Prayers needed for Frank Giardina

Dick Ash

Official Roster Geek, Staff Writer
Sep 17, 2002
From a post (Saturday 2/14 at 9:49 PM) on Woody Woodrum's Facebook page:

In case you haven't heard, former Voice of the Herd Frank Giardina is at CAMC in ICU. From another Facebook page: "According to his sister, Frank had a blood clot at the base of the brain, and the extent of damage is yet unknown. He is not expected to wake up until at least (Sunday). He was stable after surgery. Prayers are much needed." Here's hoping Frank comes through this with healing and prayers for him.

An update post from Woody's Facebook page - info from Sunday night 2/15 at 10PM from Frank's son Gabe:
Frank Giardina update This is a group text update. Dad just picked his whole hand up and motioned at the nurse that he wants to talk which was great to see that big of a movement! I just went over to him and said I love you dad, squeeze my hand twice say I love you he squeezed my hand like four times

An update post from Woody's Facebook page at about 12:30 PM on Monday 2/16:
Here's the most recent info on Frank Giardina's condition, as of this morning, from a post on his Facebook page;
Frank Giardina had CT scan at 3:30 am. the nurse just said if there had been any significant changes on it someone would have come and told me something by now (posted by Rick Johnson)

Another update from Woody's Facebook page at about 1 PM on Monday 2/16.
This was posted on Frank Giardina's page by Frank's son Gabe:
Looks like they are about to take breathing tube out in next hour and a half. They have been slowly reducing the ventilator and he has done well. But the whole procedure of taking the tube out can be complicated. So be in prayer it goes okay.

This post was edited on 2/16 5:38 PM by Dick Ash
Many prayers to Frank, the absolute best Marshall basketball announcer ever, IMHO. Very sad news. Hank in there, Frank.
The news he is coming off the ventilator is very very encouraging. My wife was recently on one for seven or eight days due to pneumonia and the nasty flu. Very good the way he is responding to his son also. Prayers for more recovery.
Frank was/is a very good announcer, and an even better person. Despite what some believe, Frank bleeds green, and has always been a terrific advocate for Marshall. Prayers for a quick and complete recovery, Frank.
This post was edited on 2/16 9:49 PM by herdski
Another update, as of about 8:45 PM. Posted by Frank's son Gabe on Frank's Facebook page (and copied via Woody's page):

Gabe Giardina
Frank Giardina update
They are going to leave breathing Tube in for the night he is doing great but just not alert enough yet to take it out. He really is a lot more lively than yesterday
Prayers from Charlotte to my buddy Frank & Family. "Finish Strong" and May God hold you in his arms. My St. Albans brother phoned Monday night to give me the sad news.

PS...Frank, don't be hitting on the young nurses...ha ha ha

Gary (HerdZilla22) Sweeney in Charlotte

This post was edited on 2/17 9:38 AM by CarolinaHerdZilla22
Update from a friend

Good news for friends of and those who have been praying for Frank Giardina-his ventilator tube was removed this morning. He is breathing freely and was able to speak on the phone to son Gabe with a raspy, whispering voice