Saudi Arabia takes child from mother deemed "too Western"

I agree, but...

“Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,” Trump told a crowd at an Alabama rally on Aug. 21, 2015. “Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”
I agree, but...

“Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,” Trump told a crowd at an Alabama rally on Aug. 21, 2015. “Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

I don't think you want to over simplify the geo political climate in the mid east and the challenges...……….but you go on.
I don't think you want to over simplify the geo political climate in the mid east and the challenges...……….but you go on.

But it is simple in regard to our president...barbaric treatment of women and slaughtering journalist is fine as long as you are making money off them.

But 98 is right. No way this should be happening today.
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But it is simple in regard to our president...barbaric treatment of women and slaughtering journalist is fine as long as you are making money off them.

But 98 is right. No way this should be happening today.

yes. that's the only reason. I guess our relationship with the Saudi's began under the trump administration...…………..OH WAIT. this kind of stuff is why we talk about useful idiots.
I agree, but...

“Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million,” Trump told a crowd at an Alabama rally on Aug. 21, 2015. “Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

Pathetic. But let's not limit the Saudi ass-kissing to just the current administration.
Once you figure out your political affiliation we can vote you in. Simple minded ****

More like thinking one shithole Muslim theocracy/monarchy/fvckwads is better than the other because one will bomb the other we currently don't like is as simple minded as it gets.

Saudi Arabia has funded the killing of far more Americans than Iran. Fvck 'em.

My affiliation? "However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

Voting for party affiliation is as "Simple minded **** " as being a dumb bitch that doesn't change the oil in her Toyota because it is "reliable".
What a fvcked up, backwards country. That this could occur in today's day and age is absurd.

Help me understand this and stay with me for a bit on it.

You have an issue on this court ruling. This court ruling is based on the mother's actions including: going to Burning Man, which for those out of the loop, is a hell of a party in the desert with tons of skin, tons of drugs, and a group of as far left hippies as you can find; allegations of sexual indiscretions (outside of marriage in Saudi); posting bikini pictures on social media.

So you have an issue with a court ruling that it doesn't believe a child should be molded by somebody who does those things.

On the other hand, you have spoken no problem of the many things that this "backwards country" that does things that are "absurd" that could "happen in today's day and age." Want me to start some?

How about PUBLIC MONEY being sent to child agencies that are allowed to discriminate against gay adoptive parents? You haven't said a single word about public money being sent to organizations that foster children and refuse to allow them to be adopted by gay, married couples.

In the Saudi case, at least they are making a determination based on actions of the mother, which even in conservative Christian minds, would be deemed inappropriate and sinful. Clearly, this Saudi ruling is very religious based, but it is also referencing actions of the mother it disagrees with.Yet you don't have a problem with PUBLIC MONEY funding organizations who refuse to allow gay, married couples to adopt children based on, yes, very religious reasons with far less referenced actions to go on as the Saudi court had.

It's amazing how you theists place blame on the actions and beliefs of those from other religions but are too ignorant and blinded to see what goes on in your own religion.
How about PUBLIC MONEY being sent to child agencies that are allowed to discriminate against gay adoptive parents? You haven't said a single word about public money being sent to organizations that foster children and refuse to allow them to be adopted by gay, married couples.

Also absolute garbage. Btw, yore a little far afield with yore analogy. Can't really think of any instances where our courts have issued rulings based solely on religious doctrine. But, carry on.
I just can't square why the Dems love them some Muslims and hate them some jews. Muslims against women's rights and the gays, Palestine just banned LBGTQ activities and assembly. I really need a social justice scorecard so I can keep up with the ranking of which group goes where in pecking order.

Also, new rifle, if it were allowed in this country to take children from hippie parents the Dems would lose a generation of voters and antifa would have to start importing their members.
I just can't square why the Dems love them some Muslims and hate them some jews. Muslims against women's rights and the gays, Palestine just banned LBGTQ activities and assembly. I really need a social justice scorecard so I can keep up with the ranking of which group goes where in pecking order.

Also, new rifle, if it were allowed in this country to take children from hippie parents the Dems would lose a generation of voters and antifa would have to start importing their members.
Because radical Muslims attacked the USA and we started fighting a GWOT which involved the USA vs Radical Muslims. That's why. That and their Icon Obama was very friendly towards his cousins.
cheetos playing chess. trumptard^^^

No Mr. extra, I was referring to Obama. He kills a few Muslims while looking the other way as Isis gained strength for their jihad. Just called the the JV and let them grow unabated. He also cleared the leadership in Libya making way for the Muslim Brotherhood to be able to establish a base free from interference.

He was willing to kill a few to cover his allowing them to make significant geographical gains.
No Mr. extra, I was referring to Obama. He kills a few Muslims while looking the other way as Isis gained strength for their jihad. Just called the the JV and let them grow unabated. He also cleared the leadership in Libya making way for the Muslim Brotherhood to be able to establish a base free from interference.

He was willing to kill a few to cover his allowing them to make significant geographical gains.

18 years after a republican president decided to invade countries to attack terrorists, we find ourselves still there and nearly nothing accomplished.

Funded by....Saudis!

. He also cleared the leadership in Libya

Like Reagan tried to do, but failed...

He was willing to kill a few to cover his allowing them to make significant geographical gains.


Tinfoil hat much?

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