For extragreen, since he is mentally retarded and the biggest old pain in the ass on this forum or perhaps the internet.
It is the last time I do this, you old pain in the ass.
Here you go:
Former prisoner of war Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's father, Bob Bergdahl, is under fire for remarks made on Twitter in the days leading up to his
son's controversial release.
According to the New York Daily News,
Bob Bergdhalestablished a dialogue with the Taliban online in order to ensure his son's safety.
Three days before Bowe's rescue, Bob tweeted:
"I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, ameen."
The tweet was deleted, but not before other users were able to take screenshots showing that it was directed to
@ABalkhi, the Twitter handle for Abdulqahar Balkhi, a website claiming to be the "Voice of Jihad." The site posts updates on the Mujahideen's operations against "American invaders," "U.S. terrorists," and their Afghan "puppets," according to the Daily News.
A previous tweet from Bergdahl in March saying, "'Democracy' is a cult in in the West," has also raised some eyebrows, according to the
Daily Mail.
At a White House press conference announcing his son's release, Bob Bergdahl sported a bushy beard that he has not trimmed since his son went missing in 2009, spoke Pashto, Afghanistan's main language, and a few words of Arabic.
Bergdahl's former pastor Bob Henley said the man had become an anti-war campaigner since his son's capture. He has studied radical Islamic politics in order to better understand Bowe's captors, according to the Daily Mail.
A senior White House official called the tweet from Bob Bergdahl irrelevant, telling the Daily News, "Our sacred obligation to bring home our service members is rock solid. No tweet could ever affect that."
But some conservative activists have called Bob Bergdahl's loyalties into question.
"Folks, this is either a very bad case of Stockholm Syndrome or something far more nefarious is at stake," wrote former Republican Congressman Allen West. He called the tweet from Bergdahl a "smoking gun."
"He was trying to understand," said Henley. "It's not a question of agreeing with people. It's a question, from his point of view, of trying to understand where they may be coming from."
In a video from
The Guardian, Bergdahl said, "I don't work for the military. I don't work for the government. I don't represent the American people. I'm a father who wants his son back."
The exchange of Bowe Bergdahl for five Afghan prisoners detained in Guantanamo Bay was already a controversial decision.
A 2010 investigation by the Pentagon found that Bergdahl left his unit, believing he could help the Afghan people by leaving his post, according to the Daily News.
Six soldiers died during the search for Bergdahl before the military decided to negotiate for his release.
Sgt. Evan Buetow and others involved in the search for Bergdahl did not think highly of their fellow soldier.
"He's not a great person or great example of a solider," Buetow, now a sheriff's deputy in Washington state, told the Daily News. "He deserted his men, put us in danger so he could find the Taliban. And several soldiers died looking for him in the weeks and months to follow."
President Barack Obama has faced
backlash and criticism over the exchange.
Republicans in Congress complained that they were not given the legally required 30 days notice prior to a prisoner release from Guantanamo Bay. The administration explained that Bergdahl's safety was at stake.
Others, like New York Daily News columnist Mike Lupica, have criticized the precedent set by the exchange.
"If we make a deal like this to bring Bergdahl home, how many bad guys get their ticket out of Guantanamo punched the next time the Taliban grabs one of ours?" Lupica wrote.
What do you think of Bowe Bergdahl's release and his father's controversial tweets? Leave a comment below.