like the nonsensical ramblings of a narcissistic atheist on Christianity to prove this Proverb... Once again the Bible is spot on...


Man would still be living in squalor and practicing child sacrifice if not for the impact of Christianity on the world...

But wait, let's abandon Christianity...



Child sacrifice...


Nice job America... 😥
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You agree with yourself???? I’m shocked!
Do we need to find a seventh grader to show you how these boards work? I quoted Herdman’s comment and responded to that with “I agree.” How was that too difficult for you to understand?

And why the four question marks? You appear to be a 12 year old girl when you do that.

This is why no one watches this crap anymore.

Do you look as stupid as you sound on here? Opening ceremony viewership, even in low years, is always one of the very few highest rated shows for the year behind NFL. Sure sounds like “no one watches” it, moron.

Man would still be living in squalor and practicing child sacrifice if not for the impact of Christianity on the world.
I’m not sure if this was an attempt at a joke or if you were being serious.
Ironically it was a aristocratic French Christian who was a primary driving force for the Modern Olympic Games...

Coubertin was inspired by "Muscular Christianity".

"“Muscular Christianity,” which took hold in the middle to late 1800s, emphasized the masculine expression of faith. This especially manifested in sports, fitness and morality. At the time, most Church attendees were women. This new and exciting turn helped draw men back into the pews. In the United States, Theodore Roosevelt was a strong and vocal proponent."

Muscular Christianity was the driving force behind the growth of the Young Men's Christian Association, yet another way Christianity has been a positive force for the world but as is usually the norm let's minimize Christ's impact and call it the "Y" instead...

As for Theodore Roosevelt, he was an unorthodox wealthy New Yorker who survived an assassin's bullet and is generally regarded as one of the US's greatest presidents. Hmmm... If only we had someone like that today...
Do we need to find a seventh grader to show you how these boards work? I quoted Herdman’s comment and responded to that with “I agree.” How was that too difficult for you to understand?

No you didn’t. You quoted your own comment because you changed Herdman’s quote from “win” to “end”. That changed the whole meaning of the quote, and if you are as “smart” as you keep bragging about, you know that.

When you change a quote, it becomes yours and you own it. If it takes a “seventh grader” to help you figure that out, you’re welcome.
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Do you look as stupid as you sound on here? Opening ceremony viewership, even in low years, is always one of the very few highest rated shows for the year behind NFL. Sure sounds like “no one watches” it, moron.

Nielsen ratings for Olympic Opening Ceremonies since 2012:

2012 = 40.7 million

2016 = 29.3 million

2020 = 16.7 million

Like I said, the ratings have been tanking since 2012, and the crap you saw last night is why. It will be interesting to see what last night’s ratings are when they come out, but my guess is that a celebration of Christian hate, beheadings, and transsexualism isn’t a way to improve them. In fact, they’re just throwing Nitroglycerin on the fire.
No you didn’t. You quoted your own comment because you changed Herdman’s quote from “win” to “end”. That changed the whole meaning of the quote, and if you are as “smart” as you keep bragging about, you know that.
You really don’t know how message boards work, huh, moron? Let me dumb this down for you:

Herdman made his post at 9:47. I then quoted and responded to his post at 10:27. He then edited his post and revised that same quote at 10:48, which changed the meaning of what I quoted of his.

So I didn’t change anything, moron. He did after I responded to his post when he, presumably, wanted to change the meaning of what I quoted of his.

Message boards are hard for morons.

2012 = 40.7 million

2016 = 29.3 million

2020 = 16.7 million

Like I said, the ratings have been tanking since 2012,

No, liar. What you said and what I quoted of yours is that “no one watches this crap anymore.” You just proved that even in a down year, “no one” from your comment actually is so many people that it is one of the very top watched shows in the year after NFL football.

I didn’t quote nor respond to your comment about viewership dropping once or twice. I quoted and responded to the absurdly stupid comment you made about “no one watching” when your own data proves it is one of the most watched events of the year.

Let’s really hope you’re not as stupid looking physically as you are mentally on here, but I’m guessing that probably isn’t the case.
No, liar. What you said and what I quoted of yours is that “no one watches this crap anymore.” You just proved that even in a down year, “no one” from your comment actually is so many people that it is one of the very top watched shows in the year after NFL football.

I didn’t quote nor respond to your comment about viewership dropping once or twice. I quoted and responded to the absurdly stupid comment you made about “no one watching” when your own data proves it is one of the most watched events of the year.

Let’s really hope you’re not as stupid looking physically as you are mentally on here, but I’m guessing that probably isn’t the case.

And immediately after I wrote “No one watches this crap anymore”, I wrote “Their ratings have fallen off a cliff since 2012”, and I was right. I illustrated that in my last post.

If you weren’t pragmatic and sensible enough to recognize that “no one” was a facetious and purposefully intentionally embellished statement, then I’m starting to realize why you didn’t receive any other D-1 offers.

If you were in the weight room, and your strength and conditioning coach yelled “RIFLE!!!! WHEN YOU’RE LIFTING, I WANT YOU TO RUN THROUGH A BRICK WALL FOR ME!!!!” You would run right into the closest brick wall and be out for the season. 😂
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You really don’t know how message boards work, huh, moron? Let me dumb this down for you:

Herdman made his post at 9:47. I then quoted and responded to his post at 10:27. He then edited his post and revised that same quote at 10:48, which changed the meaning of what I quoted of his.

So I didn’t change anything, moron. He did after I responded to his post when he, presumably, wanted to change the meaning of what I quoted of his.

Message boards are hard for morons.

That’s a whole heck of a lot of work to simply tell me he edited his post. Thanks.
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They attack Christianity and not Islam because they know Allah is not real, and God is, so they rebel against Him.
Do they not know Allah and God are one in the same?

Most guys I know have lost interest in the Olympics over the years because they seem have tried to appeal more towards women. They put the boxing, wrestling, and weight lifting on at 2 or 3 in the morning when most guys are in bed. And when they do show something good, you have to watch someone’s life story for 15 minutes first.
With everything being available online, does it even matter when it is broadcasted?
just like I don’t care about a parody of a painting.

This is the main reason I think liberals are the most hypocritical people on Earth. You all claim to be so sensitive and considerate of other people's feelings so as not to offend them but that goes out the window if it offends a Christian, a conservatives or worst yet a conservative Christian...

If only liberals could laugh at themselves I think this world would be a much better place...
God told us we would be mocked and ridiculed. Don't be angry about it. It's great when people of faith are mocked because God blesses us when it happens. Turn the other cheek. We know what's in store.
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God told us we would be mocked and ridiculed. Don't be angry about it. It's great when people of faith are mocked because God blesses us when it happens. Turn the other cheek. We know what's in store.

But God also said He is NOT to be mocked...

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This is the main reason I think liberals are the most hypocritical people on Earth. You all claim to be so sensitive and considerate of other people's feelings so as not to offend them but that goes out the window if it offends a Christian, a conservatives or worst yet a conservative Christian...

If only liberals could laugh at themselves I think this world would be a much better place...
Logic and reason are not typically associated with the liberal mind
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France is upset the southern Baptist sent 5000 missionaries to France. France has really fallen off on church attendance. They are not to big a fan of believing in God.
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My primary question is what does all this have to do with the Olympic experience and ideals? There should be pageantry and celebrations of the countries represented as well as their participants. Politics have no place in the Olympics. For years we have heard that Hitler politicized the 1936 Olympic Games. Today's Left is doing the very same thing in all aspects of society including the Olympics.

Edited to add:
Aren't the Olympic Games meant to bring peoples and nations together and not be divisive?
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